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20 March 2018

To say Jimin was tired would prove to be a colossal understatement. His eyelids were heavy and seemed to droop, accompanied by dark circles around his eyes and a lacking in his appearance. People had begun to notice—mostly Hoseok and Victoria.

Hoseok had frowned when he saw the man and asked if he was being kept up for the good reason, to which Jimin would laugh bitterly and mutter, "I wish."

The moment Victoria saw him, she went into mother mode and asked him if he was eating and why he wasn't sleeping. She checked his temperature with her hand and offered her shoulder as a sleeping place in case he felt the need. Jimin politely declined, but she didn't flinch when he ended up falling asleep on her anyway.

The real reason was less exciting. Suga had been taking over a lot lately. He would cry and throw tantrums and keep Jimin up all night clinging to him. Jimin felt as if he had a child at that point and he wondered miserably if Yoonji was being serious about her and the others taking over for a while.

It all made his inevitable walk home even worse. Victoria normally gave him a ride, but she had something to do that day. Jimin forgot.

When a shiny Ferrari rolled up next to him at a stoplight, Jimin didn't bother to gawk in awe as he usually did. He just wanted to sleep. But when the window rolled down and an obnoxious voice called his name, he couldn't help but sigh and turn his gaze to the douchebag in the car.


He knew this guy. Kyungsoo. Super rich and kind of a dick. Yet he was smiling.

Jimin gave him a tight-lipped smile and waved weakly. "Kyungsoo...hey....why..."

"What happened to you?" Kyungsoo asked with wide eyes. "You look worse than usual." He burst out in laughter at his own zinger, which Jimin only gave half-hearted 'ha's at.

"Nice talking to you."

"See ya 'round, kid!"

The asshole sped off and Jimin continued his walk silently, hoping that Suga wasn't around when he got home.

He entered the apartment, bracing for the cries and yells of the personality, but all he got was a casual Yoongi in only boxers, a piece of cold pizza in his hand. Jimin's face flushed at the sight of his exposed chest and slightly toned stomach.

"Sup, fucker," he said.

Jimin sighed and slumped his backpack on the kitchen counter. Of course. "Hey, Agust."

"What is Yoongi doing to his body?" he complained and grabbed some of the fat that layered his stomach. "I gave that dipshit abs!"

The younger shrugged. He always liked Yoongi's soft tummy. "You also gave him a butterfly tattoo and an HIV scare." It was only a few years prior that Agust had taken over Yoongi for almost two years where he got him tattooed, pierced, and screwed by people from all walks of life.

Agust scoffed, tossing the pizza on the counter. Jimin noticed that he put the nose ring back in the left side of Yoongi's nose. "He didn't have it." The older paused and watched Jimin carefully as he eyed the faucet letting out drops of water. It much reflected the sky outside, which was gray and promised rain.

"Jimin," he ventured, nearing the exhausted man. "Do you still have your abs?"

Jimin shook his head, unfazed by the question. Working out daily to keep his defined abdomen muscles was something that used to be meaningful to him. He'd always had a negative body-image, so when people would see his muscles and stare in wonder, it made him feel important. But as he got older, he realized that there were much more important things in life than having muscles or having people think you're attractive.

Agust pulled at the younger's shirt. "Let me see."

"What? No!" Alarmed, Jimin tore himself away, pushing at his wrists to lessen his grip.

But Agust didn't let go. "Come on, Jimin." He backed him against the counter and gazed at him with a smirk. "You like Yoongi, right?"

"What?" Jimin's face paled at the accusation. He was suddenly aware of how close they were. Their lips were only inches from each other.

Agust leaned closer and touched his lips to the younger's ear. "You want him to touch your beautiful body with his hands." As he spoke, he slipped one hand under Jimin's shirt and caressed his skin. Jimin felt his heartbeat increase rapidly with every word, every touch. But he didn't want it to stop.

"His hands," Agust repeated in a sultry voice. "You probably wonder what it feels like for one to be wrapped around your aching cock. Right, Jiminie?"

He reached the other hand to slowly palm the younger through his jeans. Jimin let out a strangled moan and grabbed Yoongi's wrist. "Hyung—"

"Shhh." Agust continued, as Jimin's grip was barely there.

Jimin would normally feel embarrassed at becoming hard in front of Yoongi, but it was Yoongi's hands and voice doing it to him. All he felt was turned on. He hadn't had sex in a long time because he was so busy taking care of his best friend.

Agust licked the shell of Jimin's ear, which woke him up. The younger's eyes widened and the reality of what was happening sunk in. He pushed Agust off and back away from him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

The older shrugged as if the fact that he had just turned Jimin on beyond belief was nothing to him. "Social experiment."

