Chapter 3: Fiery Spirit

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(Svanhild's outfit up top! Made it myself so excited to finally be able to use it! 😅)

"Oh my gosh, they're coming!" Different variations of the statement were said throughout the dorm hallways and were already irritating Svanhild to a great extent.

She adjusted the leather gauntlets on her arms angrily. She'd just come back from a ride on Daybreak to clear her head. Since Ben had told her about Drago Bludvist's offspring coming to Auradon Prep, she kept clenching and unclenching her jaw, trying to keep calm. It would be hypocritical if she called Ben out on it, and it took everything in her not to give him an earful before taking off.

But she did admit that even he probably deserved a chance at a decent life. After all, his father was Drago Bludvist... Just thinking the name made her shudder, remembering all the bad deeds he'd done. Who knows what he grew up with?

She still wore her riding outfit, her helmet sitting on her desk. The design was similar to her father's, but at the same time, fitted to her. If it were simply the other four, she might've been alright, even elated, to have new students in Auradon. After all, it would've been a nice change from all the princes and princess around here. Most of them were incredible stuck-up, another reason Svanhild barely got along with them.

She understood everyone couldn't live up to the wonders their parents once were, but seriously? Did no one ever teach them a thing about humility? You'd think they would all teach their kids that being royalty doesn't really mean anything.

The worst of them all was the girl across the hall from her, Audrey, the daughter of Aurora, A.K.A., Sleeping Beauty. She was the most pretentious person Svanhild had ever met, on Auradon or Berk. And she was dating Ben. He could do way better in her opinion. Then again, she wouldn't be surprised if Audrey was only using Ben to get to the crown.

Everyone was running around, students, faculty and staff, trying to get everything prepared. Maybe Svanhild could've helped, but she didn't feel like making such a big deal over something so small. The new teens might be overwhelmed. It was all too over-the-top: a marching band practicing a new song specifically for when they came in, banners, streamers, posters, food. You would've thought they were holding a party, not a welcoming committee. Overall, it made Svanhild cringe.

As Svanhild grabbed her helmet, holding it under her arm, someone knocked on the door. She opened it up to see long white-blond hair in a braid and a pale face. "Oh, the great Prince Elias of Arendelle has chosen to grace me with his presence," said Svanhild in an overdramatic manner, one hand to her forehead.

"Do you have to do this whenever I come to visit you?" he laughed, shaking his head.

"No, but it's fun," she grinned, opening the door wider to let him in. He wore a royal blue cardigan over a white turtleneck, and jeans, pale blue gloves covering his hands. Unfortunately, (at least in his opinion) he'd inherited his mom's ability to create snow and ice. Another reason why Svanhild loved being around him. Even with the gloves, when he walked into a room, the temperature dropped, and the icy cold that followed him reminded her of home, where it snowed nine months of the year and hailed the other three.

Elias held a book of poems and short stories by Edgar Allan Poe in his hand that he placed on Svanhild's desk when he seated himself in a swivel chair. "So, we're getting some new foreign exchange students from the Isle," he said like it was the most casual thing in the world as he spun himself around. The viking girl shook her head in amusement at his childish antics. Anyone who saw Elias would think he was like his mother before the whole "freezing over Arendelle" thing: cold, serious, but in truth, he was the exact opposite.

With icy blue eyes, handsome features, and a sparkling white smile like freshly fallen snow, many of the princesses swooned over him. But he would only move further away the more they advanced on him. He insisted that he really wasn't interested in a relationship. It didn't seem all that appealing to him. While every other boy had been busy chasing after girls throughout the years, Elias would be more interested in the various books in the school library, sometimes staying in there for hours at a time after school. Once, when everyone thought he was missing, it turned out he was just in the back of the library, hidden behind a pile of books while so deeply emerged in one he hadn't heard anyone calling for him. In fact, the only time he'd gotten in trouble before meeting Svanhild was for staying after the library closed

And up until he met Svanhild and their friends, books had been his only ones. Other than the girls that tried to get with him even after they got the hint he wasn't interested, most people tended to stay away from him after he developed his powers. Besides, Elias got nervous when faced with social interaction in huge social settings. If he did make friends, it was usually only because that person talked to him first.

"Yeah, a few kids." Svanhild focused her attention on braiding and rebraiding her hair.

"I also heard you're giving Ben the silent treatment." Elias adopted on a more parenting tone. "You know he's just following your advice. That he's never going to make anyone happy so he might as well do it anyway if that's what he thinks is right to do."

