He Is Getting Better

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  After a conversation of what happened at home and at hospital. Nothing changed at home, as Geno said. Crayon was pretty anxious to tell the kids what had been going on. They would be so sad, and of course, she didn't want them to know much about the hospital. It was this was until Geno asked the question that had been in his mind since Fresh fell asleep due to the heavy dose of medications.

  "He... i-isn't getting b-better, is he?"

  Error also wanted to know about this. He just started to try to understand his little brother, and he wasn't ready to lose him. But hearing Geno ask this question in a hopeless manner gave him the chills, like Fresh really wasn't getting any better.

  Asy furrowed his non-existent eyebrows, waiting for the positive answer. He loved Fresh, and seeing him in this state, so helpess, weak and tired, made his soul ache as much as the others, Error and Geno.

  Crayon, on the other hand, looked uncomfortable and unhappy to hear this question. She knew that lying would be the worst option here, so she decided to tell the truth to everyone in the room.

  "T-that... would be correct, dear... He isn't.", Crayon said with all her might. She looked at Asy, then Error and Geno to find the small skeletons at the edge of crying. Wanting to make them feel better, Crayon spoke one more time. This was not a lie, either.

  "B-but-! It doesn't mean that he won't get better ever..! He... He has been here for a-almkst a week and been walking for two days a row..! I-it's normal that he's in this state."

  The sad faces were now replaced by bunch of smiles that still had a bit of sadness. Geno nodded slightly and swiped the tears away from his large eyesockets. He sniffled before talking.

  "Y-yeah... H-he will... be alright. As well as him, we also shouldn't give up on hope and... avoid making him feel 'bonely'..! Hehe..."

  Error and Asy snickered at the joke while Crayon gave a gentle smile of relief. Fresh looked and sounded like he was giving up on hope. But at least, Geno and Error were okay and hopeful.

  When the little sounds of snickering stopped, a silence filled the room. There were only the sound of someone sleeping in the room. That was Fresh, obviously. Geno looked at the sleeping skeleton and spoke as he pointed a finger to him.

  "Does... that happen o-often?", he asked, attracting everyone's attention to himself. Then he continued.

  "Does... Fresh... y'know... uh..."

  Eveyone in the room understood what he meant. He was wondering if Fresh was always falling asleep without consent and more pain.

  Crayon looked down at the defenseless, sleeping skeleton on her lap and nodded her head. This was another hard thing to say. She also couldn't bring herself to look at the disappointed faces of the three skeletons.

  This time, it was Error's time to try to smooth the atmosphere. He took a deep breath and spoke.

  "Țhĕšę ăřė ãłł ģøñņå ćømê ťø âņ ěņđ øņčě hę ģêțś bêțţëř..! Țhäț'š føř śůřė.", he said as he smiled. It was hard to smile in a situation like this, but to make everyone and himself feel better, he had to smile. And yet, it looked like it worked. Everyone had smiles once more.

  Apparently, there were also question in the glitchy skeleton's mind. Wasting no time, he asked it.

  "Whêņ wīłł hě wãķě ūp?"

  "Sometimes couple of hours, sometimes minutes if he has pain again.", responded Crayon as she finally felt tears building up on the corner of her eyes. She continued, her voice cracking. Though, it was more of talking to herself.

  "M-my boy... H-he is s-suffering."

  Asy stood up and walked to Crayon's side. He sat on the couch, put his hand on her shoulder as he spoke.

  "Well, it isn't gonna be okay if we cry, is it?.. So, the best thing to do is hope and be there for him. Yeah?"

  Crayon looked at him. She smiled and nodded while speaking.

  "Yeah... yeah, o-okay."

  Geno and Error also walked towards their little brother and their mom. Geno pointed down at the other couch, wanting him to sit on it. Error hesitated at first, but then accepted it.

  All eyes were on Fresh right now. It looked like those eyes were begging for Fresh to wake up and talk. Begging for Fresh to be healthy once again. Begging for him to have that cheerful lingo around.

