Chapter 2

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Strange voices echoed around in his mind, his vision dark and black. Brooklyn groaned, his body rather weak when the warbled voices began to sound a little clearer now, both of them rather strange and not familiar.

"Will he be alright dad?" Asked one that sounded rather young.

"We won't know for sure, Hiccup. I found him lying on the outskirts of the village not looking good. Let's hope for sure Gothi can heal him." Another said with a thick Scottish male accent.

Blinking his eyes open, Brooklyn looked around, finding himself lying down on a bed in a strange looking wooden hut. Turning around, his eyes landed on two humans nearby. The first a scrawny looking teen and the other a big buff man. The larger startled Brooklyn quite a bit and he jerked back in his bead from fear, body feeling different too.

The teen held up his hand. "Whoa, easy, you're alright." He said to Brooklyn who panted, struggling to remember how he got here but couldn't. "My father is rather, well, er..." The boy flinched from his father giving him a look. "But he won't hurt you. You're in our village of Berk, Gothi's hut. She's our healer."

Brooklyn tilted his head, unable to comprehend anything. "B-Berk...?" He asked woozily, still struggling to wake up. Gothi had come by, a wrinkled old hunched over woman, gazing at Brooklyn and trying to inspect his wounds, making him flinch in fear again. "G-Goliath..." Brook gasped aloud, feeling his hand which didn't feel normal. To his horror, Brooklyn looked at it, and no talons were present. He was human!

"NO! This isn't me!" Brooklyn cried, Gothi trying to hold him down. Hiccup winced from how panicked the newcomer was. "Hey, calm down, please! We-we don't understand."

Brooklyn sniffled, tears coming down his eyes at the idea of being stuck in a human form, and humans actually talking to him without screaming. This wasn't the way it was for him. "I-I It's complicated. I-I can't remember..." Brooklyn quickly thought of, not wanting to tell these possible now not dead Vikings that he was a gargoyle. They wouldn't get him at all if he did."

Hiccup raised his brow but eventually got the message. "I'm sure your memories will return in time. What's your name? I'm Hiccup, this is Stoick the Vast."

Stoick nodded gruffly to Brooklyn who gulped, seeing how much of a buffed person he was like Goliath. Taking a steady breath, he replied. "Brooklyn. I-I got stranded at sea." He lied, feeling shy about revealing his true story.

It made Hiccup smile. "Well, you're welcome here as long as you need. If you want you can stay at our house." He offered. Brooklyn stared in awe, then nodded, liking the idea but hoping he could figure out how to get back to his real home and world, and not have the chief of Berk kill him when finding out he was a gargoyle. These humans weren't like the ones from his world. "Thanks."

Hiccup shrugged. "No problem. Just rest since you look rather exhausted. We have a lot to tell you about our village and customs tomorrow. And some other things too." Hiccup felt a little unsure about how to tell their friend about the dragon attacks but he was sure that Brooklyn probably came from a village that experienced the same thing.

Smiling, Brooklyn lies back on his bed, Gothi giving him a glass of herbal strengthening potion to relieve his strength. Even though it was bitter it helped Brooklyn suddenly feel a little tired as well, glad to eventually get proper sleep that wasn't from fainting.


The next day Brooklyn had been allowed out of Gothi's hut and followed Hiccup through the village of Berk, gazing in awe at the sight of the sun lighting up everything around him, and even spotting a puddle where he noted his looks as a human, which was rather different from the mirror incident.

Brooklyn felt his human face, touching his short brown hair, and saw his short sleeve Norse like shirt, wondering if he could eventually get clothes like the ones the Vikings here had.

Some of the Vikings had noted Brooklyn, raising their brows at him, others muttering judgmentally under their breaths. Hiccup pulled him along by his hand, happy to have someone to talk to that didn't come from Berk. "Just ignore them Brooklyn. I gotta show you where I work."

He led Brooklyn to the blacksmith where another sized Viking with a long mustache was pounding a hammer on a hot burning sword. The blacksmith glanced up, smiling at Hiccup. "Ah, I see yer friend is recovering."

Brook nodded shyly, waving. The smithy waved back. "Name's Gobber the Belch lad. Should you ever need a knife, or a shield, or a sword, I'm your man!" He offered, holding up the still glowing hot red blade. Brooklyn grinned. "I'll take up on that offer."

Hiccup grins at him too. "You may need it since we fight more than just intruders. And wherever you come from, you probably won't believe it. But it is dragons."

That made Brooklyn blink in real surprise. Dragons were not extinct here on Berk? "R-Really?" He croaked, remembering that stone dragon they faced with King Arthur, not wanting to encounter another anytime soon. Hiccup nods. "Yeah, most people have mice or mosquitoes, but not us. And we unfortunately have a dragon raid about to happen in a couple more days."

The former gargoyle swallowed at the thought, waving weakly to Gobber in goodbye and followed Hiccup to his house, seeing it pretty close to another big building nearby that looked like a big gathering area. Hiccup opened the door, revealing a nice looking fireplace, and several decorative shields lining the walls. Brooklyn smiled, unable to believe he was really in an old fashioned Viking home.

"My dad got a spare bed for you in my room that you can stay in for a while so you won't have to sleep on the floor. And since he's the chief, he is (reluctantly) letting you stay for as long as you need." Hiccup explained. Brooklyn tilted his head at the idea of Hiccup being the son of the chief.

It made Hiccup flush at the look on Brooklyn's face. "I know, Hiccup, a kid like me being the offspring of someone like Stoick. It can be hard to believe but it is the truth."

"Wow. Are there any other kids here in the village your age?" Brooklyn questioned in curiosity.

Hiccup shuffled his feet. "Not too much. Just Fishlegs, Snotlout, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and Astrid. Astrid's the toughest of all of them besides Snotlout. Though none of them like me a lot just because I am the runt of the chief."

Brooklyn's face fell. He knew how it felt to not belong among your own, especially in his condition. He took Hiccup's hand, a little smile appearing. "Well, uh, maybe I can be a friend." He offered, making Hiccup look surprised but pleased.

"Thanks, that'd be great. Nobody really offered me such a thing before." Hiccup said sadly, the two shaking hands, knowing between them that this would be an interesting friendship indeed.

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