Hell went lose

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" What the...?"

Their mouths were left ajar to see a small spacecraft landed on the street, obviously damaging the road.

The spacecraft's hatch opened to reveal a petite figurine with blue skin. From the looks of it, Yaya guessed that the it was a female. She would have been beautiful despite her odd blue skin, but her glaring eyes and hideous scowl covered her face. She wore a warrior outfit, armed with a weapon by her side. But the one thing that couldn't be ignored was the small gold crown on top of her pink braided hair.

Her eyes scanned the area and she stopped towards their direction. Yaya's body tensed up until she realised that Boboiboy transformed into Boboiboy Cyclone and hovered downwards. Noticing the opportunity, she quickly pulled her brother inside to keep him hidden

"Sis, who is that?" Her brother asked, terrified.

"I don't know. But no matter what, stay inside and don't go out" Yaya said and was about to fly until she felt a tug on her shirt

"Where are you going? Don't leave me here" Totoitoy begged while holding his sister firmly.

"I need to help Boboiboy. I can't leave him alone" Yaya reasoned.

"But I'm scared" Totoitoy said while looking into his sister's eyes. Yaya could sense fear within those hazel coloured eye she shared with him. She took a step closer to his brother an gave him a hug.

" Don't worry. Go find Tok Aba and our parents downstairs. Stay with them and don't go anywhere. They'll keep you safe. I also know that you're a big boy now,so be brave. Okay?"

Totoitoy took one last look at her sister and nodded, immediately rushing for the doors to safety. After making sure her brother was within a safe distance, she headed towards the window and flew towards the front yard, where her friends have gathered to confront the lady.

She landed next to Ying and had a more proper look at the woman. She was indeed beautiful, and her fashion sense would indicate that she's royalty. Other that the crown, she had shimmering earrings which were hidden beneath her hair and her fingers had rings and bracelets decorating them. Her weapon was concealed by a golden sheath hanging proudly on her side.

"Deyy! Who are you?? Why did you crashed our party?" Gopal voiced out madly.

"Huh! How rude! And a party without me? Now that's a shame. Anyways, I don't even care about these minor issues. So allow me to introduce myself" the alien figurine took a stepped out and gave somewhat of a curtsy.

"The name is Dalapika. Princess Dalapika of the planet Dartle. I believe that one of you humans had the nerve to attack my subjects!" She fumed.

Boboiboy gulped as he felt his friends slowly turned their heads towards his direction. He felt a sweat dropped and his heart rate was beating faster.

Noticing this, Dalapika took out her sword and pointed it towards his face.

" You?? How dare you! Attacking a child who was barely three!"

"Wait! It was three??!!" Boboiboy said confused. Surely the gigantic mutant he encountered during his last mission wasn't a baby. It was huge!

" Of course! He was the youngest in our tribe to be frank. I would have liked to hear your explanation and all but it's too late for that" Her eyes were glowing brightly, causing everyone stunned for a moment. After a while,she started shooting lasers out of her eyes,making everyone back off.

"Dey! Yaya! Ying! Why wasn't this information about her on the tablet?" Gopal frantically asked while hiding behind a tree.

" We don't know! It's probably because not many TAPOPS agent visited that planet before" Ying replied hastily.

" Yeah! Perhaps the lack of information and research caused us to miss this fact" Yaya agreed while trying to avoid those laser beams.

" It doesn't matter. Now,we have to fight" Boboiboy commanded while transforming into Thunder.

"Thunder sword!!"

Boboiboy sped across the lawn towards Dalapika. His eyes focused on his target while screaming. A smirk on Dalapika's face caught him off guard. When he recomposed,he realised that he was merely piercing the wind, and Dalapika was out of sight.

"What the??!!"

A loud laugh caught his attention. He looked up to see Dalapika standing on his balcony with her hands on her hips.

"You fools! You really think that you could defeat me that easily"

Gopal's mouth was left ajar.
"How did she??"

"Well,seems like you humans underestimated us Dartle. Not only do we have laser-beaming eyes, we also have unbelievable speed and agility which makes people think that we teleported." Dalapika explained proudly.

Her hand held the sword out and pointed it down below. Her eyes scanned the lawn once before she leaped and started swinging her sword in every direction.

