Chapter 44

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He's here.

I continued to gasp for the air surrounding me as I laid my wide, glassy eyes on Nathan's lean figure and watched as he set his hate filled gaze on Greg's and sent his fist flying into Greg's face.

If I wasn't already rasping for air, I would have gasped in shock at the force of Nathans punch.

Greg's head snapped back violently and his body ceased all fight as it went limp under Nathans mighty frame.

Within seconds of delivering the knockout punch, Nathan was towering over my frail body. He knelt down next to me, his eyes scouring over every inch of my torn up arms and legs and working their way up to my bruising face.

"Alex..." His voice cried out in a tiny whisper filled with so much anguish as his eyes began to pool with unshed tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." It came out as a broken whisper since my voice was not only in pain from being strangled but my throat also kept clenching with so much unspoken emotion.

Nathans eyebrows dipped in confusion and he shook his handsome head.

"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for-"

"I didn't believe you," I whimpered as I felt his fingers caress across my face, removing strands of my own hair from my vision. "You were right about Silvia."

I never broke our eyes connection as I spoke to him. I took in every quiver of his lip and flicker of emotion through radiant blue eyes as he stared down at me.

"Greg set you up."

Tears began to overflow as I admitted my mistake, my horrid mistake that caused both Nathan and I copious amount of unbearable heartache.

"I'm so sorry," I choked out weakly.

I was met with a gentle shushing from Nathan as he shook his head, his stare imploring mine as he brought his face closer. His familiar scent of mint and coffee washed over me and filled my body, making me feel instantly heady with joy and the feeling of security wrapped through my mind.

"That's over with. There's no need to even talk about it," he said to me soothingly as his warm hand slipped underneath my neck and moved up the cradle my battered head.

"I didn't trust you...I had no reason not to..." I cried pathetically. The events of the past week came flooding back to me all at once, the grief gripping at my heart and causing my tears to pour out more steadily.

"Shh, it's over. The only thing I care about is getting you out of here and to a hospital." He spoke with gentle conviction, his stare still warming me with the compassion and love shining through his eyes.

I felt his fingers splay out over the expanse of the back of my head; an odd look passed through his stare. The warm comfort of his fingers slowly left the back of my head and let it lay back on the hard floor.

Nathan brought his hand out and examined it. I watched in a hazed curiosity as Nathans eye's doubled in size and filled with horror.


I couldn't see what had gotten Nathan so freaked out but when he wiped his shaking hand against his tan slacks, I saw it.


"Alex, baby, did you hit your head? Do you remember hurting your head at all?" he asked quickly with concern etched in his eyes.

I nodded. "Travis threw me..."

"Travis?" Nathan looked in the direction that I pointed to with my eyes and I felt his entire body tense next to me.

"Motherfucker," he spat as he turned to me, sliding his hand under my neck and the other under my legs, preparing to lift me.

"I'll deal with him later. Right now, we have to get you to a hospital."

And with that, I felt myself being lifted, my head dropping back unable to hold itself up. Yet, just as I was taken not but a foot off of the ground, firmly in Nathans strong hold, did I come crashing back down on the solid ground with a painful thunk.

My head swore out once more in blinding pain and Nathans body was now noticeably missing from my own.

My hearing detected grunts and the sounds brutal fighting off to the side. I craned my neck up just the slightest bit and a cry slipped past my lips as the site before me.

"No!" I tried to scream but failed miserably in getting my voice above a whisper as I saw Greg struggling with Nathan on the ground. And Greg was winning.

I rolled to my side and clenched my teeth together trying to bit back the pain ripping through my side.

Greg could do whatever he wanted with me. Kidnap me, molest me, kill me but if he hurt Nathan in any way, shape, or form, that fucker was going to pay.

"You just couldn't stay away." I heard Greg mutter as he got one over on Nathan and managed to get Nathan so he was laying against Greg's front and Greg didn't let the opportunity go to wrap his arm around Nathan neck from behind and squeeze.

Greg muscles rippled as he put more and more strain on his arm as I watched in horror as Nathans face turned a brighter shade of red by each passing second.

"You take what's mine. You fuck what's mine and you get to deal with the consequences, McCoy."

I could hear Greg rambling on in the background but my full attention was put into forcing my weak muscles to get with the program as I scraped through the debris on the floor, crawling on my elbows until I could find what I wanted.

Determination and a seemingly endless supply of adrenaline coursed through my veins as my eyes surveyed over the wooded wreckage and I knew that I only had seconds left before it would be too late.

A rush of elated breath escaped from my lips as I saw a piece decently sized piece of wood with a spiked end that I knew had to work.

It just had too.

I reached my arm forward, tensing as pain sliced through my abdomen but still pushed through until my fingers wrapped around the course spike and turned my head towards Nathan, whose desperate eyes were already on mine, his hands pulling at Greg's arm.

I threw the spike with as much force as I could muster in his direction and prayed that my aim was good enough.

