15- home soon...

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Jamie stared back at the fading light of the city. Wrath had agreed to help them with the arch boss and had even directed them to the place where they would find the next sinner, Lust. Roman hadn't said anything, merely standing quietly as they said their goodbyes. Draug had gone missing a short time before. Jamie jogged up to walk alongside Dan.
"You ok?" He asked. Dan nodded then yawned.
"I'm tired though." He complained. Sarah rolled her eyes. "When we reach the next forest you can stop." She informed them, walking faster to get ahead of the group. Emily skipped up to join them.
"Poor Shaun." She whispered. Jamie nodded, Shaun had died so that the people could be free, but it didn't help soothe the distress burning inside him. Jamie didn't like the fact he was helpless, that Shaun was going to die and there was nothing anyone could do. Jamie also knew that Draug's pained cries would haunt him for the rest of his life. He sighed and they walked in silence for some time. Dan pulled out his water bottle whilst Emily tried not to start crying again. Connor came up behind them, closely followed by Ryan.
"So...one normal boss left and the arch boss, then we get to go home?" He asked hopefully. Sarah nodded.
"That's right." She replied, looking back at them. "Then we all get to go home." She muttered thoughtfully.

They reached the forest edge as the sun appeared on the horizon. The trees where packed densely together, a mixture of birch and oak. Sarah dumped her bag on the ground and stared up at the red tinted sky. Jamie watched as she quickly lit a small campfire, though he wasn't sure why. Then she disappeared without a word of explanation, walking off into the woods. Jamie stood, confused for but a moment.
"Sarah! Where are you going?" He called after her.
Silence. He sighed and threw his rucksack to the ground, sitting down heavily beside it. Emily sat down gently and began to rummage through her own bag, pulling out food which she distributed among them. Jamie graciously accepted and ate with his fingers, enjoying the salty taste of the meat as it hit his tongue. Ryan rolled over and immediately began to snore. Connor yawned and lay down, using his bag as a pillow. Only Dan continued to stand, pacing back and forth like a restless toddler.
"Don't you guys wonder where Sarah disappears to every time we sleep?" He puzzled, scarring his chin. Jamie rolled his eyes.
"Of course we do." He sighed, laying on his back and shutting his eyes. Dan stopped pacing. "Why don't we follow her tomorrow, you know, see what she does?" He offered.
Jamie opened a single, weary eyes to look at his best friend. Connor laughed as he placed his glasses next him in the grass.
"Yeah, cause you're a professional stalker, aren't you Dan. No, we'd only get caught and then she'd hate us." Connor chuckled. Suddenly, Jamie sat up.
"We could, I mean...aren't you even a tiny bit curious?" He argued. Emily groaned.
"Yes, but it's her privacy, isn't it. If Sarah doesn't want us to know what she's up to then that's her call." She said, rolling onto her side. Jamie flopped back down, it was pointless to argue. Finally Dan gave in and lay beside them.
"We could check it out tomorrow." Dan whispered, determined not it drop the subject.
"Shut up Dan." Jamie replied, already beginning to feel his limbs go heavy. Slowly, he allowed himself to drift off to sleep, the thought of where Sarah had disappeared to whirring around in his head like a broken record.

Sarah kicked Jamie in the neck. He awoke with a start, sitting bolt upright and looking around in confusion. When he saw Sarah he sighed and clumsily got to his feet. After a quick breakfast they set off, down a worn winding forest path into the trees. Sarah said nothing, glancing back occasionally and glaring at them. Dan nudged Jamie in the ribs.
"You think she knows about last night?" He whispered, staring at Sarah. Jamie shook his head, unsure of what to say. Sarah was smart, cunning even, but without listening to them, it seemed there was no way Sarah could know what they had discussed. Sarah continued to stomp through the trees, angrily swatting branches out of the way as she ran forward. Dan sighed and muttered something about how women where so unpredictable before dropping back to sulk next to Ryan. Emily soon took his place, skipping along and smiling.
"Sup?" She grinned, causing Jamie to raise an eyebrow. "Why are you so happy?" He asked.
Her smile broadened. "because we're almost finished, we get to go home soon!" She said enthusiastically, turning her head skyward to look through the tree tops at the dazzling golden sun. Jamie smiled, realising for the first time how close they were, allowing the fact to sink in.

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