Finale Chapter: Honeymoon & A Goodbye

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Becky and Logan are a week or so into their honeymoon in the Caymans, they spent the first few days... actually I can't write that with out being told off... 

Becky was sunbathing on one of the sunbeds as Logan came out side in swim trunks with two drinks, he made his way towards Becky and gave her the drink and sat next to her.

Becky: Thanks love.

Logan smiled at her, but one thought was always in his mind everyday that their sat out here.

Logan: You know...

Becky opened her eyes and looked at him thinking he's going to say something important.

Logan: ... I don't understand why they need a pool for this house... 

Becky looked at the pool then back to him.

Logan: ... It's a beach house...

Becky chuckled at him as he was obviously taking the piss, but then Becky closed her eyes again and went back to relaxing for a few moments, but then Logan got bored and had an idea.

Logan: I think I realised why a beach house has a pool...

Becky: Why's that?

She asked not opening her eyes and smiling thinking Logan's gonna say some stupid shit, but Logan jumped to his feet and picked Becky up bridle style and walked towards the pool, Becky laughed as she tried getting out of his grip, but it was no use as Logan jumped in the pool with Becky in his arms, the both came to the surface and Logan smiled.

Logan: Mystery solved.

He said chuckling as Becky started to splash him and all sorts, the two had fun but eventually the day had to come to an end, but it's okay as they have fun stuff to do tomorrow...


Becky and Logan spent the next few weeks of their Honeymoon doing all kinds of activates, from jet skiing to just relaxing on a yacht, they spent the rest of their honeymoon as if it was their last... well it hopefully will be, but Aoife never left their minds as she was staying with Riley and Mandy during this time... basically Mandy was coping but Riley wasn't... he was panicking over the smallest of things, it was making Logan laugh as it was the same with Komi. 

Also during this past year Logan has learnt to smile at the memorise he had with Mitsue and Komi instead of blame himself for their deaths... it does still bother him obviously, but he can think about their smiling faces without hating himself, but now it's time for Becky and Logan to go home, Becky needs to get back to work and so does Logan so he can say his goodbyes to the WWE universe.

Becky and Logan came out the airport to see Mandy and Riley waiting for them with Aoife in Mandy's arms, Becky smiled and ran to Aoife as Aoife laughed and held her arms out to Becky as she hugged her Mother for the first time in a month, Logan said his hi's to Riley and Mandy then took Aoife from Becky as Logan said hi to his Daughter and Becky said hit to their friends.

They then left the airport and entered Riley's car as Mandy took up the passenger seat and Logan and Becky sat in the back with Aoife in the car seat between them, they then made their way back towards the Kenway home so Aoife can go to bed and the others can relax from a long day.

Logan and Becky are tucking Aoife in her bed as Becky kisses her fore head.

Becky: Goodnight, sweetheart.

Aoife then giggled as Logan turned on the baby mobile above her and it started to play the relaxing music, Logan and Becky waited till she fell asleep with a yawn then they left Aoife's room and made their way downstairs to see Riley and Mandy cuddled up on the couch, Logan and Becky copy their actions on the opposite sofa and Riley asks Logan.

Riley: So, your really done, huh?

Logan: Yeah... I think it's time for me to slow down a little... plus football was what I was always supposed to do... and now I can.

Mandy: Your going to be the new coach of Orlando soccer club right? In the MLS?

Logan nodded as they all watched the Tv nearby, Becky looked at Logan to see him generally happy, not like when they met again just over a year ago now, but happy... and Becky is happy she helped him as much as she has, she smiled and kissed his cheek catching him off guard, but when he looked down at her to see her smiling back at him, he just smiled back and pulled her closer to him as they all enjoyed the rest of the night...


Today is the day, Logan and Seth had one last match where Seth beat Logan in the Main Event of RAW and now it's time for Logan to say his last goodbye, he got up and he shared a quick hug with Seth as Seth congratulated him for his achievements and wished him luck in the future, Seth then left the ring as Logan grabbed a mic. 

