Chapter 25

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After we left the bunker, we followed Blacks and Zamasu's energy, targeting where they'll be. As we arrived to where we felt their energy traveling to, we were caught off guard on what they had done. A male, looked like a mix of Black and Zamasu floated down in front of us, his arms out as he smirked. "Brought the rest of your recruitments?" He pulled out Broly's head from behind his back, blood dripping from the part where the neck had been chopped off. "Because your last one didn't survey." Fu got excited, "oh! He's so strong!" Trunks even questioned his action but got into stance with his sword. Goku came up and put his fists up, "I'm ready when you are!" Goku took off at the male, punching and kicking him. He seemed unfazed with Goku's strikes. He rose his hand, a ki blade formed and struck through his chest, killing Goku instantly. "You're a god!" Fu shouted then got filled with excitement. "I hope you didn't mind if I called for back up," He looked at Trunks with a chuckle. Frieza flew over to us, his golden form illuminating the air that was full of smoke and debris. "You! You're no god you filthy tyrant mortal!" He grabbed Frieza after he charged at him. Going at full speed, pounding him into the ground while having his hand around his throat. He smirked as he broke Frieza's neck, "who's next?" Trunks swung his sword at him, the green male caught it between two fingers and quickly pulled it out of Trunks hand. "How would you feel if your own weapon killed you?!" He swung it, Trunks blocked it but then he was stabbed in his stomach as the ki blade went through him. He slowly fell to the ground as he threw the sword down at him, stabbing him in the chest, pinning his body to the ground. "Where's our baby Y/n?" I looked at him confused, "oh right." He backed up, a light emitting from him, "I am the fusion of Black and Zamasu! I am your new husband!" I shook, Fu just frowned, "this isn't fun anymore." The fusion opened one narrow eye at him, then all of a sudden, ki blades flew from his illuminating light. One struck Fu, another struck me, going through my stomach. I crashed to the ground like the rest, "it's okay Y/n, you'll be okay soon!" He stood over me, his smile turned dark as he grabbed me, dragging me to the near by fountain. He pushed my head in, I couldn't breathe, I felt my lungs fill with water. He pulled my head up by my hair, "how does it feel?" He pushed my head down again, this time, he didn't bring me back up.

After I woke up, the world was light. I looked around, I was outside of a cabin, butterflies flew by and the wind was light. "Y/n!" It was my mother, I got up quickly and ran inside, I passed a mirror and saw I was my child self. "Dinners almost ready," I went into the kitchen, stared at her back, she wouldn't face me. "Mom, I missed you!" Her voice started lowering, "that's good to hear." It turned dark and she looked at me, stabbing the knife through the cutting board.

I shot up, my face came out of the water as I coughed for air. "You ain't dead yet? How about this?!" He grabbed a lighter off the ground, setting me on fire as he held me down. The flames engulfed me as the pain was too much. I blacked out again, this time, I was in bed. I looked around, I was in the hospital. I looked to my left, seeing the fusion sitting in a chair beside my bed. His eyes darted up as a soft smile went onto his face, "you're finally awake!" He quickly got up and hugged me, kissing my cheek, then the rest of my face. "What happened?" He looked down, "there was a wire malfunction and started a fire. You burned in the bed but luckily I got you out, and the baby." A small child waddled into the room, Trunks following in as the child crawled into my bed. "Do you remember us Y/n?" He looked scared, almost as if he was going to cry. "You're the fusion, and this is Zaku." His hand went over my stomach. There's also another baby in the nursery room, were pregnant before you went out." I felt scared, "how long was I out for?" He looked down, "you were out for almost a year." The doctor came in, he had a smile. "Miss Y/n, you were lucky to recover, you have a good man here and he stayed for the entire thing!" I slowly got out of bed, him helping me get up as I was able to get dressed and go home after a few hours. As we walked outside with the two children, something hit me. "I had a weird dream while I was out," I spoke, he hummed, "oh really?" He responded, "yeah, it was scary." He teleported us to the home, it was the cabin from my dream. We walked inside, it was built the same way as Blacks and Zamasu's cabin. He put the children in their rooms, "what happened in your dream?" He spoke, "you were trying to kill me, well Black and Zamasu were fighting over me, wanting me. They both did horrible things as they progressed, I died!" He smirked, leaning into my ear and left a chilling message that he spoke. "Well, it wasn't a dream."

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