Chapter 5

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Pictured of Rachel up top!

Oh God...

I didn't even have to open my eyes to know how bad my hangover was.

The covers were stuck to my sweat covered body. I managed to kick my legs out of the burning furnace that were my covers, relieving the nauseous sensation for a few seconds.

Please, God, don't make me get up today...

I propped myself up on one elbow and raised my head slightly. Bad idea.

I laid back down immediately, hoping that this would help stop the inevitable. It didn't.

I sprung out of bed, tripping on one of my shoes from last night in the process and rolled my ankle painfully. I threw my bathroom door open and dove for the toilet, heaving every ounce of alcohol from last night into the bowl. Tears streamed down my face as my stomach clenched uncomfortably with every heave.

After a minute or two, my dry heaving was all that is left. Once that subsided, I began to take in my body temperature that had seemed to have sky rocketed as with every passing second, I could feel sweat accumulating on every patch of my skin.

I managed to get my shirt off, the material strewn from my torso I was left in only my bra and shorts, I carefully laid back onto the cold bathroom floor.

Why in the world would I let myself get drunk enough last night to acquire this miserable hangover? I didn't even remember having that many drinks. Come to think of it, I don't really remember much of last night...

I remembered the cab ride over, getting another round of shots for all of us, dancing with that random guy, and meeting that horrible woman last night. But that's it.

I didn't even remember who won the argument last night between myself and that plastic woman. Damn... how did we even get home? And who changed me?!

All of these questions swirled around my head and resulting in a splitting headache.

Okay, I need to get up, and go get some water, and take some aspirin.

l huffed out a breath of air, preparing myself for my personal Olympics; or at least that's what it seems like.

I propped myself up on my elbows and rolled over onto my side, already feeling nauseous again. Gathering all of my strength, I dragged myself up into a squatting position. My hands reached up to grab the sink and I slowly raised myself up, my head still sagged over my shoulders to keep myself from getting dizzy.

"Never...again..." My breath came out rancid to my nostrils.

Now steady on the sink, I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and began to attempt to get that foul taste out of my mouth. Going through the motions of brushing my teeth, I lazily glanced up at the mirror to take in my appearance. Bad Idea.

My hair, which was once curled to perfection, was now tangled in the back with strands sticking out from every which direction. My eye make-up was smudged to the point where I could easily pass as a terrorizing clown at some haunted house. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought.

I shook myself from the bad thoughts and finished brushing my teeth, throwing up my rats' nest that was my hair to get it out of my face that desperately needed to be washed

Reaching out to grab the face wash, my hand stopped mid-air as something in my reflection caught my eye.

Craning my head to the side, My eyes widened and brows dipped and I took in the five, distinct, dark marks on my neck.

Finger marks.

I ran my fingers over the bruises and winced at their sensitivity. Confusions washed over me as I strained to remember the events of last night. I once again, came up empty.

Despair and shame clouded my emotions as I took in everything. Someone had apparently choked me last night and I was too trashed to remember any of it. I could have been involved in some super kinky 50 Shades session last night and couldn't recall any faces or actions

Running my hands over my head, I tugged at my hair in frustration, taking notice to the sudden pain that radiated from the back of my skull. Traveling my fingers up the back of my head, I felt around for the source of the pain when my fingers grazed across a fairly large bump.

"What the..." My obvious confusion took over the rest of the sentence.

What kind of shit did I get into last night?

A sharp pain shot through the front of my head and I was reminded of the task I began before I made these disturbing discoveries.

I tip toed out of my bathroom, threw on a random shirt and padded into the kitchen. A snore tore through the living room and I jumped at the sudden noise, instantly regretting it as the room began to spin. I braced myself up against the counter in the kitchen and waited for my equilibrium to get back on track. I craned my head back to see what in the hell had made that outrageous noise. I was not prepared for what I saw.

Mia was lying peacefully at the front of the couch while Ben, who was pressed up behind her as tightly as possible, had his arm draped across her shoulder. The most disturbing part of it though?

I was almost positive Mia was wearing Ben's shirt from last night.

"Oh man, not on my couch," I whined lightly under my breath. Even though I would have to disinfect that couch now I couldn't fight the smile that made its way to my face at the thought of those two finally getting together.

I gathered my cup of water and quickly exited the kitchen, back into the safely of my bedroom.

I spotted my purse on the floor and went for it, fishing my bottle of aspirin out of it, and popped three pills my mouth and took a gulp of water, letting the cool liquid wash down my throat, soothing my insides.

A groan escaped my mouth as I plop back down into my bed, the cool sheets welcoming my body with open arms. Lying there, my thoughts began to wander back to the bruises on my neck and bump on my head. Fear crept into my pours as I started to think of the possibilities. I found it hard to believe that my friends would have let anything bad happen to me, but there's no stopping the actions if I happened to wander off alone.

Before my thoughts became too morbid, the pills kicked in and sleep overcame me and I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.


I shifted over in my bed and pulled the covers over my head, trapping out any noise that tried to interrupt my peaceful sleep.


Tossing and turning under the covers, attempting to find any silent solitude.


I shot up in bed, leaving any peace found in my sleep behind as I threw the covers off my body, and stormed to my bedroom door.

Why would anyone in their right mind wake me so early after the night that I had?

I tore the door open only to lay eyes on Rachel for a split second before she rammed her body into mine in a fierce embrace. Air was pushed forcefully out of my lungs and I stumbled backwards slightly as Rachel crushed me in her arms.

"Rachel," I squeezed out. "Um, I love you too, but I kinda can't breathe."

She seemed to realize how hard she was gripping my body and backed off, still keeping her hands placed on my shoulders as she stared at me with an overly grave expression etched on her face.

"So um... how are you feeling?" she asked cautiously.

