Chapter 2: runaway

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I got up from bed and slipped on a emerald green dress that had pace sleeves and a slim skirt, Braided my hair onto my shoulder and put on slippers.

I walked down to breakfast Wich was oat meal with apples. Mmmmm. I sat down and started eating, adding a little cinnamon the the mixture.

Odd. My mother hasn't come down to join me, she must be in a meeting or something. I pushed the bowl away from me and went out to the training grounds. I'm sure you've guessed no that this is my favorite place to go.

I picked up a sword and practiced some moves on a dummy, slicing it's shoulder off and then savigley cutting it's head off. I then found a partner and practiced hand to hand combat. I lost myself and soon heard the lunch bell, signalling my departure.

Heading back inside I smoothng my hair back and thinking that if someone saw me now they probably wouldn't recognize me. I had multiple tears in my dress and my hair was halfway out of its braids, and I had some cuts on my face from H&HC ( hand and hand combat).

My mother was sitting at the table discussing plans with a young man about my age. Probably a solder.

I cleared my thought and walked in, seeing my mother look up and wave to an empty spot beside her. I sat down  and seeing the bewildered look on the solders face my mother explained to him that I was the princess.

Not many people have seen me like this so it was no wonder that he didn't recognize me. I saw his face turn a bit red as he went on discussing battle plans.

They were planing to move the fight around to the more controlled southern side, because they needed more provisions. However the east side had more provisions but wasn't as controlled and they didn't want to waste time trying to get through. I cleared my through again and spoke

" Why don't you move it to the west? They have more provisions and lots of protection when you get there. Plus the people are more friendly then even the southerners. You'll have to pass through the woods but as long as you take this path you should be fine" I suggested pointing out the barley visible path on the map.

" Yes that would be fine except they might not have enough provisions to last." My mother answered

"Why don't you take a cart full of supplies back from the village? I'm sure we could spare a horse." I said

" Come to think that would be a good idea. It would be quicker and safer." The solder said to my idea

" I suppose we could lend a horse and a cart. You can go with Evelinie when she heads down to the village, I will get a cart and horse prepared." My mother said dismissing us

" I'll get changed." I said trying to ignore the fact that my mother had just basically ruined my trip. I was going to pick up my own supplies for my trip to the army base. I'll just have to do that discreetly.

I ran up and brushed out my hair, pulling on a plain brown dress that was my absolute favorite because it wasn't fru fru. I walked down barefoot and saw the solder waiting with the cart and horse.

I saw his eyes widen at the sudden change of my looks

" Don't be so amused, it's a long journey to the village and I didn't feel like wearing those fru fru dresses.' I said and started walking  twords the village.

He got on the cart and followed me as I weaved my way down the roads.

" Are you going to ride? The solder asked me curiously

" I prefer to walk. I don't like riding carts anyway, to much can happen." I said making a face as I stepped on a sharp rock.

" At least you could've worn shoes. With that attire you'll blend right in. Your a princess you need to stand out or at least wear shoes."
He said laughing

I kept walking silently then the moss and grass part of the road came up.

" This is one of the reasons  why I don't wear shoes." I point down to the ground " and we're almost there now." I said and saw the village in the distance

I walked in and showed him the shop for foods. I myself walked in to the shop and purchased some dried beef and seasonings along with some bread mixture.

I walked to the counter and put my items in a bag chatting with the owner untill the solder went to check out. I walked out into the streets and greeted one of my friends; a girl about my age who had tons of siblings and was helping me sneak out.

" Whose the hottie you came with?" She asked nodding to the solder

" A solder from the main front." I said looking at him

I had to emit he was good looking. Black hair and green eyes, tall and a nice build

"Anyways can you get me the oils? I'm leaving tonight." I said

" Yep hang on I'll get it." She left and quickly retuned with a brown paper bag full of medicine and oils

" See you! Byeee"I said waving
" Bye Evelinie!" She waved as I got on the cart. It was getting dark out and the solder was just returning with the rest of his stuff.

" We need to leave now if we don't want to get caught by a helophī." I said as he got in the cart.

" Your riding in the cart?" He asked

" Yes. I don't feel like dealing with helophī. Get the horse moving." I said closing my eyes tightly

As much as I fear carts  I fear helophī more. I close my eyes and grab on to the side of the cart. I felt multiple splinter shoot into my hands but I didn't care

" Wow you really hate carts?" The solder said in amazement

" Yes" I say

" Well, I know your name so I'll tell you mine. Alex delfî at your service he said

I could feel him sticking out his hand for me to shake

" Uhhhh. Nice to meet you. Sorry but I'm not taking my hands of the cart. If I do I'll probably-" I stopped mid sentence when I hears hissing from my side
" Shit" I said opening my eyes and seeing glowing orange eyes staring back at me. I pulled out my dagger

I saw the solder pull out a sword.

"Get behind me." He said
" It'll be easier to kill if we fight together." I said standing on the ground facing the helophī.

It ran tword us. It was so gross. It had two mouths and three eyes. It's legs were pointed and it's saliva was falling everywhere, killing grass because it was so acidic.

I ducked as it saying it's tails at us. I sliced one of easily and saw Alex do the same to the other tail.

It let out a inhumane shreak and pounced on Alex who stabbed it's middle. I jumped in top of it and started to hack at it's huge neck.
Eventually the neck was chopped of and the helophī was dead. I hopped in the wagon and helped Alex in.

"Let's go." I said grabbing the reins and clicking my younger to get the horse to move, momentarily forgetting about my fear of carts.

I woke up around two in the morning and grabbed my rucksack and sword after getting changed into pants and a shirt. Dresses had no place in what I was doing...

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