Chapter 2

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"I can't believe I'm an apprentice now!" Moontalon yelped as soon as she awoke.

"Hey, keep it down Sister." Star grumbled, putting her paws over her ears.

"Oh, come on! Be fun! Sister." Moon mocked her.

"Stop ittttt." She complained. "Just go- I need my beauty sleep!" Moon tried to hold in her laughter.

"Startalon!" A voice came from outside the dark den, and a yellow head poked through, blocking the only ray of Sunlight.

"Here comes my sucky mentor." Star muttered, raising to her paws, and shaking out her fur, getting pieces of Moss flicked on Moon. "Coming Sun!" Star said sweetly, louder this time.

Uh, like a devil with the disguise of an Angel. SHES SO ANNOYING.

"Hey, Moon!" Passion called after Sun and Star had left.

"Passion!" She said cheerfully, glad of the distraction form her sister. "What are we gonna learn today?"

"I'm glad you asked! First we are going to patrol around the territory." When Moon groaned she added. "Then we'll do some hunting." 

"Yay! I can't wait to hunt- imma be the best hunter!" Passion laughed.

"I'm sure you are." She said, and they headed out of camp for the first time in Moons life.


"Like this?" Moon asked, crouching low, her tail brushing the ground lightly.

"No, close though. Tuck your legs in a bit more, and lift you tail off the ground." Passion instructed. Moon did what she was told, and her mentor nodded.

"Yep! Now, to put your skills to the test." Passion told her, and Moon lifted her nose to the air and inhaled deeply, smelling all the overwhelming scents.

"I think that there is a....." she paused, thinking of all the times she'd been to the prey pile, and picked out prey. "Umm.... A Quail over there." She gestured with her tail to a clump of ferns that had glowing pink flowers scattered on it. Passion nodded, giving her the signal to go and catch it. 

"Catch that, and then we have to go and explore the territory." She whispered. Moon obeyed, stalking low to the ground, and keeping her tail still. When she got close enough and she could catch a glimpse of the fluffy brown feathers, she counted to five heartbeats, then she launched herself to the bird, her claws hooking onto it, and she pinned it down, snapping its neck.

Moon looked up triumphantly, and Passion padded over to her, grinning. "Nice." She said. "First try. We make a great hunter out of you yet!"

"See? I told you I'd be a great hunter!" Passion smiled.

"And so you did. Come on now, let's explore the territory!" And she bounded off into the territory, leaving to Moon put some leaves over the quail, and run after her.


"Go get your Quail." Passion murmured. Moon muttered something, and did what she was told. She soon came back, and her mentor was sitting down under the shade of a tree.

"That was fun." Moon said, "but exhausting. Why did we have to run around the whole territory again?" Passion looked at her, smirking.

"We didn't have to, but I wanted too."

"Hey! No fair!" Moon said in Mock anger.

"But it totally is. Anyway- I just remembered that Sparks litter are getting apprenticed today! Maybe you'll get partnered with one?" Moon looked at her, confused. "Oh yeah, you don't know. When apprentices are relatively the same age, they can get partnered with each other, at first it's just a trail, to see if they get along well together, and then it can become permanent. Of course, you can pull out of it at any time, if the two don't get along anymore, but they train together, work together, hunt together, fight together. And if they have a good enough relationship, then they will become mates."

"Wow, okay, that sounds fun!" Moon said. "Let's go back to the cave!" She raced off, and Passion followed.

I want a partner of this litter, supposedly Shadowwing, I like him, the other is a little weird, what was his name again? Flame?

 Moon thought to herself until she got back to the cave, where most cats were already gathered. Starry Hibiscus was talking to them, with to listen below the rock.

This will be fun!

Just saying, since this is a mystical world, everything grows everywhere, like Ferns on a beach, and trees in a cave, anything can grow.

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