"Not nearly as bad as this morning, but still not 100%. I can honestly say that in my entire drinking career, that I have never had a hangover this bad." Images of my food from last night spouting into the toilet flooded my mind.

"I threw up for like 5 minutes this morning and have a killer headache, but the scariest part is... I can't remember much of last night at all." I threw my hands up in exasperation and trudged back to my bed, flopping onto it dolefully. Rachel didn't follow as I expected her too. She was fidgeting with her fingernails and looked anywhere but at me.

"So, you don't remember anything from last night?" she asked, hesitance encased in her words.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing after an argument that I had with this random woman." Man, I really wish I could remember who won that argument!

Rachel groaned and ran her hands over her face before walking over to kneel in front of me on the bed.

"Rachel, you're kinda starting to scare me," I mumbled in a low as terror claimed most of my voice. "I didn't do anything bad, did I? Did I say something to upset you?"

Her sky blue eyes shot up to meet mine. "No! No, you didn't do anything wrong, Alex." she said sincerely.

"Then what?"

"Something bad happened last night, something that I swear I will beat myself up about the rest of my life." Her words came out slow and steady while her face was scrunched in desperation and regret.

"I should of been with you instead of with those guys who don't even mean anything to me, where as you're my best friend and I don't know what I would do if something really bad happened to you." Tears brimmed in her eyes. "I am so sorry, Alex, I-"

"Rachel!" I clasped my hands around hers. "Please, just tell me what you're talking about." My eyes pleaded with hers.

I saw the caution spark in her eyes briefly before she spoke.

"Someone spiked your drink last night," she whispered under her breath.

I froze.

Out of everything that was going through my mind out of what she might say, that certainly hadn't been one of them.

Someone had drugged me?

"What?" My voice had dropped deathly low.

"You were ruffied last night, Alex. But you're fine now! Mr. McCoy said you should be just fine when you woke up, just a headache and some memory loss-"

"Wait, what?" My world stopped for the second time that morning. "Did you just say my professor knows about this? How would he know about any of this?" Anger and confusion rushed through my body.

"Okay, okay, you have every right to be angry with me, I should have been with you last night and I could have stopped this whole thing from happening." Her words were fast and frantic. "If it wasn't for Mr. McCoy, who I didn't even know about until last night, I'm not sure what would have happened to you..." Her words drifted off, leaving a deafening silence between us.

Sitting on my bed, I tried to absorb these few revelations of last night. A part of me wanted to be upset with her for leaving me, but my more rational side knew she really didn't do anything wrong and whatever happened last might was a result of my stupidity in leaving my drink out in the open.

"I'm not mad at you," I muttered quietly under my breath.

I heard a sigh of relief come from Rachel and a small smile tugged at my lips. "I just needed you to know that before this conversation continues any further so you'll stop looking at me like you killed my hamster."

She smiled and I felt her warm hand clamp over mine that rested on my leg.

"Do you guys have any idea who spiked my drink?"

Her smile faltered. "Yeah, we don't know for sure but your professor seems to think it was this guy that he found you with in the back of the club. The guy you were dancing with earlier in the night."

Huh, wow I really know how to pick 'em.

Then her words seemed to register more in my brain. Mr. McCoy caught me with a guy in the back of the club. What exactly did he see? I'm not usually one for a one night stand, but if he drugged me, there's no telling what he caught us doing.

"You, um, said he found us in the back of the club. He didn't happen catch us, like, doing anything, right?"

Rachel's face once again became one of hesitation.

"He did, but not in the way you're thinking..." Her eyes drifted down to my neck then back up again to meet my stare.

Realization sunk in.

My trembling fingers crept up and grazed gently across the five finger marks that I discovered earlier. A lump made its way into my throat and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Did he...?"

"No! Oh, god no, Mr. McCoy found you before anything else could happen. He said when he found you that the guy had his hands up your shirt but that's as far as he got before Mr. McCoy knocked him the fuck out!"

All I could do was blink in surprise. What was he even doing there? Shouldn't he have been grading test or something teacherly? I didn't know any other teachers who went out clubbing. Then again, I also didn't know any teachers who looked like Mr. McCoy either. There is a first for everything I guess.

"By the way, thanks for letting me in on your super-hot professor situation!" Rachel spoke up again, this time quite sarcastically. "Ben had to fill me in on the whole thing!"

I mentally face palmed for telling Ben anything about myself and Mr. McCoy.

"It's really nothing, Rach. He's just a jackass who happens to be my professor." I tried to deter her from the subject as it was quite possibly, the last thing I wanted to talk about right now.

"I don't think a jackass would have come to your rescue like that. Or ditch his date to help get you home and tell us what to do once you woke up."

My eyebrows shot up in shock at his seemingly kind actions

"He didn't have to do any of that." I grumbled under my breath. "How did he even know what to do with me when I woke up? Maybe he's the one who drugged me in the first place!" I exclaimed and even I knew as soon as it came out how ridiculous it sounded.

She raised an eyebrow at me "Yeah, you keep pretending to believe that." She moved off of my bed and towards the door to leave. Just as she reached for the handle she turned on her heel and her eyes, filled with gratitude, found mine.

"All I know is that you should probably thank him. I know he's probably heard it enough from everyone in this apartment, but he really should hear it from you." She sighed and looked down at the ground contemplatively.

"He was really freaking out when you passed out, Alex. I know you say he's a jerk but if I were you, I'd rethink my opinion of him. After all he did save you."

And with that she left my room, shutting the door behind her.

I fell back onto my bed in a heap. All sorts of different thoughts zipped through my mind, but one in particular stuck out the most.

Monday was gonna be a bitch.

Thanks for reading! Comment and vote please! The next chapters gonna be a good one! :P

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