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Yoongi woke up that morning with a sense of freshness. It was a new day, the birds were tweeting outside, the breeze smelled of rain that promised a storm within the next few days. It left a giddy feeling that Yoongi had never had before.

"That's new," he mumbled to himself once he felt the warm feeling rush through his veins upon waking.

"What's new?"

It wasn't until the familiar voice spoke that he noticed the dip in his mattress and Jimin sitting beside him. The younger male was wrapped up in a blanket that he clutched together with his fists where it met at his chest. His hair was tousled and face a bit puffy from all the alcohol the night before. He just looked so adorable—Yoongi didn't want to know what else to do but smile.

He sat up and looked Jimin over fondly. "Morning, Minnie."

But Jimin wasn't smiling. He was staring at him seriously with intent in his pleading eyes. "Can we talk about it now, hyung?"

Yoongi faltered. How the hell did he remember that after all he had to drink? He didn't know what to say. What could he say? Hey, even though I've always been a dick to you our whole lives, I'm in love with you and I always have been.

"Jimin..." he trailed off, looking away.

But the younger caught his chin in his fingers—at the same time making the blanket fall away on the side it was no longer being clutched—and gently turned his face back to look at him. "What are you so afraid of?"

Yoongi's breath hitched in his throat. That was a good question because it made him think. What was there honestly to be afraid of? Of course, there was the inevitable fact that he could very well hurt Jimin in the future without meaning to. But wasn't that normal? We always hurt the ones we love.

"I'm not afraid," he mumbled before placing both hands on either side of Jimin's face and pressing his lips to the younger's.

He loved Jimin's lips. He loved plushness of them and the way they so eagerly fought against Yoongi's for dominance. He loved the way the younger fisted his shirt instead of the blanket when his tongue swiped at the older's bottom lip for entrance.

The two males grabbed at each other desperately, needing to be as close as possible. Yoongi bit Jimin's bottom lip as he pulled away, making the younger let out a small whimper. It was incredibly pleasing to the older's ears. He wanted to make Jimin whine, whimper, moan—all of it.

Though his impure thoughts were cut short by the sound of the door opening and shutting. Yoongi frowned. Being interrupted was not something he could tolerate in large doses. The only person who knew the apartment passcode besides Jimin and himself was Victoria.

"What the hell is Victoria doing here?" Yoongi asked, the question coming out harsher than he intended.

Jimin giggled and stood, gathering his blanket from the floor and wrapping it around his petite figure once more. "I invited her over earlier. Though I thought you'd be awake sooner."

"What time is it?"

"Almost three," he threw over his shoulder and left to go greet her in the living room.

Yoongi groaned and kicked the covers off before he got to his feet and ventured into the space where the two were giggling like school girls. Victoria stopped when she saw him. There was still obvious tension between the two. She must've still been hurt by his comments.

He let out a long sigh while Jimin looked at him expectantly. "I was being an asshole last night," he muttered, finding it hard to make eye contact with the woman. "You know I didn't mean it."

"Yeah," she agreed, nodding slightly. "I know." She added something else under her breath.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes. "What was that?"


Jimin clasped his hands together, eager to move on from the awkward tension. "Okay, yay! We're all friends again!"

"And boyfriends," Yoongi added mindlessly.

The two others widened their eyes as they stared at him. "What?"

"Oh." He scratched the back of his head. It was true, though. He and Jimin finally kissed for real and there was no way he would just let it go without saying anything this time. "Yeah, me and Jiminie are together."

Jimin gawked at the elder in shock. It was one thing to kiss him, but to call him his boyfriend was totally different. It left an excited jitter in the younger's step. "Oh—yeah—yeah. Yes. Yep."

Victoria only stared at them for a moment longer before breaking out in a wide smile. "Finally!"

Yoongi's brows knitted together as he looked at her. He had kissed her, too. And not that long ago. Wasn't she bothered by him and Jimin? "You're not upset?" he asked quietly.

"Upset?" she repeated in surprise. "No—I love you guys. I mean, yeah, our friendships have been a bit...confusing at times, but..." She trailed off into a sigh, remember the hickey left by Jimin and Yoongi's passionate kisses. "Look, I helped you guys in your time of need and it's easy to confuse gratitude with romantic feelings. But in reality, you two love each other. I've always known that."

He sighed in relief and smiled at her. Victoria was the anchor for him and Jimin and in some ways she still was. Her maturity and ability to decipher feelings from each other was admirable. Yoongi missed her nurturing ways and loving smiles. He knew that she was very important to both of them. She always would be, even if they didn't love her that way.

"Yeah," he said finally. "Besides, you seemed pretty upset by that Jin guy last night."

She faltered, averting her gaze to the floor. "Oh. Yeah. I don't know. I'm kind of...I don't know," she stated with a sigh. "We have a pretty complicated past, but...I'm over it. I guess just seeing him after all these years was just...upsetting, I guess? Throw in the fact that he's engaged and I guess that just reminded me of all the opportunities I missed when I was a stupid kid."

"Is that why you majored in psych?" Jimin asked, reaching over to grab Yoongi's hand subconsciously. The older squeezed it while waiting for her answer.

Victoria nodded slowly. "Yeah. I wanted to understand why people do the things they do. Why they are the way they are. Why I am the way I am." She paused before finally looking up at them again. "But forget Jin. I have a date tomorrow."

"Ooooo," Jimin teased with a grin. "With who?"

"Taehyung, actually."

The younger's eyes widened comically. "Taehyung?! How did that happen?!" he shouted just as Yoongi asked, "That idiot?"

She laughed at their clear shock and leaned on the kitchen island. "When I left last night, Jungkook and Taehyung were the ones who talked to me. They let me stay at their dorm. This morning, Taehyung..." She trailed off into a small smile before continuing. "We were talking and he asked me out."

"Wow," Jimin murmured. "I never would have seen that coming."

Yoongi sighed. "Me either. But at least he's nicer than Hoseok."

"Oh my God," the youngest said with a laugh. "He apologized like a thousand times."

"I don't care. You don't fuck with my friends."

Victoria cut into their little bickering session softly. "Guys, I miss you."

"What do you mean, noona?" Jimin tilted his head. "We're right here."

"No, I just mean...things feel really different now. I don't want us to stop hanging out and stuff."

Yoongi smirked. "Don't worry, Tori. You're the only one who's ever been able to force her way into our circle of trust. We're not going anywhere and neither are you."

She looked them over with a fond smile. Yoongi didn't know what she was thinking, but by the way her head tilted slightly, he knew she was having an internal monologue. He would pay to listen to those. They would probably make him feel better when he was down or fighting with Jimin.

"You know, Yoonie," she started. "You act all tough, but you're really just a big softie."

He pouted, cheeks burning while Jimin leaned into him and laughed.

"Shut up."



Thank you for 500+ reads :')

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