Lucy Sky

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General Info

Name: Lucy Sky

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Race: If applicable.

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight


Height: 5'2" 

Weight: around 100 Ibs

Hair: She has long strawberry blonde hair dyed pink at the ends

Skin: She has tan skin with lots of freckles

Distinguishing marks: none.

Eyes: She has blue eyes

Clothing: She normally wears pink shirts and jeans


Temperament: Lucy is an extrovert, she can be a bit of a downer sometimes but is normally cheery. She can be a bit of a snob towards clothes.

Moral/ethical beliefs: She believes that everybody is equal (Unless you wear something she hates.)

Religious beliefs: I actually don't know

Political stance: (Once again almost in Government class) I HATE POLITICS

Hobbies: She likes to design outfits in her free time

Habits: Nothing really

Quirks/eccentricities: Nothing really

Likes: fashion, bright colours, art, social media.

Dislikes: Outdoors, dull colours, bad fashion, 

Fears: Snakes, spiders, the dark 

Strengths: Fashion

Weaknesses: TBD

Short term goals: She doesn't really have any goals

Long term goals: She wants to become a model

Hopes and desires: She hopes that everyone will think she's pretty

Occupation: She is currently in high school, but is looking to be a fashion designer or model

Skills: Knitting, 


These are secrets others would have to find out through RP.

If you come up with something here then consider removing it in whatever version share publicly unless people need a hint to RP towards finding out whatever secrets your character has.


Always has:

Her phone

Sometimes has:

List items the character might have occasionally.

These can be items that are stored in their house, rooms, lockers, etc.

Events and History

Recent notable events

If something has happened in RP or previous to RP that has a serious effect on story then list it. Even if it's easy to remember sometimes it's nice to see it on paper.

Bad events in the past

What happened in the past that the character does not like to think about?

How has it affected them?

Do other people know?

Good events in the past

List events from the character's past that could be considered good.

Any good memory can work here even if it seems like a trivial one.

History and background details

I will explain later

(She was my first ever Oc, can you tell?)

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