A New Member to Queen Family

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"Is that our new brother?" a voice filled with glitches spoke.

"Error! Yes, he is our brother." Said another voice gently, trying not to wake the little new-born baby up.

"Fine..." said the glitching voice who seemed to be named 'Error'.

Error then looked at him, the baby. As Error looked at this little brother, a little curious glare could be seen in his eye sockets.

"I wonder when he'll wake up..." said Error to himself. Seeing his little brother that excited, the other voice spoke, giggling:

"You're kinda excited to see the little guy awake as well, huh?"

"I just can't wait to see his eye sockets filled with hope, Geno! Maybe one day, he will be better than the both of us at magic once we learned and mastered our own!" Error said. The voice, which was not glitchy, Geno's confirmed what Error said.

"We'll see about that, brother. We'll see about that..."


"Boys, it's past your bedtime. I'll take care of Fresh, alright?" Stated the mother of the three children, to which the other two nodded.

"Goodnight, mom!" They said, as they walked to their shared bedroom.

"The next day, the first to wake up was Fresh. He looked around the room from his mom's lap. He crawled off from CQ's lap and sat on the bed by himself. Fresh yawned and rubbed his itching eye sockets. Only seconds later, Fresh heard something.

"H-hey, mom?" It was Geno, who was peeking into CQ's room. Geno then saw his sweet little baby brother. He was so happy to see him awake! The words that Error had said came to his mind. Remembering that, Geno looked at Fresh's eye sockets. While he was looking at them, Geno felt fear creeping into his thoughts. Each of his eye sockets only had a small, white and circular dot inside. They looked so empty, emotionless, and scary once you looked in to them for too long.

Shaking those thoughts away, "How's it going, little bro?" he asked.

Fresh just looked up at his big brother with his empty eyes, making Geno chuckle with discomfort. The elder brother slowly walked towards the bed and gently lifted his brother up.

Geno was strong. He would always help his mother with the housework. So, with his strength and the light weight of Fresh, it was quite easy for Geno to pick him up. He carried Fresh into the living room, and then started talking to his little brother.

"Hey there, Fresh. It's me, Geno." He paused for a moment.

"Ge-no.", the older brother repeated. Then, a little chuckle escaped out of his mouth. The idea of being the first name for Fresh to say was so cool for him. He already knew that monsters weren't like humans. They knew how to talk on their first days alive. He continued.

"I wonder why your eyes look like this. They look so...empty." he looked at Fresh who was still looking around the room. He sighed and continued. "But still, I just know that you're going to be an awesome little brother! We'll do everything together! Error, you, and I. Can you imagine the fun we'll have?"

He said the last words a little louder than they needed to be. He heard their bedroom's door creaking open upstairs. It was Error, he had woken up.

"Geno? A-are you there?" Error half-whispered half yelled.

"Yes, I'm here, Error. And look! Fresh has opened his eyes!"

"Oh, really?" Error got excited and ran downstairs to the living room. He sure was excited about all this new brother stuff.

He was soon there with his brothers. He sat down next to Fresh and turned his head towards him to take his first look at his baby brother's face. He then realized that Fresh's eye sockets were not as amazing as he and Geno imagined they would be.

"What's wrong with his eye sockets?" Error stated. "They look...emotionless and they're creeping me out..."

"I was thinking about the same thing, little bro. I think we should ask mom about it when she wakes up." Geno said with concern in his voice.

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