11- Death in the barley field

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They made camp a few miles west from where they had fought the Basilisk. Sarah had once again disappeared and now they sat around a roaring fire. Jamie rolled the dice around in the palm of his hand, his body still ached from the effects of the poison and he was ravenous. He reached into his bag and pulled out a strip of greasy dear meat, extracting it from the paper and woven grass wrapping. Dan and Ryan did the same. Connor had already fallen asleep and Emily sat hugging her knees. Non of them had anything to say, they were all too tired to think properly. So instead they sat in silence, enjoying the fine food that the Kitsune people (they had decided on the name earlier so they could just refer to the people as that) had prepared for them. The sun had appeared on the horizon, a glowing orange light broke through the leaves. Jamie sighed and wrapped up what was left of his meat. He pulled out his sleeping bag and lay down. He yawned and closed his eyes. Hopefully he would be able to get a few hours sleep before Sarah returned and forced them to move on.

When Sarah returned the sun had only moved slightly. Jamie sat up slowly, his head felt groggy. He sighed and stared through blurry eyes up at Sarah, who stood looming over him.
"Get up sleepy." She grumbled. He stood and rolled up his sleeping bag, before pulling out a strange, purple fruit and jogging off to catch up with the others. He took a bite of the sweet, tangy flesh and juice dripped down his chin. He wiped it away.
"What we doing today Sarah?" He asked before eating another mouthful. Sarah shrugged.
"Keep heading west until we get out of the forest." She paused. "I met up with Envy last night while I was...out, and he's agreed to help us." She told them over the sound of Jamie choking on his breakfast.
Connor laughed. Jamie wiped the saliva fruit mixture off of his mouth and quickly changed the subject.
"So where exactly are we going?" He asked, purposely leaving out his questions about why Envy talked to her and not them. Sarah pointed in the direction they were walking. Jamie scratched his chin, was it his imagination or where the trees beginning to thin out? Emily tapped him on the shoulder. Jamie followed her gaze and saw a huge, golden tower rising into the sky above them, the top of which was pointed and cone shaped. Sarah pushed her mask up her up her face, Jamie hadn't even realised it had begun to slip. She started to walk faster.
"That's were we're going."

It took another two hours to reach the tower, despite the fact it had looked remarkably close before. On the way Jamie was surprised to see signs of human activity, for example trees stumps from where the pines had been cut down or half domesticated dogs running around, even a few small, abandoned farms. At the edge of the forest Sarah told them to take a break. Jamie gratefully sat down and pulled out his water skin, pouring the lukewarm water into his parched mouth. Ahead of them lay a large field of barley, and beyond that the huge golden tower surrounded by a large, sparkling city. Dan sat down next to him.
"Greed would love this place" he joked, pulling out his own water skin. Jamie just nodded and continued to drink. Sarah stood abruptly over too his left, eyes fixed on something on the horizon. A single black blur was speeding towards them, with no sign off stopping. Sarah ran towards it without hesitation. Jamie stood and sprinted after her, dropping his water skin in the dust and plunging into the field. The barley brushed against him as her ran, a few sharp barbs catching to his clothing or scratching his skin. Sarah was kneeling next to a shaking figure on the ground. Upon closer inspection Jamie realised it was a girl around fourteen with long brown hair tied back in a lose pony tail.
"It's got me! You need to help! Please! I don't want to go yet!" The stranger shrieked, struggling to free something from around her ankles.
Sarah was frantically trying to calm the girl down when a loud cry came from across the field, an inhuman howl of a horrible creature. The girl on the floor shot off along the ground, a limp screaming missile. Jamie ran after her, dropping his bag as he did so to move faster. He could barely hear Sarah's pounding footsteps over the sound of the girl's crying and struggling. Jamie leapt forward and grabbed her hand, pulling back in the hopes of delaying whatever unseen force was pulling her. The girl's eyes were wide with terror as a loud scratching echoed through the air. Jamie turned. The creature must have dug through the earth below them, there was no way it had just managed to sneak past them, it was that big. The creature moved so fast Jamie only just managed to roll out of the way as it shot towards them, grabbing the girl in it's jaws and pulling her into the ground. Eight hairy legs disappeared from view until all that was left was the things eight cloudy eyes leading out from the dirt, unblinking as they focused on Jamie. Fear immobilized him, unable to move he wanted the girl's hand claw at the dirt, desperately trying to catch hold of something as she was at last taken below along with the monster. Sarah was by his side now, telling him to stand as she examined the seemingly untouched ground. But Jamie couldn't force himself to snap out of his panic. His mind raced, that thing couldn't be...could it? Sarah confirmed his fears.
"I think we just found the third boss." She sighed. Jamie shuddered, this was his nightmare, the game must have known that and decided this would make thing worse for him. The next boss was his worst fear, like something from a bad dream. A huge, monstrous spider was awaiting them.

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