"I know. I'm not saying that I'm not proud of him," retorted Svanhild, folding her arms across her chest, "but Drago Bludvist, really?" She paced back and forth, biting her lip. "That - that man is responsible for the death of my grandfather and has done things to dragons I can't even try to think about or I will get upset. That's not something I can just forget especially when I'm going to be going to school with someone who may be just like him!"

A heavy sigh left Elias' throat. "Look, I get it," he said. "If it were Hans' kid, I'd feel the same way. When you remember what their parents did to yours, it's easy to think you're automatically going to be enemies and there's no other way it can play out, but guess what?" He got up, picking back up his book. "That might not be the case. Maybe he's not like his dad. Maybe he's the opposite. Maybe it's specifically what you told Ben about Drago when he asked who your parents' villain was that he chose the kid. Maybe because he can guess that if he can do stuff like that to lovely creatures like dragons, there's no telling how he treated his own son."

At that, Svanhild turned around from her spot at the window to meet his gaze. She hadn't thought of it like that. In fact, when put into that perspective, it almost made sense. "I am not saying you have to make friends with him, I am not saying you have to love him, I am not saying you have to like him, heck, you don't even have to get to know him, but at least give him a shot. Do not start hating him before he even steps out the limo just because you hate his dad. And most of all, do not make the assumption he will be just as bad until you've actually met him," Elias continued.

After a moment, Svanhild thought about it, then forced out through gritted teeth, "Gods, I hate when you're right."

Elias gave a small bow with a flourish. "As do I since I love to take any win I can when I barely have any," he smiled sheepishly, looking up. In response, Svanhild grabbed his lower head into a headlock and ruffled up his pale hair until it looked like a rooster's when she released him. He gave her a 'really?' look. "And there goes my win," he sighed, rushing over to the mirror to fix his hair. "It took me an hour to get it to stay down!"

"Ah, yes, it does love to defy gravity," Svanhild joked as she watched the prince frantically trying to smooth down his hair. She loved how the royals cared about their looks. Even Ben did, just a tiny bit. Probably because they all learned how much image and first impressions mattered. Meanwhile, in her family, except for her mother and grandmother, just about everyone had given up on trying to tame their wild hair. If her mother, Astrid Hofferson, hadn't done her best to teach her how to outsmart it, Svanhild would still be heading to class without bothering to try and brush her thick auburn curls.

With the royals, though, it did give her material for pranks. Like that time she once chopped Audrey's hair in her sleep after she made fun of her. That had been two years ago, but the girl still flinched whenever Svanhild picked up anything sharp. Oh, how she loved the fear that flashed in her eyes.

Alright, so maybe she was a little evil, too, but like she believed, not everyone was a hundred percent good or bad. It all came down to circumstance to which one a person learned towards. She, on the other hand, preferred to recognize herself as 50/50, since she could be pretty evil when she wanted to be to people she didn't like, and somewhat nice to those she did like.

Still, she wished people were more like her friends and less like Audrey. She would not stop complaining about Maleficent's daughter. At least Svanhild had tried her hardest during her flight with Daybreak not to be judgemental about someone she had yet to meet.

"And now off we go to start a new chapter of our lives. We never turn back to the last chapter until we've at least seen this one through," Elias said, walking alongside Svanhild as the two went downstairs from her dorm. They heard the band playing loudly outside before it suddenly stopped. Well, it seems the newcomers arrived.

"You read too much," the viking girl replied, rolling her eyes at the analogy.

Elias scoffed. "Please. There's no such thing as 'reading too much.'"

The two were in no hurry since they knew Ben and Headmistress Fairy Godmother would be out to greet the villains' kids. When they did finally make it out into the open, everyone was back to going about their day while Ben and Audrey talked to the newbies. Three faces looked completely unamused at Ben's prepared speech and a girl with deep blue hair had her back turned as she seemed to be trying to coax out another person from the limo.

"Drake, come on, you can finish your book later. You already know how it ends!" she cried in exasperation.

"Alright, alright, coming." The voice sounded annoyed, followed by the snapping of a book.

Black shaggy hair was the first thing seen as the boy came out of the limo, then he lifted his head up revealing dark eyes. From first glance it was easy to tell he'd led a hard life. Even Audrey's tight, totally fake, smile faded when she saw him. The leather jacket he wore didn't cover up the scars on the boy's neck, nor his face, his olive complexion mottled with yellow-green bruises. Svanhild was afraid it was likely he'd have worse ones underneath his shirt. She told herself she wouldn't try to observe him up close; no one liked to be stared at.

