First sign of trouble

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Aadiv and Kori have visited Melissa's house. Kori seemed to like where Melissa lives, as she has a bunch of beautiful stuff inside her home. Thankfully, she doesn't attempt to knock her stuff down, or Melissa would have flipped off. She is very prideful of the possessions she has inside of her house, and refused to let everyone, but Aadiv to touch it. She let Aadiv touch it, because he is always very careful, and keeps a tight grip on the stuff that she has.

As for the Red Rose that they bought from the shop, they are now outside of Aadiv's house and on his front yard. Kori always seemed to take great pride in it, and always protect it, even if it is...extreme. Anyway, now they are both on the way home, and Kori is taking about what was inside of Melissa's house

"Your Cousin is a nice human to talk to."

Aadiv than looked down a little bit, as he than spoke out to Kori, uneasily.

"W-Well...both nice...but a little scary sometime to. Other than that, nothing bad."

Kori smiled a little wider, before speaking out.

"But he way, Aadiv. Where did Melissa learn how to fight like that?"

Aadiv flinched a little, before he spoke the answer.

"'s been training to do hand-to-hand by some master martial artists, who are people that study in different forms of physical combat. She's been training to fight, to defend, to counterattack. I don't know much, since I never really liked to fight against other people. The most I try to do is to run away as fast as I can. Other than that, though, she doesn't really fight, unless the person she meets is bad."

Kori nodded in understanding. But Aadiv couldn't help but feel a little unease for some reason. He feels like something bad is about to happen.

Than, before they could even go to his house, bullets came out of nowhere and tried to shoot at his feet.


He spoke, as he jumped back from the sudden attack. Koriand'r noticed as well, as she looked to try and see what it is. Than, 2 machines began to appear.

Both of the machines that appeared are white, and have a blue eye on it's 'head.' But one of them has a wheel, while the other has helicopter blades on it, as well as some thrusters, so it could fly fast on air. And they do not look friendly to them, at all.

"What the...wh-what's that."

Aadiv spoke out in a stutter. He doesn't know why. But he knows that this is trouble. Kori than began to step back as well. But suddenly, the flying machine than tried to shoot a harpoon at Kori.


Aadiv than leapt towards her and tackled her to the ground, as the harpoon missed and hit a oil tank trunk, which than exploded, destroying the harpoon.

Aadiv and Kori stood up, as they looked at the machines again. This time, they have their weapons out, and are ready to try and slaughter the 2.

"Oh no. They're going to kill us. We must go!!"

At that instant, the 2 machines than began to chase the 2. One of them for Aadiv, and the other for Kori. Instantly, however, the both of them flee, with Aadiv running for his life, and Koriand'r flying away at fast speeds.

As Koriand'r flies, a trail of red from her hair appears, and the drone went up to match her speed, and try to bring her down the best it can.

Aadiv than began to jump over cars and began to make sharp turns on his own, as the Robot is trying to do anything it can to try and get to Aadiv. The shy boy than jumped in the air, and landed at an alleyway, as the machine tries to find where he is.

Aadiv than jumped over some of trash bins, but tries his best to not make any noise, as it will have the robot attack on his attention. When he got out of the other side, he than began to run away as fast as possible.

But the robot came out and began to attack again, as Aadiv kept on run. The humans notice it, and they began to take cover. But Aadiv than saw that the robot has a mini gun out and began to shoot.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It began to fire at the ground, as it tries to shoot the feet. But Aadiv was able to turn around and dodge the bullets before they could hit him.

The robot, however, doesn't give up quite easily on getting to him. It even increased in speed, so that it could try to disable him, or possibly try killing him.

Aadiv than began to knock down dumpsters and other stuff to try and stop it, or at least, slow it down enough for him to get away. The trash and some of the other stuff were in fact able to slow the machine down, even to the point of almost making it the machine trip. But the machine than was able to fire at the junk that is slowing it down, which made them explode, and cause some of it to fly everywhere. So the trash from the cans and the junk are only temporary in slowing the machine down.

Aadiv than noticed a bottle of some slipper liquid in front of him. So he grabbed it, twist the cap, and poured it behind him while he is running. He than twisted it back on, and threw it away, and turned to see that it is beginning to tilt. Than, it fell on its side, seemingly looking like it's incapacitated.

Koriand'r is doing the best she can at trying to avoid the firing of the machine. But it seems relentless at what it does, and it seems it wants to kill her by any means necessary. She than was able to dodge the bullets from under her, but it tore her shirt, which exposed her clothing from underneath. The fact it tore something that a friend gave her made her angry, that she now wants to destroy it for doing that.

