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"Good morning, Bella. You look beautiful today." Amber said with a smile as I entered inside my florist store.

"Good morning, Amber and Thank you." I replied with the same smile keeping my bag on the table.

"Aren't you going to University today?" Amber asked.

"I am, Amber. But before going I thought to visit the store." I said and she nodded.

"So, how were the sales yesterday?" I asked.

"Good." Amber answered.

"Where is Carmilla? Isn't she here yet?" I asked.

"No, She is on her way." Amber answered and I nodded.

"Okay, today the flowers are coming from the farm. Take care of them. I will be here as soon as I finish my classes." I said.

"Yeah, Bella. We will. Don't worry. Just study well." Amber replied and I nodded with a smile.

Amber is in her late 30's and Carmila is the same as me, 23. So, we get along well. They both are working in this store from the past 5 years. They know everything about me and my family and I know everything about them and their family.

Amber and Carmila were the biggest support in my life after my Dad death. It has been 1 year since my Dad passed away. He died in a hit and run accident and left me in this world alone as an orphan.

I don't know what is mom's love in my whole life. She died giving birth to me. Dad was all to me. He was the one who shares everything with me and I used to share everything with him.

I still don't know who is the culprit of my Dad's accident and the case was closed as we didn't find any evidence.

But I swear, If I found out who is the cause of my dad's death I will not leave them. I will make them pay for my dad's life!

"See you, Amber." I said and she nodded.

"See you." Amber replied.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the store. I got inside my car and started the engine. I started driving to my college.

I am Bella Gleen. I am 23 years old. I'm in the last year of my Event Management course and soon going to graduate. After graduating, I want to start a business in Event management.

It is mine and my Dad's dreams to expand the business. I have my own house and car. So, yeah. I'm stable with finances.

Amber is married and she has 2 kids, a son who is 13 and a daughter who is 11. Her husband works in a company with a pretty decent job and Carmila stopped her studies after her high school because she has to take care of her Big sister's daughter, Kyle. A guy cheated on her sister while she was pregnant with Kyle. After giving birth to Kyle she couldn't bear loneliness and so she committed suicide.

Their parents abounded her big sister when they got to know that she is pregnant but Carmila is with her and So they abounded her too for giving a hand to her sister. Kyle is 6 years old now and a cutie pie. She doesn't know anything about this and calls Carmila Mom.

I feel so bad for her. She is young, beautiful but alone. Amber wants her to date but Carmila doesn't want too. She just wants to take care of Kyle and want to study her well.

I even told Carmila that I will bare her school fees so she can pursue her dreams but she replied me that she gave up on her dreams and now her only dream is to give Kyle a better future.

I reached my university and parked my car. I grabbed my bag and got off the car.

I don't have many friends in college and I don't want to have one too. I am good with my studies, in fact, I'm top-ranked in the university.

Many people at the University calls me a nerd but I don't care much about them. I need to have good grades for my future.

I'm shy but not an introvert. I enjoy my time with people but I'm a little shy to interact with them.

Mostly, I enjoy reading my books and in my free time and with my dad but after he passed away, I enjoy my time with Amber and Carmila's family.

I didn't lock myself up after my dad died because he didn't raise me like that. He raised me to fight. Fight for  every day until I reach my goals.

In University, I'm the favorite student of the professor's. Some students like me and some don't!

But, I care less about these people. I don't involve in anyone's life because I have my own life and want to make it better. But, I couldn't see the people bullying innocent students in University. I just go near and beat the shit out of them.

Yeah, I know how to fight. My Dad sent me to self-defense classes. So, yeah. I know how to fight.

Everyone was awestruck but as I said, I don't care much.

So, many people don't come into my way even the bad boys of the University.

I got a very bad warning from University for fighting like that but I explained why I need to do that. As I am a bright student of the University. They didn't do anything to me but gave me a warning to never do that again.

I went into my first class and sat on my seat.

"Hey, Bella." Samuel said as I sat on my seat.

Samuel is my competitor in the university. He is always the 2nd top-ranked in the university but he never got the 1st place ever as I always get 1st.

We are good friends. We talk and clear with each other if we don't understand anything in the class.

He isn't jealous or selfish. He is a good guy and we are good friends. That's it. There is nothing between us but little did I know he has a crush on me.

"Hey, Samuel." I replied.

"Can I sit beside you today?" Samuel asked.

"Of course." I answered and he smiled as he sat beside me.

"So?" Samuel asked and I raised my eyebrows.

"So, what?" I asked.

"How is your store running?" Samuel asked.

"Good." I answered and he nodded.

"You look beautiful today, Sweetheart." Came a voice from behind me.

I know, his voice very well. Why the hell he always tries to irritate me?

I looked up at the person who called me sweetheart and saw him smiling.

That smile? How much I wanted to wipe it off from his face?

"What do you want, Daniel? And my name is Bella. Not Sweetheart." I replied with an annoyed face.

Daniel is the biggest playboy of the University but he is a good guy. He is so damn rich. His dad owns the biggest law firm in America. But, Daniel is interested in Event Management. So, he joined here as his big sister is taking care of the firm with his dad.