I collapsed back down onto the ground, rolling onto my back, my chest heaving from the great amount of effort just expelled through my fragile body.

My eyes were still locked onto that spike, watching in anticipation for where it would land. And if I had the energy to jump in that moment, I would have jumped to the moon.

"Yes!" I breathed as the spike hit right next to Nathans thigh and he wasted no time grabbing for it with his large hand, grasping at it firmly before plunging the spike with a great force into Greg's unsuspecting leg.

Greg yelped in pain and let his hold on Nathan drop just enough so Nathan could turn the tables on him, flipping Greg onto his back and successfully getting the upper hand.

"Alex! Oh my god!"

Surprised at the new voice in the room, I turned my head to see Claire coming my way.

She knelt down next to me and brought her hand up to her mouth, covering it to keep her cries in as tears spilled over her eyelids and dripped down her fingers.

"Please tell me your okay," she whimpered in a tight voice, her entire face creased with worry.

I nodded, knowing it was a blatant lie. "What are you doing here?" I asked in my pathetic whisper of a voice.

"I came with Nathan. He told me to wait in the car but I had a feelings something was wrong when he didn't come back right away. I called the cops and they're on their way."

Relief flooded me with her words. The police were on their way and this would all be over.

"I swear if you touched her I will fucking kill you!"

Hearing Nathan roar, my attention was brought back to him. He was straddled over Greg, delivering devastating blow after blow to Greg bloodied face.

Nathans eyes were wild with anger and hatred and he was losing control.

"She's mine to touch if I want!" Greg retorted back in a muffled voice, blood seeping from his busted lips.

"Don't. Ever. Even. Think about laying a hand on her or I will fucking know and rip your goddamn face off," Nathan said though clenched teeth as he delivered another set of powerful hits to Greg's almost unrecognizable face.

Holy shit.

He was losing it and he would kill Greg if he didn't stop.

"You'll never be able to love her like I can," Greg slimy voice spoke as he dared to smirk up Nathan, whose eyes lit up even further with pure loathing.

"Shut. Your fucking. Mouth!" Nathan breathed out, sending his fist into Greg's face on each breath he took.

"Alex, I'm so sorry, for everything. I love you so much and just need you to be okay." Claire's cries brought my focus back to her as she showed me more sympathy in these few moments then she had in the last two years.

"Nathan!" I said to her with wide eyes and nodded my head in Greg and Nathans direction in which Claire seemed to be completely oblivious to the brawl going on just feet away from her.

"Yes! Nathan!" She nodded with pleading eyes. "He loves you so much, Alex. He is amazing and you deserve amazing," she said through her tears, truth shining through her eyes.

I appreciated her saying those things but now was not the time!

My attention was steered once again towards the sound of flesh hitting flesh. Nathan was mad with hatred and I could see it brimming in his eyes as he sent his fist again and again into Greg's body.

Greg was no longer fighting back. In fact, he wasn't moving at all.

Panic swelled inside of me and overflowed through my body as I called out to him. "Nathan, stop!"

He couldn't hear me. He was so far into his rage induced coma and my voice wasn't nearly loud enough to catch his attention.

I turned my head back, my desperate and wide eyes finding Claire's face. Her eyes were closed as she sobbed, her body caved into itself.

"Claire! Help!"

That grabbed her attention just enough for her to open her crystal blue eyes and look at me.

"Help with what? What can I help you with, Alex? I'll do anything."

Her eyes bored into mine and I nodded my head towards the unstoppable, rouge Nathan.

"Get Nathans attention. Now!"

Finally, like a grace from God, she looked up and gasped at the scene in front of her.

"Nathan, STOP!"

Her voice echoed through the room, bouncing off of the walls and piercing my ears with its volume.

Nathan's fist stopped in mid-air. His knuckles were busted. A mixture of Greg's blood and his own covered his fingers. His back was rising and falling rapidly as he tried to catch his breath.

Slowly, he lowered his fist and turned towards us.

His eyes met mine in an electrifying stare. I gazed into his wild eyes and begged him to calm down with my own. I poured all of the love I held for him into our staring match, remembering back to the day that he lost control with Silvia and I had to snap him out of his rage.

It took longer this time then the last but eventually Nathan's sapphire eyes dimmed and his forehead creased in distress. His breathing calmed as well and his shoulders sunk over in exhaustion.

His eyes eluded such sorrow, grief, and so much love that I was rendered speechless, lost in his ocean blue depths, memorizing every flash of color and spec embedded in his eyes.

"Minx..." Nathan trailed off, overcome with emotion as he stood up off of Greg's stoic body and stood to come towards me.

Our intimate moment was burst through violently as the door to the small house flew open abruptly and I saw four men in dark uniforms run past me in a blur, heading straight for Nathan.

"Sir! Hands in the air! Hands in the air!"

Dread pierced my mind as the men dove for Nathan, who was still standing next to Greg's badly beaten and unconscious body.