'You know what?! I am not going to keep on getting attack like this!! I am a warrior! I am not a coward that flees for her own life!'

She than turned around, and began to fire blasts of energy from her hands to try and destroy the machine.

The drone than got hit by the energy blasts, or the 'Starbolts', as she likes to call them. The droid was damaged, as it began to stutter a little and shake, as the Starbolts damaged some of it's functions, such as the scanning and aiming functions that it has inside.

Koriand'r than decided to keep on attacking it, until it is completely destroyed. As she fired a Starbolts at it, the machine than began to act crazy. It began to shoot at random directions, and began to fire missiles, which she shot out of this air, in which the missiles exploded when Koriand'r's starbolt hit the missile directly.

Koriand'r than fired a Starbolt at the drone again. But the drone than activated a shield, which negated the Starbolt and cause it to bounce right back at the Tamaranean. But Koriand'r was able to dodge her Starbolt, as it bounced towards a tall building below them, which has a chunk of it's wall damaged a little.

This made Koriand'r extremely annoyed, as she has no idea how to deal with it. But than, she had an idea. But she is going to need some room underneath her. She than looked, and saw a place with no civilians present. It was a park of some sort. So she decided to do this.

She than dived down into the ground, as the drone turned off it's helicopter pieces, and began to dive for her. But this is exactly what she needs.

Before she could hit the ground, she made a sharp turn up. The drone then looked up at her, before seeing that it is going towards the ground.

The drone than crashed it to the ground, destroying itself, as Koriand'r than looked at it. She than began to realize one thing.

"Aadiv. He's still in danger. I must find him."

She than took off, flying at very fast speeds that wasn't shown before. It was much faster than even the fastest plane on Planet Earth. No vehicle can even catch up to her, even if they had tried doing it.

'I hope he's still alive!'

Aadiv was still getting chased by the robot. The chase is actually starting to tire out the really shy boy. He has no idea how long she can keep on running away from the drone. It seemed as thought it won't stop until it finally gets to kill him. So he than decided to do the next best thing.

He than turned and saw that there is a bird he over a large body of water underneath.

'If I can get it to fall into the water, than maybe it will short circuited and will go boom. I hope that this works."

He than made a run toward the bridge, as the Drone followed behind. However, it is also apparently intelligent as well, as it than brought out rockets, and launched it in front of Aadiv. But instead of hitting Aadiv.


The rocket had exploded in front of Aadiv, which left a large gap between him and the end of the entire bridge itself. Having no other options, he than jumped away, and went onto a boat at his left to make it more difficult to try and get him. He just hopes that he knows what he's doing.

Aadiv than found a tank, and was able to throw it at the Drone. This made the Drone go haywire, and start to shoot everywhere. He than went behind the drone, and spoke out this.

"Why? Wh-Why did some send a-a drone to me and K-Kori? Is this...m-my fears now starting to become a reality?"

Than, the drone turned and fired some metal chains and ropes at him, which than wrapped around Aadiv's body, and he began to cry, as he fell.


Before he could finish speaking, he fell down into the water, as he is now doomed to be drowning alone.

The robot, all of a sudden, got blasted by a pink burst of hot energy. Above is Kori, and she saw what has happened to Aadiv.

"Hang on, Aadiv! I'll save you!"

Before she dived in the water, she thought this to herself.

'Please, X'hal. Let Aadiv live.'

An instant later, she splashed into the ocean hard.

She is now under the ocean, and began to try and find him. As she looked around, she than spot him, still struggling on the rope and chain, and is having trouble breathing.

'And yet, he's still struggling.'

Kori than came to his aid, and began to try and get it off of him.

Using her enhanced strength, she was able to rip it off of him, while his body is still intact. She than grabbed him, and brought him out on air.

"Haaaaa...woah. Th-That was the most scariest thing in my entire life!"

Kori, however, didn't hear that, and was so overjoyed that he is still alive, that she hugged him, while still in water. Aadiv could have just told her to let him go, but he did not complain.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

Koriand'r said to Aadiv Love. The shy boy was happy that she cared enough to help him like this. But as that happened, he than noticed something.

"Kori, you're hurt."

He spoke, as he pointed at the injury on her shoulder. She noticed and ant touched it, which made her flinch. He than spoke out.

"Let's go back home so I can bandage the wound."

Kori nodded, and began to fly back, with water still dripping from her. Now Aadiv is going to need a shower, with Kori needing the same thing. Hopefully she doesn't waste the shampoo he has.

One thing I should mention is that in this story, I will be bringing characters that DC has crossed over with to make it more interesting. So characters from either Marvel or MK will make an appearance in the story itself. Hopefully you don't mind.

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