Chapter 9//Wedding [Part 2]

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[Serena's POV]

I sighed in relief. After all that arguing they finally finished my make up.

"Now to put on your gown.. " Leaf said. Leaf looked through my wardrobe room. "Now where is it... "

"I'll help her. " Misty said going to be wardrobe room.

[Time Skip]

"We got it! " Leaf said

"After 20 minutes.. " Dawn said

"Well.. It's not my problem that she has a big wardrobe. " Leaf rolled her eyes.

"Well. Since all the makeup has dried we can now put on her gown. " May picked up the gown. "If I could figure out where the zipper is.. "


(With Clemont and The Guys)

[Clemont's POV]

Finally. I told them to shut up.

'Yay me! ' I said in my mind.

We settled on a yellow tie 'cause Wynaut?

"So... What are we supposed to do? " Paul asked. "The girls might take 6 hours to get ready. "

"And we all got ready. " Drew said

"We should just stay here." I said. Well.. We will be waiting for a long time.


(With Serena and The Girls)

[Serena's POV]

We are finally done with the gown halabaloo [I don't know how to spell. :P]

"Now.. Since we are all done.. " Misty said. "What do we do? "

"I don't know. The wedding starts in two hours. " Leaf said

I groaned. Great more waiting.


[Time Skip 'cuz Author~Chan is lazy]

[Narrator's POV]

Everyone has now arrived. Everything is now ready.

"Dad? I'm nervous. " Serena said while shaking the living hell out of her.

"Just stay calm. " Her dad said

"Sheesh. Can you see that your daughter is shaking the hell out of her?! " [Your Name] whisper-yelled while floating invisibly with her fellow GeekChicShippers.

"It's starting. " Author~Chan/Lavender said

Serena and her father are now walking down the aisle. As they reached the priest and Clemont Serena's father let's go of her daughter's hand and stood up in his respective place.

"We are now witnessing the wedding of Serena and Clemont. " The priest said

"Do we have to hear the whole thing? " [Your Name] asked Lavender aka Author~Chan.

"Nope. I'll just time skip. " Lavender answered

"Now you're breaking the fourth wall. "

"Yeah yeah. But it's fun breaking the fourth wall. "

"Just Time Skip already. "

[Time Skip]

"Is there a reason for these two to not get married? " The Priest asked

"Everybody get your cameras!! " Lavender said while getting her camera.

"Okay then. You may now kiss the bride. " The Priest said.

Clemont took of her veil. Serena smiled.
Clemont leaned in and kissed her. Serena kissed back and pulled away.

Everyone screamed in joy while the GeekChicShippers are fangirling hard.

"So.... I guess we will do the AfterParty or Something. I don't know what it's called. " Lavender said

"Yeah. " [Your Name] said


[At The AfterParty or Somethin']

"Here is the Newly Wed Couple! " The Announcer / I dont know what it's called said

Serena and Clemont came out holding hands.

"Now let's see them Dance. " The Announcer said

Clemont and Serena started dancing to the music.

"You know Clemont? " Serena said. "I'm happy that I'm married to you. "

"Me too. " Clemont said.

The Boring Wedding Music stopped and Clemont and Serena stopped dancing.

"What about we have other couples join in? " The Announcer asked. 'Can I have this dance' song played. Clemont and Serena started dancing.

"Hey Ash? Let's Dance! " Misty asked

"Sure! " Ash answered

Misty dragged Ash to the Dance floor

"Hey May? Wanna Dance? " Drew asked

"Okay! " May answered.

Drew and May went to the Dance floor and started dancing.

"Please!! Please Paul!! Please Dance with me? " Dawn convinced Paul.

"Fine. " Paul said

"Yay! " Dawn said as she dragged Paul to the dance floor.

Gary looked at Leaf.

"No.. " Leaf said

"Please Leafy? " Gary said

"F-fine.. " Gary dragged Leaf the dance floor.

"#ForeverAlone.. " Lavender said

"I feel you. " The other GeekChicShippers said


The Book is Done....




This book was crappy for like 3-4 chapters... But it became better..




Anyways I still have an Epilogue coming so keep an eye for that..


And yeah..

I really hope you liked this book. Give this chapter a vote if you liked it and comment on what you thinked this book.
~Lavender, Peace Out..

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