I knew how it looked and it looked unbearably bad for Nathan.

"No!" I cried out as two of the officers grabbed for Nathan, forcing his bloodied hands behind his back and Nathans eyes welled with protection as he set his sight on my fading, helpless eyes.

"Officer, let me go," Nathan growled out at the officers holding him back as he tried to shove his way out of their tight grip.

"Not a chance," a middle aged, blonde haired officer bit out in response to Nathan.

"She needs help!"

And just as Nathan spoke the words, two more people rushed into the gradually crowding room. A man with short brown hair and a curvy, blonde headed woman came into my vision suddenly, blocking my stare from Nathans.

"Ma'am, our names are Patricia and Matt. We're gonna help you out of here okay?" The woman spoke in a professional tone with a southern twang twist to her voice.

But I found that I couldn't care less about what she was saying and tried moving my head up so I could find Nathans eyes again.

"Ma'am please don't move."

Shut up, lady.

"Let me go to her, please!" I heard Nathan's voice call out loudly and without thought, shot my torso up so that I was almost sitting completely on my bottom, yet the screaming pain in my stomach and head prevented me from sitting up completely. I had managed to maneuver myself up just enough to find exactly what I wanted.

Nathans eyes bored into mine as the officers dragged him across the room and towards the door.

Suddenly, a sharp pain jolted through my chest as the man, Matt, put his hand on my shoulder and tried to pull me back down.

I yelped and clenched my fists together and threw my head back, my face screwed up in pain.



I heard the commotion before I actually saw it. Raising my head back up, my eyes flew open as I felt a calloused, warm hand touch my face, cupping my cheek lovingly.

Nathans eyes pierced mine as it appeared that he had broken free of the officers hold and even though it hurt like hell, I sat up further and wrapped my hand around his that rested on my face.

"Alex, please let them take care of you," Nathan said in a rush of words as the officers from before came up behind him and went to take him away from me.

"No, don't tug on him! You have to careful since she's holding onto him and any movement could further her pain." Patricia spoke out next to me and I had the urge to kiss her in that moment.

"Stay with me," I mumbled as tears cascaded down my cheeks, my brows pinched together, my eyes begging as I relished in Nathans thumb caressing against my cheek softly, brushing the tears away.

"I'll never leave you again. I swear," Nathan spoke, determination clear in his tone. "But you have to let these people take care of you, okay? You're hurt, minx... and I need you to be okay." His voice trembled as he spoke, his eyes tearing into mine, filled with an overwhelming angst.

My heart clenched at the sight of Nathan's sapphire eyes welling with tears of his own as he spoke, memories flashing through them and suddenly he looked so... tortured?

"I can't lose you, minx... not again." His voice broke as he spoke and drops of water fell across his handsome features and my chest surged with pain and ached for all of the unneeded anguish that I had caused him.

"Sir, it's time to go." An officer grabbed for Nathans shoulder and tugged on him gently, knowing that I had to let go of Nathan first or else the medic behind me would chew his ass out.

"Ma'am you need to let go of him," Matt spoke behind me and started prying at my hand that was clasped over Nathans tightly.

"Can't I stay with her?" Nathan asked desperately.

"No, sir. You need to come with us for questioning. Let's go!"

This time the officer pulled at Nathans frame with more force and panic swept through my body as Nathan stumbled back, his comforting hand gone from my face.


Not a thought crossed my mind as to how bad of an idea this next move would be, but all I cared about in that millisecond of time was getting back into Nathans safe hold, his arms wrapped around me, protecting me from all of the horrors of the world.

"Ma'am, no!" The paramedics screamed behind me but it was too late. I needed Nathan like I needed air and right now those officers were stealing away the very thing I needed for survival.

I sat up fully and went to stand; preparing to launch myself at Nathan, knowing without a doubt that he would catch me. I just needed to be with him and touch him and know that he was there... that's all I wanted.

Nathan's eyes widened in panic as he saw me stand.

Yet, the moment I got to my feet, the world spun around me and my head thrashed with a spike of severe pain. Everything blurred and nausea overcame my senses. And then I was falling.

I heard Nathan scream out and I briefly caught his frantic eyes as he struggled with the officers, the other two from before came to help and now Nathan was fighting against four officers who struggled with holding him back.

But all that mattered to me was the last thing I laid my eyes on before the world blacked out around me was precisely what I yearned for to be my last sight before the darkness crept over me.

Nathans loving, adoring, beautiful blue eyes.

Now, that was a sight I could find peace in and that's exactly what I did as my eyes slammed shut and I fell to the ground, passing out before I made impact.

Oh no! What's going to happen to Nathan? How much trouble do you think he will be in? How badly is Alex hurt and most importantly EVERYONE WILL KNOW ABOUT THEM NOW! 

What do you guys think of that??

Please leave your thoughts about this one! I'm not too sure how I feel about it and would love your feedback! I love you all and please vote as well! 

Until next time :)

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