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A laser beam nearly hit his face before it caused a fire spark behind him. He gritted his teeth.

"Boboiboy triple split!" Thunder,earth and wind appeared with a smirk on their face.

"Earth shield" "Wind blizzard" "lightning spear"

The simple combination instantly wrecked the mutant in front of him. It was now burned and paralyzed, probably because of the lightning bolt that struck it continuously.

Boboiboy returned back to his normal form and approached the creature cautiously. It looked vulnerable now without lasers shooting out of its eyes. He felt pity looking at it. At the same time,his watched signaled a call incoming from the TAPOPS headquarters. A hologram of Commander Kokoci appeared on his power watch.

"What's the news there? Have you found the alien?"

Boboiboy smiled. "Yeah, I did. But sadly I paralyzed it after it tried killing me with its lasers. Luckily, I found the power sphere that we were looking for". Boboiboy held the red power sphere in his hands. He found it hidden between the rocks just before he was attacked by the alien. It was a good thing that he was informed about the creature earlier. If not,he would have been burned to ashes.

"Fine then. Return to headquarters immediately. Just make sure that you heal the poor creature before you leave" Kokoci responded .

"Yes,sir!" Boboiboy gave a salute before ending the call. He turned to the creature and transformed.

"Boboiboy Leaf"

He approached the alien slowly to not scare it. The alien was shaking of fear by looking at the capped hero.

"Don't be scared. I'm sorry I attacked you earlier. I had to do so to defend myself. But don't worry. I'm here to help you"

He summoned his powers.

"Nurturing herbs"

He touched the alien's shoulder firmly. A few moments later,a wave of light spread throughout its body and the alien instantly perked up and stretched. It then immediately went into defense mode and started glaring at Boboiboy.

"Woah,easy there. I'm not gonna hurt you anymore. Calm down"

But the alien kept glaring at him and even started to hiss. Boboiboy let out a sigh. No use in trying to calm down its nerves now.

Boboiboy started to leave the alien with the inactive power sphere in hand. He walked towards his space ship that he flew here. After buckling up,he set course and flew back to TAPOPS headquarters.

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