And from first glance, she also knew this was Drago's son. She could see it in his eyes alone.

It was Ben who broke the silence. "You must be Drog. Welcome to--"

"Don't call me that," the boy cut him off, his eyes wiped of emotion, although Svanhild could've sworn he flinched the instant he heard Ben call him by his name. "Call me Drake."

Ben looked to the other kids standing before him. "Just go with it," Evie said. "He does that with everyone."

"Alright, Drake, forgive me for my mistake," Ben apologized awkwardly.

Svanhild slowly approached so as not to interrupt the conversation, dragging Elias along with her since he was now trying to hide from having to talk to new people.

"Who are they?" asked one boy with white hair and dark roots, chocolate covering his face. Just one look at his innocent face covered in sweets told her he at least was nothing like his parents. He had to be Cruella De Vil's son, wearing her colors and all.

"Oh, that's Svanhild Haddock, daughter of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third, and that is Elias, son of Queen Elsa of Arendelle," said Ben as he turned around to see the two standing beside the statue of his father. Svanhild had her arms crossed over her chest and Elias held his Edgar Allan Poe book up before his face, hiding it from view as if hoping everyone would just ignore him. "Hey, guys, come over and introduce yourselves. Svan's been excited to have some new people around here," he explained to the newbies. It wasn't the truth, but it wasn't fully a lie either.

"I wouldn't mess with her if I were you. She can be rude, or, like, super mean to people she doesn't know," Audrey loudly whispered, obviously intending for Svanhild to hear. Instead of slapping her like she oh so wanted to do since they met, the viking girl just bit her lip and decided to be the bigger person. Take the high road. For now, at least, she thought to herself.

" a villain?" the Bludvist boy asked with an brow raised, his eyes looking at her curiously. As she stood by Ben's side, she took in the appearances of the newcomers. The Evil Queen's daughter was beautiful, just like her mother was many years ago. After all, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The other girl, however, was definitely the daughter of the great and wicked dark fairy, Maleficent. They looked so much alike from when the villain was younger, with the pale skin and the green eyes. She was one of the worst villains heard of, at least to Auradon. Svanhild had heard of worse, but Maleficent was in the category of fairies you didn't want to anger.

The last one had to be Jafar's son. He wore a red beanie over his long hair and his arms were muscular. He had a face most girls would swoon over.

"No, she's still got a sweet heart," Ben chuckled, a smile on his face. "She and Audrey just don't get along well, that's all. And Elias is shy around...everyone he meets. So don't take it personally," Ben added, noticing how the boy was still hiding behind his book. "Svan, this is Jay, Carlos, Mal, Evie, and Drake." Svanhild gave a small wave, receiving a small smile from everyone but Mal and Drake.

"What is that thing over there?" Carlos asked, pointing to the bushes nearby, and Audrey sighed when she realized she wasn't the center of attention anymore. Svanhild followed his gaze to see a pair of white ears and blue eyes hiding in the bushes.

"Daybreak, you never were good at hide and seek!" Svanhild laughed, holding out her hand, gesturing for the dragon to come toward her. Daybreak came out the bushes with a sheepish expression on her face, looking utterly adorable with those big eyes as she gave a toothless grin.

Rather than look afraid like Svanhild thought she would, Evie squealed. "Oh, it's so cute! What is it?"

"This is Daybreak, my pet dragon. We have a lot of them back on my island, Berk," answered Svanhild, leaning down to pet Daybreak as she came over. "Well, not a lot of this type, of course. She's a Night Fury, which is as rare as they come. An albino, which of course is even rarer when most of them come in black." She got weird looks from all five kids. "Have you guys never seen a dragon before or something?" They all shook their heads. "Oh, well, Daybreak's sweet. She's a bit like a dog, or a cat. I don't know."

"Night Fury?" Drake Bludvist questioned, his head tilted slightly to the side. There was no menace in his eyes, simply curiosity and awe. Staring at him for a moment, Svanhild hesitantly nodded. "Amazing."

"We don't have a lot of animals on the Isle," Jay explained. "Not even dogs, which is good for Carlos here because he's absolutely terrified. Can I pet her?" he asked.