Before either could say more, there was a knock at the door. They both glanced at it in confusion before Jimin remembered. His eyes widened further and he grabbed at his hair with his hands. "Shit! I invited Victoria over to study today! I totally forgot!"

"I'll get rid of her," Agust said with a flick of his wrist.

"No!" Jimin grabbed his arm, feeling himself go soft at his own panic. "No. Let Yoongi out right now."

Agust narrowed his eyes. "And if I don't?"

Another knock sounded. Jimin grabbed him by the neck and shook him. "Let Yoongi out, you insufferable bastard!"

Yoongi's eyes widened and he pushed Jimin's hands off. "What the fuck, Jimin. Why are you choking me?" Before the younger could answer, he checked his watch. Good. It was Yoongi.

"Sorry. I'll explain later." Jimin rushed to the door and opened it. Victoria was just outside, eyebrows furrowed as she stared at her phone screen. "Sorry about that, Vic."

She looked up and gave a relieved smile. "Oh—good, you're here!"

Jimin pulled her inside quickly and shut the door. She gave him a questioning look before her gaze settled on Yoongi, who was just noticing his half-nakedness. She seemed to scan him from head to toe, averting her gaze at his exposed skin. He also took note of her and pouted, cheeks blushing furiously just as hers were.

"You must be Victoria," he muttered and turned around before she could respond.

Jimin scratched the back of his head. "That's my roommate Yoongi. Don't mind him. He's a bit grumpy, but he's great once you get to know him." He was speaking in a rushed manner and almost pushing her toward the couch. "Stay here, I'll be right back."

He rushed to Yoongi's room where the older was pulling on a shirt. "Hyung."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Look, you can explain later. But you never said anything about her coming over." He stepped into the holes of jeans. "Don't worry, I'll leave you two alone."

"No!" Jimin said quickly, stopping the older when he tried to walk past him. "Come sit with us. Hang out with us." He saw Yoongi's mouth forming to say no. "Please?"

Yoongi sighed. "Jimin..."

"Please! I think you'll really like her. She's nice and fun. Come on."

He sighed again—a long and heavy one—before nodding. "Fine. But I'm leaving if I feel like a third wheel."


Jimin led Yoongi to the living room where Victoria was sitting on the couch and looking around at all the fancy tchotchke's that hung on the walls of the apartment. Her brilliant eyes landed on the men once more. She smiled, seemingly relieved that Yoongi had some clothes on.

The older only fidgeted where he stood, avoiding her gaze. Jimin broke the awkward silence by pushing Yoongi to sit on one side of Victoria while he sat on the other. She sat up straighter it seemed and nodded to Yoongi.

He swallowed hard and pressed his lips together, raising his hand in some sort of awkward greeting. Jimin was about to speak, but then Victoria did.

"Do I know you? I swear I've seen you in my comp class."

Yoongi tilted his head. "Oh. I mean...I do take that class. I'm horrible, though. I can't even play the piano."

"What?" A small smile crept onto her face. "You play beautifully."

Jimin froze. She must've seen Yoonji play. Yoongi didn't know he could play the piano. Jimin truly missed hearing it.

Yoongi was about to protest when Jimin cut in. "Well, Victoria's really good at piano. You can help him, right Vic?"

She raised her eyebrows, a bit surprised at the sudden suggestion, but nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, of course. I'd love to help you out if you need it."

"Thanks, but I don't really do the whole 'hang out' thing," Yoongi mumbled.

Victoria furrowed her eyebrows. "It's just studying."

Jimin clasped his hands together. "So it's decided! You guys are gonna have a study session. Say, Friday?"

"I can do Friday," she said as Yoongi opened his mouth.

"Great!" Jimin cut him off. "It's decided then."

The conversation carried on for about ten more minutes before Yoongi excused himself. He had a therapy appointment but masked it as a doctor's. Jimin knew what he was talking about. The younger was relieved that Yoongi would be hanging out with someone his age. There was a small trace of fear that a personality would come out, but he would discuss with the others about it later.

If Victoria could become a part of their group, make the duo a trio, Jimin thought that might be the pathway to Yoongi's health improving. Jimin couldn't do it alone—that was for sure.

The thought brought him to tears as Yoongi shut the door. Victoria turned to him in alarm, immediately wrapping her arms around him. "Jimin? What's wrong?" He didn't respond, only buried his face in her neck and held her tightly. "I'm not trying to steal Yoongi from you," she cooed in his ear. "I was just trying to make conversation."

Jimin shook his head and pulled her closer, breathing her in. It had less to do with her plans with Yoongi and more with the way she held him. Jimin had been taking care of someone else for so long that it was so nice to be held for once. It was emotional relief like nobody would believe.

He wanted to keep Victoria around not only for Yoongi's sake but for his as well.

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