3. Class Etiquette

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"Why am I here again?" Gajeel asked as he followed the tall blue haired woman into the white building.

"Because Cana is sick and you're keeping me company," Juvia repeated. Again.

"I Don't know why you still come here, you're doing great." Despite his grumbling, Gajeel had no problem accompanying his friend to her drawing class. He had never taken community classes like she did once a week, but he knew it wouldn't do any harm, might even help him in his work.

Juvia chuckled as she shook her head and entered the classroom, "You'll enjoy it Gajeel, I'm sure." Her tone had Gajeel raising an eyebrow, but the woman didn't elaborate.

They took a couple of places near the back, Juvia enjoying the morning light coming in through the window. Slowly other people filed into the room, some people he recognized and even knew, others stopped and chatted with Juvia, talking about their week. Gajeel set up his easel and pulled out his supplies, not much for socializing with new people outside of the shop.

"Are you a friend of Juvias?" A voice asked beside him, drawing his attention.

Beside him sat a man with long green hair, his eyes a startling light blue, wearing a simple white button up shirt and faded blue jeans. He was in the process of setting up his easel as well, taking up the last seat in the back row.

"Yeah I am, we grew up together. Names Gajeel," he introduced himself, shaking hands with the man.

"Ah the tattoo artist. Freed. She talks about you a lot, you're the one who convinced her to come in the first place," he smiled at that. "She's always such a joy to have in class, never misses. And her work is just wonderful."

"Freed!" Juvia blushes, hiding behind her easel.

"That's what I keep trying to tell her, she just needs to get her license now so she can take her place at the parlor," Gajeel easily agrees as he grins at Juvia.

"No, I-I'm not ready yet," she says, suddenly very serious. She nervously tugs on her pencil bag, and Gajeel recognizes the bleak look in her eyes.

"Hey," he says gently, putting a calming hand over her hands so she doesn't rip her bag. "Take all the time you need Raindrop."

Juvia blinked at him for a moment before giving him a small embarrassed smile, "Thank you Gaj."

"Anytime Juv," he could tell by the look on Freeds face, he knew what episode she had just avoided, and he appreciated the man not making a scene, instead, taking the attention from Juvia.

"So Gajeel, have you ever participated in a life drawing class?"

"No I haven't, but I think I get the jist of it. There's a display set up and then we draw it, right?" he asked.

"For the most part yes, it's drawing from life and each persons piece is unique. The angle is different, the light and what's visible is different. And a lot of times there are volunteer models who come in that we can draw from." Freed explained.

"Sounds easy enough," Gajeel commented as the teacher finally strolled in.

Her long brown hair is pulled up into a messy bun and her brown eyes look almost harsh behind her glasses. She pulls a red lounge chair from the corner and sets it up in the center of the classroom, before going back to the front. "Good morning class, for those new faces, my name is Evergreen. Today we will be drawing from a model, a frequent guest of ours who has volunteered once again. Please try to be mature, or I will have you escorted out."

Gajeel frowned at that, leaning over to Juvia and whispering slightly, "Mature about what?"

But she didn't answer, and even if she had he wouldn't have hear her, too distracted by the person entering the room. Levy wore a short silk robe that only stretched to her knees, and nothing else. He caught her eye and she gave him a smile, waving slightly as Evergreen went on. Once she asked Levy to take her pose, she went and sat at her desk while the blue haired woman approached the chair.

Then her robe fluttered to the ground.

Gajeel had seen her mostly naked before, but seeing her full figure was something else. She was beautiful as she comfortably posed on the lounge chair, her hair draped over the curve of the chair and her bottom leg nearly dangled off the end. Even in the reclined position, he could still tell she was a bit thin. Her hips barely curved out, and her legs a bit thin, like the rest of the woman herself.

He hadn't realized he was staring until he felt the sharp jab of a pencil into his side, and he turned to a grinning Juvia. "You knew," he quickly whispered.

"I may or may not know Levys schedule here," she easily admitted.

"Is your girlfriend even actually sick?"

"Cana is very sick, I just used this to my advantage." she snickered, quickly ducking back to her easel.

Gajeel turned to look back at Levy, who was obviously trying very hard not to laugh at them. He quietly grumbled to himself as he started on his outline. Nudist on the weekend indeed. He didn't think she was serious, though he didn't think this counted as being a nudist. As he debated that small insignificant fact to himself, he tried to focus his drawing. It took him time, but he was soon in his normal drawing groove, focusing on the art alone and the woman who occupied his thoughts, even when she wasn't around. 

{What's up hatchlings, I know it's been awhile and this chapter is a bit short compared to some others. I'm hoping to get back in my groove soon, rl is starting to settle again. Hopefully I'll be getting new stuff out faster but please guys, do not ask for updates. I don't want to go on another rant.}

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