Svanhild scoffed, giving Jay an incredulous expression. "That's not up to me. That's up to her. Daybreak decides who she likes and doesn't like," she said. The dragon nodded in agreement. "So let her decide. If she doesn't like you, the worse she'll do is bite your hand off." Once again, the Fury nodded.

Ben, Audrey, and all four VKs started laughing, all obviously thinking she was making a joke. She wasn't. Drake seemed to be the only one with a serious face on. "You're joking, right?" he asked, though the expression on his face meant he already knew the answer.

Still, to keep the awkward atmosphere from getting more awkward, she said, "Of course I'm joking." When Jay stepped forward, over his shoulder, she mouthed 'Not joking,' to Ben, shaking her head. His eyes instantly widened in alarm, probably imagining how Jay might be starting off his first day in Auradon with a trip to the hospital. But knowing her Daybreak, Svanhild knew anyone her dragon was alright with, she was alright with.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Svanhild stepped forward and told Jay to hold his hand out before approaching Daybreak. "It's all about earning her trust. Trust her and she'll trust you. Simple as that," she said, leading his hand until it was in front of Daybreak's face. She sniffed it for a few moments, staring at the hand, then pushed her nose up against it.

"Nice!" Jay grinned, bending down to be eye level with the Fury. He started scratching her behind the ears, something she obviously liked.

Seeing the situation under control, Ben tapped the older teen's shoulder. "Um, Svan, I'm on a tight schedule and since you don't seem to mind being around them, mind giving them a tour?" Ben asked.

Svanhild rolled her eyes but nodded. "No prob, Benny-boo. You go on to do your little princely duties." As Ben and Audrey both walked away, Svanhild realized she was being left alone (Elias didn't count until he managed to gather the courage to look one of them in the eye, something she couldn't see happening anytime soon) with five kids of the most evil villains (in Auradon's standards). And that it was actually pretty cool.

"Dude, what did you do?!" Jay's shout of surprise shocked Svanhild back to reality. She looked to see Daybreak laying on the floor, eyes closed as she purred in content. But she could see why they'd be worried with the way she'd always suddenly drop whenever someone scratched her under the chin.

"Did you kill it?" Carlos asked, gathering with the others to take in the sight. What actually did shock Svanhild however was that Drake was sitting beside Daybreak, looking around nervously and almost afraid.

"Hey, I didn't do anything!" he snapped, indignant. Svanhild couldn't help but laugh, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why is she laughing?" demanded Mal.

"Sorry, it's just that she does this whenever you scratch her under the chin in a certain spot," laughed Svanhild. Then she remembered who exactly Drake's father was and the amusement at the situation turned into amusement at the irony. "Most people don't get it right off the bat. Congratulations. Didn't expect you to get along with her so quickly." The others started laughing as Drake's cheeks went red.

"Hey, you've managed to do well with one picky lady," teased Jay, nudging Drake, "think I can do well with the other one?"

"Maybe in the alternate reality you obviously live in," Svanhild snorted.

Elias was still hiding behind his book when Mal stepped forward and pulled it down, forcing him to look at her. "Look, are you two going to give us a tour or are we just going to stand around here til we grow old?" she asked in annoyance, and it was clear she was the nastiest one of the group. His eyes were wide in alarm, and the poor thing looked absolutely frozen in fear.

Svanhild chuckled a wry laugh, then grabbed Mal's shoulder, turning her away from Elias. "Look here, Miss Auradon's Next Top Villain," she snapped, "just because you think you're all that does not mean you get to talk to him that way."

"Excuse me - "

"You're excused," Svanhild smirked, "all is forgiven. Just a fair warning, though, you don't have to like me, but show me a bit of respect and we'll get along just fine." Jay and Carlos both went 'ooh', and Svanhild turned back around to face them and continued in a more professional tone. "Now I'll show you all to your rooms and if anyone wants to go on the tour, I will gladly show you around while El watches Daybreak. Please and thank you."

"Ruthless," Drake spoke up, an eyebrow arched, a corner of his mouth twitching up. "I like it."

"Then you should see me on the debate team," Svanhild said, giving a little mock bow before snapping for the others to follow her.

(Author's note: HERE IT IS! So, yes, they've finally met. I know it's not as grand as you probably thought it would be, but I tried. And poor Elias is probably going to be beating himself up later for being so terrified. Vote and comment what you think and I'll see you people next time! Love you guys! 😊💘💘)

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