Saving themselves

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Congrats! You've finally reached the corner.
(After such a long time. My bad)


The first thing she noticed was water.

Lots and lots of water.

Drenching her clothes and freezing her cold.

To make matters worse, she couldn't breathe.

She was completely drained of energy. Her lungs felt like bursting due to the lack of oxygen. She tried moving but her body wasn't listening.

Her chest was definitely hurting and her head felt numb.

Was this what it felt like to drown?

At that moment, she registered a force pulling her upwards. Pushing her limp body until her head broke out to the surface.

She gasped and took a large inhale of air. When she felt her lungs again, she threw a fit of violent coughs.

In a few torturing seconds, she finally felt like she could breathe normally.

She laid her head on whatever it was holding her tight and making her feel safe.



Her head whipped up to be met with gorgeous blue eyes. Eyes she could recognize anywhere.

Boboiboy Water.

At that moment she also noticed how their faces were merely inches apart.

Her natural instincts made her somewhat squirm to get as much distance between them. Her moral compass alerted her to get away from this good-looking man immediately. However, Boboiboy's hold on her was strong and he looked sternly into her eyes.

"You can punch me as hard as you want after I get the both of us out of here. For now, trust me and HOLD TIGHT"

She instantly obliged as a huge wave crashed into them, pulling them under the water once again.


Boboiboy knew from the vice grip of the girl in his hands, Yaya was scared.

Boboiboy wanted to panic, but he couldn't afford to do so.

Not when she was trusting him to get them both out of there.

One advantage of having water powers was that he could breathe underwater. But the same doesn't apply to Yaya.
(There was ONE way to give her the ability to breathe underwater, but he was POSITIVE that Yaya would murder him if he did so)

Hence, Boboiboy shifted his attention to the rush of the water, feeling the current violently crashed their way to adapt back to the original flow of the river.

He closed his eyes, trying to feel the water through his senses.

The loud crashes of  waves resonated into a quiet river flow.

The rush of the current turned into a calming motion.

Water droplets now were sensitive to his touch.

He opened his eyes, and didn't waste time to redirect the water to bend to his own will.

In a few seconds, the water followed his command to pull the pair out of the surface and dump them ungracefully on the river bank.

At the feeling of damp, solid ground, Boboiboy transformed back to his original form.

He allowed himself to relax when their surroundings didn't show any immediate danger. They were both stranded at a river bed, surrounded by large exotic looking trees that loomed over them like some sort of protective shield.  Bushes littered the ground and surrounded them all the way.

Exhaustion finally overwhelmed him to his veins.

He panted and his chest rose heavily.

But he still remembered to pull his hands away from the limp form that wasn't in much better condition than him. He even shifted himself to create a respectable gap between them two.

"You... okay?"

He was breathing heavily and it made him harder to speak.

Yaya gave a small smile albeit her cheeks flushed with exhaustion.
"Been better"

They both were a heaving mass of wet clothings and gasps of air now. But Boboiboy couldn't help to feel relieved that they were still alive.

"Are you.... hurt?"

"Other than extremely exhausted, no"

"You can....punch me.... now if you want"

"Meh. You look terrible already"

"Ouch... You wound me"

Her ability to laugh despite the situation they were in amazed him.

"Thank you. You saved my life"

Her soft voice portrayed so much relief and appreciation that he couldn't help but smile.

"It's nothing. You'd do the same. You actually did, didn't you? By saving my life from that monster"

Yaya pursed her lips. "Maybe"

"You almost killed yourself, young lady"

"Hey, where's my thank you!"

Boboiboy couldn't help but laugh at that. After he calmed down, he said in  barely just a whisper,
"Thank you"

She smiled, and he smiled back at her.

Their bodies were no longer in contact, but Boboiboy could still notice how long her eyelashes were and those hazel orbs staring back at him.

They were both freezing,wet clothes increasing the chances of them getting sick, possibly worse, hypothermia.

Soft breeze also welcomed itself to the shivering couple, not helping them in their state at all.

Boboiboy was keenly aware that he should turn into Boboiboy Fire or something to start a fire and warm them up.

His mind even had the audacity to remember that they only had a day and a half before Dalapika's deadline.

He hazy brain also managed to pest him with the reality that his friends were missing and Lovebot was still not found.

Despite all that, he couldn't care. Maybe it was the temperature or even the  rustling of the wind, but those facts couldn't get through his thick head anymore.

Exhaustion finally took a toll on him, and his vision finally turned dark.


"Aah.. Classic young love. This kind of stuff never gets old"

The rustling of the bushes faded before revealing two spheres. They scanned the perimeter before hovering closer to the two knocked out humans.

"What are you gonna do about them?"

The purple metallic power sphere had a smirk on her face.

"Uh oh. I don't like that smirk. Please don't start a war again"

The power sphere rolled her eyes at her partner.
"Excuse me, all of those wars were never my intention. Besides, have some faith in me. I'm  Lovebot for a reason"

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