Daniel tries to flirt with me but never behaved wrongly or rudely with me.
He always calls me sweetheart, baby, honey, etc... I seriously don't understand, why?

"Oh. I know, beautiful." Daniel said and walked around towards me sitting beside me.

"I told you again, Daniel. My name is Bella." I told him again annoyedly.

"But I called you with your name only? Don't you know that Bella means Beautiful?" Daniel asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I replied.

"Daniel, don't irritate her." Samuel said, who sat the other side of me.

"Oh, really? Then, let's ask her. Am I irritating her or not, Okay?" Daniel asked. "If she says, I'm irritating her then I will leave her alone, okay?"
Samuel nodded.

"Am I irritating you, Beautiful?" Daniel asked with his cute puppy eyes.

"Yes, you are." I answered and Samuel busted into a laugh.

"You little..." Daniel got cut off in a mid-sentence with the professor shout.

"Let's start the class students." Professor said as he walks inside the class.

"I will talk with you later after class ends." Daniel said and Samuel nodded. I shook my head at both of them and the class started!

I went to the cafeteria after I finished my today's classes.

"Can I have a coffee please?" I asked the woman behind the counter and she nodded.

She gave me my coffee and I paid for the coffee. I sat on the bench in the garden having my coffee.

"Hey, beautiful." Daniel said as he sat beside me and I rolled my eyes.

"Daniel, please don't irritate me again." I replied as I took a sip from my coffee.

"Okay then on one condition." Daniel said.

"What?" I asked.

"Go on a dinner with me." Daniel said with a smile.

"In your dreams." I replied grabbing my bag and got up from the bench.

"Then, I will not stop calling you beautiful, Beautiful." Daniel said as he too got up from the bench.

"Daniel, listen..." He cut me off in a mid-sentence as he took my coffee from me and took a sip from it.

"That's mine." I said.

"It's so tasty." Daniel replied as he licked his lips and I growled walking away from him.

"Where are you going now?" Daniel asked as he walk beside me.

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"I'm your friend. I need to know where you going." Daniel answered.

"Care to tell me, when did I make you my friend because I remember I didn't make you my friend?" I asked.

"Oh, you don't have to make me your friend. If I like someone, I will eventually make friends with them." Daniel answered.

"Like it's a good thing?" I asked as I reached the parking lot.

"Yes. Isn't it?" Daniel asked and I again rolled my eyes.

Daniel is always like this. He is crazy, funny, handsome, rich, study well. He also has good manners but he always tries to irritates me.

Daniel has a mascular body and 6 feet. He has a deep brown eyes with a black hair. His feature are perfect for a girl to fall in love.

"I need to go now. See you tomorrow." I said as I opened my car door.

"Are you going to your store? Take me with you." Daniel replied as he opened my other side car door.

"Don't you dare get into my car if you have a death wish." I said.

"Come on, Beautiful. It has been so long since I met Amber and Carmila." Daniel replied with his cute puppy eyes.

Yes, he knows them. As I said, he likes to involve in every matter of mine.

He knows my store and he will come there whenever he gets bored like it is his 2nd house or comes to my home.

Daniel had a good friendship with my Dad. They were both like best friends. Yup, Dad knows Daniel.

Dad always says to me that Daniel likes me and I should go on a date with him but I really don't feel like that for Daniel.

Daniel was a huge support to me when Dad passed away! He was with me almost every day until I felt good but he never took advantage of it even if he is a playboy.

"Come on, beautiful. What are you thinking?" Daniel asked.

"I'm only taking you there for Amber and Carmila." I said and he nodded with a big smile. I got into my car and closed the door.

"What about your car then?" I asked.

"My driver will pick it up later. Come on, drive." Daniel answered and I nodded starting the engine. I started driving the store and soon we reached my store.

I got out of the car and Daniel ran inside like a kid and I followed him shaking my head at him.

"Dany." Kyle said, Carmila's daughter who is 6 years old.

"Kyle, Sweetheart." Daniel replied as he took her in his arms and twirled her around making her giggle.

"How are you, Kyle?" Daniel asked as he kissed her cheek.

"Good." Kyle answered with a smile and got down from his arms.
She walked towards me and I bend down to her level.

"How are you, kyle?" I asked kissing her cheek.

"Good, Bella." Kyle answered with a smile and I hugged her.

"How was your school today?" I asked.

"Good. I told mom I missed you so much that's why she bought me here today." Kyle answered and I nodded with a smile.

"Oh, you didn't miss me, you little devil?" Daniel asked as he took her in his arms again.

"I did." Kyle answered and he snuggled in her stomach making her laugh out loud.

"Don't do that. It tickling me." Kyle said laughing out loud but Daniel didn't stop.

"Stop, Daniel. She can't breathe." I said and he nodded.

"Where are Amber and mom, Kyle?" I asked.

"They are in the garden." Kyle answered and I walked to the garden.

"Hey, guys." I said.

"Hey, Bella. How is your day?" Carmila asked.

"Good, Carmila." I answered with a smile.

"Hey, my Sweetheart's." Daniel said as he wrapped his arm around Amber from the backside.

