Foundation's Remnants

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Aadiv was starting to become very worried. He is unsure how long he can deal with Venkm at his side. He knows that it cares for Aadiv, but the way he did it made things very...complicated.

Venom knows of this, and knows that it also wants a host that agrees with its methods. Which is why Aadiv promised Venom that he will find a better host than himself. Venom was happy that Aadiv is helping him, but has to remain with Aadiv for the time being. His friends, as well as Kori and Ororo are also belong out with the problem. They tried to look for anyone that could be willing to take Venom. Unfortunately, many of them, while good and can kill, don't want to have an alien with them. And it was making Aadiv very scared that he will have to keep killing people to keep Venom feeding everyday, and it is very sickening. Aadiv is unsure how much he can take in this.

Right now, he is a mostly empty part of New York. Right now, he is on vacation, and is staying here until tommorow. Thankfully, Kori and Ororo made the entire trip very fast. And they even had taken the Venom Symbiote 2 times.

The fact is that Venom was somehow able to increase their power to much greater levels than before. It was just enough to even destroy an entire building with one strikes of their power. Aadiv thinks that it would unknown how powerful it would really be when they are using their power at their fullest. To all that he could be even more prideful and way more catastrophic than before. They did it when some scientists, the one that tried to find Kori when she first appeared, found out that Aadiv have something, and tried to capture him again...twice. But the 2 times it happened, Kori and Ororo took the Symbiote and took them to the authorities to join the leader that started it.

But the way they decide to have Venom return with was rather bizarre.

Yeah...they did it while they have control returned to their bodies as well. This is why it's so weird. But anyways. Venom and Aadiv felt like this is the chance to find another host that Venom can now inhabit. So they began to look around without getting caught by anyone from down below them.

However, Aadiv feels like he is being watched. He has no idea why, but he feels like someone is waiting for them to show something. Venom senses it to and threatens to go out and find whoever it is that is watching them. But Aadiv said to Venom that if they show themselves, than they are going to get caught. Begrudgingly, Venom had to agree.

But they day a new host...and a new situation...comes to them.

In mostly empty N.Y Area...

Aadiv began to look around the area, as Venom spoke out.

"This is much harder than we can expect."

Aadiv spoke out to Venom back.

"What did you expect, Venom? For it to be a cakewalk?"

Venkm simply growled inside of his head, and than spoke out.

"I expected it to be an instant goal!!"

Aadiv sighed. He knows what Venom means, and than spoke out to him.

"Well...we can hope that luck can bring us to the person we can find."

As he began to look around, a piece of paper fell down and landed just in front of Aadiv's feet.

"What the...this seems convenient."

Aadiv spoke out, as he picked up the piece of paper, and began to read.

"'Meet me at one of the abandoned buildings at the west of your location.' Does he mean this one that is behind us?"

Aadiv than changed back to Venom, as the Symbiote took control. He than began to climb up the building, which leaves cracks from where it was climbing.

He looked, and saw that there is a building in a severe state of disrepair. It is amazing that despite the way it looks, it hasn't fallen. Venom than spoke out.

"Why would this person of all people want us to meet into an abandoned building such as this?"

Aadiv than shrugged a little bit.

"I don't know. Let's get ready and check it out, shall we? This maybe your chance to find a better host today."

Venom than grinned, as he than rushed forward to where the building is at. Thankfully, nobody was here from under. So they would not see a massive shadowy black alien coming down from the buildings.

The person that he is seeing looks like some sort of thug. But Aadiv could tell that there is more to him than he shows. The person than comes to him, as he than spoke.

"So you must be the one who has Venom. I never thought that it would be Aadiv himself."

The stranger spoke to Aadiv Love. The shy guy flinched a little bit, as he spoke.

"Who...who are you, and how do you know about that?"

Aadiv was a bit worried, as he is unsure if the person that is before him is a friend...or is an enemy.

"I'm Eddie. Eddie Brock. And as for how I know...well...everyone knows you for finding the first alien in existence and exposing one of the most famous scientists into getting arrested for what he has tried and done to you. But for Venom...I just happened to be at the right time to see.

This made Aadiv shocked. Obviously...he didn't expect an answer just as that now. He than had the courage to muster up his words.

"Eddie Brock...aren't you a reporter?"

Eddie nodded a little unhappily.

"Well...former least."

Aadiv was confused but that he meant by that statement.

"Former reporter? What do you mean by that?"

Eddie took a deep breath, as he spoke out.

"Tell me. Have you heard of this place called the Life Foundation?"

Aadiv nodded.

"Yeah. I heard of it. But I never went there. It gives me the creeps just by looking at the building itself and the people that are in it. Why, is there something off about it?"

Eddie than shook his head.

"That is just putting it mildly. It is more like...something very horrible. And I need your friend's help on it."

Aadiv was confused.

"Why would you need Venmo's help, Eddie?"

Eddie than looked down, before speaking out.

It's...complicated. And, well...let's just say that he's needed for something that is very, very important."

Aadiv was a bit worried. Whatever it is that is worrying Eddie, he must have a good reason to be so. Aadiv than starts a conversation with Venom to trust Eddie.

'Venom...can we trust this guy?'

He spoke telepathically to Venom, who than spoke out.

'We don't see anything bad about him. Let's just help him. And maybe he can be a more fitting host than you.'

Aadiv nodded, before speaking out.

"Okay, Eddie. What's the problem?"

Eddie sighed in relief, before speaking out.

"Okay. do I explain this? During my time, while I was still a reporter, one of the scientists came to me for my help for something. And it was something that involved what was inside of the Life Foundation, and their experiments that they were doing. So I went inside and...what I saw was inhuman."

