there's literally 1 chapter

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I've watched it twice (nowhere near enough) and I was literally screaming at this part, so I changed it up and made it the way I would've wanted it to turn out

3rd person POV

"Ciao, Giulia," Alberto and Luca said, hugging their friend. Giulia hopped onto the train, and subtly winked at Alberto, who turned a bit pink and winked back. Luca sighed.

"Well, let's go fix up our Vespa," he said, trying to sound cheerful for Alberto. All Luca wanted was to go to school, but that couldn't happen.

"Yeah, about that. Uh... it's a crazy thing. I might have sold it." Alberto said, scratching the back of his neck. Out of his pocket, Alberto pulled out a train ticket, one that would take Luca to Giulia's school. Luca opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted when his family walked up to him.

"Luca?" Daniella said.

"Mum? What are you guys doing here?" Luca asked, confused as he looked around at his family.

"If you promise to write to us every single day, and be as safe as possible, and I mean safer than safe," she said warningly, and then sighed. "You can go to school."

Luca's face lit up as he gasped. "I can?!"

"Actually, your friend talked us into it," Lorenzo said, gesturing to Alberto. Alberto blushed bright red as he saw a massive grin on Luca's face. He said his goodbyes to his family, then went over to Alberto.

"Come on Alberto, the train is going to leave soon," Luca said excitedly. "Where's your stuff?"

"Yeah, well, you see..." Alberto stuttered.

"You are coming, right?" Luca asked, a concerned look crossing over his face.

"I would, but Massimo asked if I wanted to stick around. Move in maybe. And I just thought, uh... I think he needs me," Alberto chuckled. "You know?"

"I can't do it without you!" Luca protested, and he felt tears prick at his eyes. "I can't leave you!"

"You won't ever fully leave me. I'll always be right here." Alberto said, holding his hand over Luca's heart. "Everytime you jump off a cliff, or tell stupid Bruno to quit bothering you, that's me," he said, choking up a bit at the end.

Everyone could see that the two boys were having a moment, so they all backed away and left them standing alone on the train platform.

"And, before you go, I wanted to tell you something," Alberto said, wiping the tears off Luca's face. "Luca, from the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you. You are brave, kind, smart, funny and the list goes on, and I don't know who I'd be if I hadn't met you. I would probably still be stuck on the island," he said, chuckling. He then took a deep breath and continued. "I guess what I wanted to say was, that I love you. I love you, Luca. With all of my heart."

Luca looked up with surprise. Alberto loved him?

"I, I love you too," Luca said shyly. Alberto smiled and cupped his face in his hands, lent forward and kissed him gently. (I CAN IMAGINE THIS SO CLEARLY IN MY HEAD AHHHHH)

As they kissed, a gust of wind brought the rain underneath the platform, and the two boys turned into their sea monster forms, their tails wrapping around each other.

Behind the platform, the four adults were freaking out.

"He's too young for a relationship!" Daniella said.

"Oh, shut up will you? Look at them!" Grandma Panguro scolded.

Both Massimo and Lorenzo were crying.

"Look at our sons!" Lorenzo wailed, and Massimo nodded in agreement while sobbing his eyes out.

Luca and Alberto only broke apart when Giulia yelled "LOOK AT MY GAY CHILDREN!" from the train window. The train honked its horn, signifying that it was about to leave.

"Promise you will write to me?" Alberto said as Luca stepped on the train.

"I'll write to you more often than my parents," Luca smiled.

"I HEARD THAT YOUNG MAN!" Daniella shouted.

The train started to move, so Luca stuck his head out of it and waved goodbye, one last time. Alberto chased the train to the end of the platform and jumped off, still running after it.

"I LOVE YOU, LUCA! WHOOOO!" he shouted, chucking his hat into the air. "GO BLOW US ALL AWAY!"

The train turned around a corner, and Alberto disappeared from sight. Luca started crying once again as he glimpsed the island that held so many memories, good and bad.

"Oh I can't wait to see you again," he whispered, as he smiled.

"It's only a matter of time."

A/N my brother just told me he ships Luca and Giulia I am so disappointed

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