For a moment,everyone froze as they watched Dalapika slashed everything into pieces. The trees, gate and even balcony was turned into pieces. The whole lawn was a mess. Not to mention that Boboiboy's family's car has turned into a puzzle.

"Time delay!!" Ying cast her powers onto Dalapika,causing her to move slowly and her slays became weaker.

"Gravitational pull!" Yaya directed,causing Dalapika to be pulled onto the ground and unable to move.

Boboiboy grinned and transformed.

"Boboiboy Earthquake"

"Earth trap!" He bestowed. Dalapika was immediately trapped within his grasp and struggled to escape.

"Let..me..go..urgh!!" She groaned.

Ying and Yaya high-fived each other."Yeah! Y and Y combo worked!" They giggled and looked at Dalapika.

Boboiboy went closer to her.
"Not until you hear what I have to say. I didn't mean to attack your subject, it was just an act of defense. Furthermore..."

"Boboiboy! Be careful!" Gopal warned.

But it was too late. Dalapika managed to slice the earth trap open, causing an eruption to occur. The impact immediately hit Boboiboy,Ying and Yaya who were nearby.


The three of them fell and lost conscious on the ground.

"Guys!!" Gopal cried and hurried towards his friends.

" Stay!" Dalapika's command echoed in his ears. Gopal stopped moving and faced the princess.

"How dare you hurt my friends! You'll pay for this" he howled while holding his fist.

"Oh really? You're friends are pretty weak if you ask me. So how are you any different?" She said arrogantly.

Gopal clenched his fist. " Watch your mouth woman!"

"Huh? That's your act of defense? Weak." She started shooting lasers towards Gopal who unexpectedly avoided them swiftly.

His swift movement provoked Dalapika's anger,causing her to shoot more lasers rapidly. Hoping for the human in front of him to be roasted.

What she didn't expected was to see him beaming.

"Hehehe... Food switch!!! Take that!!"

All of Dalapika's lasers turned into noodles. The yard was now filled with yellow noodles piling on the ground.

Dalapika was shocked with disbelief. "How did you??!!"

Gopal grinned. "Hehe.. Hungry?? I could make you more"

Dalapika was pissed off. " How dare you!" She raised her sword high and lunged forward.

"Aaargh!! Food transformation!!" Gopal said in panic to defend himself.

Without him realising,he accidentally turned Dalapika's sword into jelly,which splattered after it hit Gopal.

Dalapika screamed. "Aaah! My sword!"

"Oops! Uhh.. Hey! Boboiboy! You're awake!" Gopal yelped as he saw Boboiboy slowly rose to his feet.

His best friend gave him a smile.
"Earth trap!" He cast and captured the confused Dalapika.

"Hehe..awesome! You're the best Gopal!" Boboiboy exclaimed and hugged his best friend.

"Of course! I'm the team's secret weapon!" He boasted proudly.

"Hmm...sure. Whatever" Boboiboy rolled his eyes at his friend's antics.

They both turned their head when they heard a groan from behind. They looked to see Yaya and Ying slowly regained conscious.

"Yaya! Ying! Are you alright?" Boboiboy said and went near them. Gopal followed him.

Yaya stood up and helped Ying up."Yeah,we are. Just a bit...wait? Totoitoy!!"

Yaya's face went pale as she saw her brother managed to escape her mother's grasp and was now running towards them.

" Sis!!! You're alright!!!! And the bad guys defeated!!" Totoitoy exclaimed excitedly while heading towards them.

Yaya panicked."No!! Don't come here! It's too dangero..."

Yaya's heart exploded as she witnessed Dalapika managed to break free by using her lasers,the impact struck his brother. Dalapika who was now free leaped towards the falling Totoitoy and grabbed him before he hit the earth.

"Totoitoy! No!" Yaya shrieked.

Gopal and Boboiboy went into their fighting stance,ready to attack.

" Stay where you are! One move and I'll blast this kid into ashes" Dalapika threatened.

Yaya was trembling as she feared the worst. Tears were leaking from her eyes as she watched Dalapika slowly headed towards her ship and escaped. With her brother along.

She screamed her heart out until her throat soared.

Next thing she knew,everything went dark.

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