"Hey, you naughty boy. How are you?" Amber asked.

"I'm good, Amber. How about you?" Daniel asked.

"Good." Amber answered.

"Hey, Carmila." Daniel said.

"Hello, Daniel." Carmila replied.

"How are you?" Daniel asked.

"Good. How about you?" Carmila asked.

"Good." Daniel answered with a smile and she nodded.

"Are flowers fresh?" I asked as I walked near the flowers.

"Yes, they directly came from the farm. They smell so good." Carmila said. I grabbed some flowers and smelled them.

Wow... These flowers smell so nice... I love the flowers which smell nice and look beautiful...

"Yes, they smell so nice." I replied with a smile and they nodded.

"Distribute the leftover flowers to hospitals and care homes." I said and they nodded.

"Beautiful, you can sell them on a discount, right? Why do you always send them to the hospital or care homes?" Daniel asked.

"Because flowers have a long term positive effect on moods. Mostly, people in Hospitals and care homes feel sad, depressed, anxious but after receiving the flowers they feel less depressed and demonstrate a higher sense of enjoyment. The life satisfaction which brings a beautiful smile on them." Carmila answered looking at me.

"That's why she chooses people's happiness upon selling them on discounts." Carmila said with a smile.

"Wow... I really didn't expect that. You are amazing." Daniel replied with a smile.

"Thank you." I said.

"So, who are going to distribute the flowers?" I asked.

"I will go." Carmila answered and I nodded.

"I will join you." Daniel said.

"Huh?" Carmila asked.

"I mean, I want to see those people smiles too." Daniel said.

"Alright!" Carmila replied and Daniel smiled.

"Let's go." Daniel said.

"Take my car." I said.

"No, my car is here." Daniel replied winking at me and I growled.

"Kyle, honey you want to come?" Daniel asked.

"No. I want to be with Bella." Kyle answered.

"Okay, then. Let's go." Daniel said.

"Let me grab my bag." Carmila replied and Daniel nodded. Carmilla went to bring her bag while I turn to Daniel.

"Daniel, be good with her. Don't flirt with her." I said sternly.

"Yeah, I know." Daniel replied with a serious voice.

"Daniel, do you have any friends who suit for Carmila?" Amber asked.

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"What, why? Didn't you see her? She is all alone with a child. She can't be like this her whole life. She needs someone in her life." Amber answered.

"We aren't the one to decide about her life, Amber. It's her choice to be single and we can't talk about it in front of her kid." I said to Amber as I looked at Kyle who is playing in the garden.

"Yes, Amber. We don't have any right to decide about her life. And if she wants to date someone, she will but she isn't ready yet." Daniel replied with a stern voice.

"Kids, you don't know but it's so hard for her. She needs someone to take care of her." Amber said and Just then, Carmila walked towards us with her bag.

"I'm ready. Let's take the flowers and go." Carmila said and Daniel nodded.

"Kyle, mom will come soon and will bring candies for you. Don't worry, Okay? If you want anything ask Bella or Amber." Carmila said kissing Kyle cheek.

"Okay, Mom." Kyle replied and I smiled.

Carmila grabbed thee flowers and they both walked out of the store.

"Amber, let's cut the flowers now." I said and Amber nodded. We sat on the chairs and started cutting the stems.

"Bella." Amber called.

"Yes." I replied.

"Tell me, what type of guy you want?" Amber asked and I sighed.

"Amber." I said.

"What? I just asked you." Amber said and I rolled my eyes.

"Please tell me?" Amber asked and I looked at her.

"Please." Amber said and I sighed.

"Amber, I don't want to have a guy in my life now." I replied.

"But you will have a type right? I'm asking about that." Amber said.

"Well, he should be smart, funny, attractive, and should have a decent job, most importantly, he should be down to earth person." I replied.

"Like Daniel?" Amber asked with a smile.

"Amber, there is nothing between us." I answered and she nodded with a smile.

"Amber, I'm serious." I replied.

"Yeah, alright." Amber said and I shook my head at her.

"Why do you always want to set me and Carmila with someone?" I asked.

"Honey, I'm not setting you up. I just want you kids to be happy with someone who will love you with all his heart." Amber answered and I smiled.

"Well, in that case. You need to wait. Because I want to reach my dreams before settling in with someone in my life." I replied.

"Maybe you will meet him and fall in love with him before you reach your dreams." Amber said.

"That's not gonna happen, Amber. Because I promised myself that I will not fall in love until I reach my dreams." I replied.

"Honey, that's a heart. You can't stop the heart to fall in love." Amber said.

"I can, Amber. Because it's my damn heart. And I made it strong and prepared. So, I will not fall in love until I reach my dreams." I replied sternly.

"Honey..." I cut off Amber in mid-sentence and said.

"Please, Amber. Let's stop this topic here now." I said and she nodded.

My day goes like this almost every day. University to store and to home, then again university.

My routine life but little did I know that something or someone is going to change it soon...

Hello guys.

I hope you enjoy the 1st chapter:)

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Comment and tell me what do you think of this 1st chapter and about characters🥰🥰

See you in the next chapter with ALONZO DI ANGELO point of view❤❤

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