Aadiv was a bit shuddering at what he meant by that.

"What's so inhuman...Eddie?"

Eddie than took a deep breath, and began to spoke out to Aadiv yet again.

"The Life Foundation...they were conducting human experiments on what seemed to be Venom's species. One of them is also a gray Symbiote with red veins, and as taken over this guy named Carlton, who is the Foundation's leader."

Venom's head than formed next to the 2 humans, which also surprised Eddie greatly, as he spoke out.


Aadiv turns to Venom, as Aadiv spoke out to him.

"You know who that is?"

Venom nodded.

"He is what you can call a team leader. He can make any weapon that he can think of. Our guess, he is going to use his host to bring more of my kind to Earth as a feeding ground. Riot's always cruel and ruthless to the core."

What he said made both Aadiv and Eddie very worried.

"Oh no. That is terrible."

Eddie nodded, as he spoke.

"That's why he said to himself, 'million's more.' He's going to bring his kind to kill the Earth. We need to stop his plan, quickly. Think you can help me in this situation here, Aadiv?"

Aadiv nodded, and spoke out.

"I think you can use Venom as an assistance to this problem."

Eddie was frozen.


Aadiv than held out his hand, as black liquid began to cover his arm.

"Me and Venom have been trying to look for a host to have Venom go on aboard with. But we had no luck. So, Eddie. Think you can take him."

Eddie looked down at his hand, worried at first. But after a little while, Eddie nodded.

"Okay. If doing that is the only way to stop Riot, than let's get to it."

Aadiv nodded, as Eddie than grabbed onto Aadiv's hand with his own in order to start the bonding transferring process.

Venom than began to transfer himself to Eddie Brock, as he began to bond to him.

"Yes...this host...compatible."

As the black liquid began to go onto his arm, the liquid than began to sink underneath the clothing of the shirt. Eddie has an indifferent expression on his face, but Aadiv...was rather terrified. He looks at Eddie, as it is even more terrifying.

Aadiv has no idea how long the process will end. He just hopes it is enough to be very quick.

After a little bit of transferring, the process finally ends. Aadiv than spoke out, concerned.

"Did...did the process work?"

Eddie than shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"I don't know..did it work?"

Before anyone else could do anything...people in black suits busted inside of the abandoned building. They pointed their guns, as Eddie raised his hands in the air, and Aadiv his behind Eddie.

" have one of the Symbiotes that we seek. Give it to us, or you will be killed."

Aadiv was afraid, as he had no idea what to do. But Eddie and Venom do.

When the Life Foundation agents opened fire, Venom than made a shield to defend against the bullets that came in fast to where they're positioned.

The Bullets are absorbed into the Symbiote, who than shoots them back at the owners, killing most of the agents.

The agents than dropped their weapons, as they ran fast towards Eddie and Aadiv. But Eddie showed to them that he has the Symbiote himself. When one of them reached Eddie, Venom made a tentacle and whacked one agent away. Aadiv was almost caught in the arms of one of them, but Venom senses that and grabbed one of them by the neck, and threw him out of the building, down to the ground below.

One of the guys than punched him multiple times, but Eddie caught his arm, and than, something rather familiar happened.

Eddie looked at the Venom-covered arm, as he turned on another attacker, as he looked and punched against the Life Foundation Soldier, who is than knocked out by Eddie. Aadiv was doing nothing but hiding behind something in order to make sure that he doesn't get caught like before.

After a few minutes, the last agent then came and tried to scare him with his gun...but Eddie had suddenly became much more scarier.

He than made such a scary face, and scared the foundation agent so much, that his face turned pale and he fainted from seeing it.

Than, more and more of the agents came in, and have guns in their hands. Eddie, however, isn't much of a person that will go down without a fight easily. As he puts his hands in the air, he spoke out.

"You people don't want to do this, you know."

One of the agents than spoke out.



The agents put on the masks, as Aadiv gets a medical mask. While it won't give him proper protection, it will still protect him a little. Eddie than spoke out.

"Alright than, you asked for it...MASK!!"


Venom than formed all over Eddie Brock's body, as the Symbiote took control.

One of the agents shot a bullet, but Venom caught it and crushed it, releasing smoke. He than launched multiple tendrils st the attackers, with one of them shooting in accident. Venom than chomped in that bullet, as smoke filled the entire area.

Venom than grabbed one of the agents and bit his head clean off, as he threw that person outside, savagely. He than does the same for the next one standing.

Venom than grabbed Aadiv and jumped away from the area as fast as he can possibly go. But not before Venom grabbed a large number of grenades and planted them on the ground.



Both Venom and Aadiv began to fall, as the top of the building exploded, causing the rest of the building to go down with everyone inside. Aadiv was screaming as he thought that he was about to die from such a height.

Aadiv than closed his eyes completely shut, as he's unable to look down at the ground, and braces for his death...

...but it never came.

When Aadiv looked, he saw that he was in mid-air still. He looked up, and saw that Venom was hanging on to him, as he was now sticking on a different building. Aadiv sighed in relief, as Venom jumped down to the ground, and both Aadiv and Venom looked at each other.

"That's close."

Aadiv spoke out to Venom. The Symbiote nodded, while speaking.

"Yes, it is very close. At least I get to bite someone's head off, finally!"

Aadiv looked a little unease, before speaking out.

"We better talk to my friends about this situation. They might help."

Venom nodded, before picking him up, and jumped towards where Aadiv's friends are staying at. This is gonna be a long day for everyone present.

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