Logan: Have you ever just thought that you need to move on in life?

The crowed booed at this as they obviously didn't want Logan to leave, Becky watched backstage with Aoife as they watched Logan say goodbye to the world he loves, okay he's going to be the new coach of Orlando City, but that doesn't start for another few months, Logan's leaving now tho 'cause he doesn't want to get hurt or hurt someone else.

Logan: Listen, I know it sucks, but in this business when you start to doubt yourself people get hurt...

Logan looked around as people started a 'Thank you Logan ' chant, Logan doesn't know why as he hasn't been here that long, he sing his contract 2 years ago but he spent the first 12 months of it in therapy.

Logan: I just hope that you all live the dreams you were meant to live... I could stand here and say that I was made for wrestling, but I wasn't... I was made to marry my wife and help her raise our kids and that is exactly what I'm going to do.

The crowed cheered at the mention of Becky as Logan was getting ready to walk out of a WWE ring for the last time.

Logan: So, let's go home.

Logan throw the mic down and left the ring to his music one last time, the crowed clapped for him as he left and Logan gave one last wave before he walk through the gorilla for the last time, as soon as he got back he was met by Becky and Aoife as they shared a group hug as the WWE superstars clapped for Logan, Logan pulled away from the hug and looked to se Hunter and Steph.

Logan: Thanks you two... for everything.

Hunter smiled and shook Logan's hand.

Hunter: Your a good kid Logan... don't let no one tell you otherwise.

Logan smiled at his words and as he went to say by to Steph, she just hugged him and he smiled and hugged back, they pulled away as Steph had a few tears brewing, Logan was shocked as to how much he's impacted these people's lives over the course of a few months or so.

Logan felt a hand on his back as he turned to see Becky smiling at him.

Becky: Let's go home.

Logan smiled at her and took Aoife off her hands and held his daughter in his arms as Becky and Logan went to their locker room to get ready to leave.


2 year later

Logan is in the garage working on Becky's car as it needs a new spark plug, Logan didn't mind as he kinda knew what to do, he couldn't build a car but when it came to small bits and bobs Logan can get it done.

Logan wiped his hands and tried the car to se if it would start and it did, Logan smirked as he turned the engine off and shut the hood of the car, Logan then cleaned the garage up and then entered the house to see Becky sat with Aoife on the sofa watching Frozen, they were looking away from him so they didn't see Logan come up behind them and lift his Daughter in the air.

Becky laughed and giggled as Aoife laughed whilst she pretended to be an airplane as Logan lifts her through the air, Logan then sat next to Becky as he sat Aoife on his lap, that's when he got a real good look at Becky as she held their new born son Nathan in her arms.

Becky: You get it?

Logan: I got it.

Logan said with a smile, she was obviously talking about her car as she didn't know what the problem was but that's why she left Logan to do it as he knew what he was doing, Logan then took this moment to smile at his now 2 1/2 year old daughter and his 3 month old son as he thought about every thing he went through to get here, it's been a cray year for the Kenway's as Becky did in fact retire from Wrestling as she thought that going back after Nathan arrived was pretty pointless and Logan helped take Orlando City to their first ever MLS title along with their first ever MLS cup. 

Needless to say that Logan became a hero to the fans of Orlando City as Becky became a Hall of Famer in the most recent Hall of Fame ceremony, Logan wasn't mad that he didn't get inducted but he never did half of what Becky did for the WWE universe, he knew she deserved it as much as he loved being the head coach to the Orlando City, yes he still has to travel sometimes, but he is always, either back the same night or early the next morning, either way, Logan is always here for when the kids wake up and that is what means the most for Becky, Becky then looked away from the Tv to see Logan staring at her, she smiled and the two shared a kiss as they went back to watching Aoife's favourite kids show... Tom and Jerry...


(The End)

(Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this story, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I had writing it.)

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