  Then suddenly, Fresh's left eyesocket, the side which had a soul, was bleeding purple, which meant it was actually his magic leaking down. It wasn't that fast, but wasn't too slow either.

  Fresh groaned slightly, furrowing his eyebrows. He tried to move to have a better position on his mom's lap, but failed due to his weakness. It was as if as the magic leaked, Fresh was getting weaker and weaker.

  After watching the youngest skeleton in horror, Crayon told Asy to call a doctor. Asy nodded and get our of the warm room in a fast pace. Crayon put Fresh's head on the bed as she got up. So Fresh was only laying on the bed, still bleeding his magic.

  The nurse came after some seconds, ran to Fresh's hospital bed to examine him. She shook Fresh, trying to wake him up. Fortunately, he woke up. But this time, strangely, he was able to open his both eyesockets. When he realized that, he slowly put his hand on his eyesocket.

  The rush was over now. The nurse gently took Fresh's boney hand off of his left eyesocket and also examined it carefully.

  Some cracks were healed. They were replaced by purple magic, meaning that he was getting better. Looked like to medicines did their job. Not the painkiller though. It was now obvious that the reason magic was leaking was because Fresh was getting healthier (That's a lotta 'was' in one sentence lol).

  "Oh! That's good. Fresh, does your eyesocket still hurt?", the nurse asked while still examining Fresh's souled-eyesocket.

  Fresh didn't have the energy to talk. He only had the energy to move, which wasn't that much. Therefore, he shook his head left and right.

  The ache in his eyesocket being gone made it better for him. He was glad that it wasn't hurting anymore. On the other hand, it felt like a voice was yelling him to sleep, to rest and get away from the pain on his broken ribs.

  Looked like Fresh listened to that voice and fell asleep once more. He was so much more comfortable right now, since he listened this new voice and fell asleep.

  The nurse realized that Fresh was asleep. He turned to Crayon who was looking worried. She gave the pink-haired mom a gentle smile.

  "He's doing just fine. He's even getting better. Most of the cracks are healed. That's why his eyesocket was bleeding. Don't worry about this. Just call us or swipe the magic with something. That should do it. I'm happy to say that he will be okay in a week." The nurse said.

  Crayon sighed in relief and smiled back at the nurse. She thanked her. The nurse nodded and left the room.

  Everything happened too fast. Geno and Error were still trying to process what happened. One moment Fresh was asleep, then he bled his magic out of his eye sockets, then the nurse came and told them that Fresh was okay. They didn't even understand what the nurse did to their little brother!

  Geno looked over at Asy, who also had the same relieved face. 'These adults really understand everything!' Geno thought.

  "So... Fresh is f-fine, right?" The oldest child asked.

  Crayon nodded and walked over to her little boys, kneeled to their heightsand embraced them lovingly. She had missed them all so much. That was another reason to hate hospitals. The two skeletons hugged back.

  "Țhäț'ś ģøød tø ķņøw... Śèę møm? Ñø řėãšøņ țø bė šāđ!"

  Crayon nodded in approval. Maybe hopes and dreams never die after all. Hoping and dreaming would make things easier. And yet, it looked like to really did. Just to never give up on that hope. Because it can slip away from your hands if you don't try to stop it.

  "Looks like hoping is the best thing to do in bad situations, huh? Thank you, my boys. I love you all so much."

F zxk'q al qefp xkvjlob...

F zxk'q

F zxk'q

F zxk'q

F zxk'q

Ibq jb lrq lc ebob...


Ibq jb txhb rm..!

F alk'q txkkx al qefp xkvjlob!

Vlr pxfa vlr tlria ebim jb!

Eb fp qxhfkd xasxkqxdb bsbov qfjb f pibbm

Zlccbb pelria al fq... F drbpp...

Fzxk'q qxhb qefp...

F xj klq pqolkd bklrde...


Ibq jb yb cobb...

Kl... Kl, pqlm...

Kde- I-ibq jb dl!

P-pqxv xtxv...





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