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A gift for MugLice12 . Also known as Angela_the_Fox.

Being stuck in a cabin in the middle of the forest SUCKED. Especially with no electronics or books. Well, except one book. Liv used it as a diary, but that was the only thing she found. Aside from the blankets, pillows, cooking supplies, food, drinks, all the things you'd probably find in any household.

Liv looked up at the ceiling and sighed in frustration, and began to think looking out the windows was her only source of actual entertainment to escape the agonizing torture known as boredom.

She was currently laying on the couch with a blanket, maybe she could take a short nap to escape the boredom and skip to when something interesting happens. She closed her eyes and rolled back over onto her side to hopefully get the rest of the day over with, but was interrupted by the door opening. She looked over, and of course, Tito was there, but then she heard something else. It was very small, but the sound was definitely there. Tito walked over to Liv and she stood up to move away from him, but then saw what he was holding.

"¡Mira!" (Look!) Tito said as he held a small duckling carefully. It chirped and nuzzled Tito's claws, and Liv stared at him."...Where did it come from?" She asked. Tito bent over and set it gently on the floor."Entonces, estaba caminando por la calle y vi a este patito solo. Obviamente, no quería que se lastimara, así que lo levanté y lo llevé a un río. Ahora piensa que soy su madre." (So, I was walking down the street and I saw this duckling alone. Obviously, I didn't want him to get hurt, so I picked him up and carried him to a river. Now he thinks I'm his mother.) He said. Liv was surprised to hear that he helped the duckling, but now he thinks he's the mother??! Tito walked a few steps and the duckling rushed to follow him, proving his story.

He bent down and picked up the duckling."Liv, Lalo. Lalo, Liv." He said. Liv facepalmed."You named him already?" She asked. Tito nodded and gently pet the duckling— or Lalo. Lalo chirped loudly and sounded hungry. Liv and Tito both slightly winced, not expecting him to be this loud. Lalo kept chirping."Está bien, te traeré comida." (Okay, I'll get you food.) Tito said. He carried Lalo to the kitchen and Liv covered her ears since the chirping would soon give her a headache, and it eventually stopped. It sounded like Tito managed to get Lalo some food that he could eat, and thank goodness for that. Any longer and Liv would have to ask Tito where the headache medicine was, if he had any here.

He soon came back in holding Lalo, who was asleep. He didn't look at Liv and focused on the duckling."Vamos, pequeño Lalo. Te construiré un pequeño nido con algunas de mis almohadas y una manta, y creo que tengo una vieja luz de noche aquí en alguna parte." (Come on, little Lalo. I'll build you a little nest out of some of my pillows and a blanket, and I think I have an old nightlight here somewhere.) He said as he walked past Liv and placed a rose next to her.

It looks like Liv might spend a little more time writhing in her diary, but there's time for that later. For now, she wanted to take a nap. And that's exactly what she did.

Oh, you're still here? Well in that case, enjoy the extra!

When Liv woke up from her nap, she was not expecting to see Tito looking down at her. She tensed up when she saw him and looked back at him. He reached a claw out and she immediately jumped off the couch and started running around the cabin while Tito chased. Of course, he caught her quickly and had her pinned on the floor.

"Hey! Let me go!" Liv said. She tried to kick or hit him, but it didn't work. She thought he was going to kill her or at least hurt her. He raised a claw and Liv closed her eyes, expected to be cut.

And something poked her check.

Liv opened one of her eyes and saw that the animatronic didn't look angry or in a violent mood. He looked almost... amazed?? His expression reminded her of a little kid looking at a puppy, and she never thought she'd see that from him. Her cheek was poked again and this time, she knew it was one of Tito's claws."Uhh... Can you stop?" She asked.

"¡No! ¡Sara dijo que algunos adultos humanos eran blandos y blandos como los niños!" (No! Sara said that some human adults were soft and squishy like children!) Tito replied. He poked her cheek again and Liv was wondering if she was still asleep, but every time she was poked, she was reminded that she was awake."Okay?" Was all she could say. Tito then poked her nose and for some reason, he said "Boop!". As confused as Liv was, she was relieved she wasn't being eaten or hurt. She figured getting up would upset Tito into chasing her again, so she stayed still and let Tito poke her. Until he poked her belly, and she almost laughed. Tito looked at her with confusion and poked her belly again.

"Hey!" Liv giggled a bit and Tito went quiet. Well, he was already pretty quiet, but it was like it just got much quieter. Tito soon smiled, and it wasn't a flirty smirk, or evil smile. He started tickling Liv with one of his hands and she started giggling more.

"Stop!" She said through the giggling. Tito made an expression of deep thought, and made it clear it was a fake one."No." He said. He then used his other hand to tickle her more and she started laughing. She wasn't getting hurt, but it was a little like torture.

Any attempts to escape, Tito took advantage of. Liv moves her arms to reach something or crawl away? He'd tickle her armpits. If she tried to move his hands away, he'd use one hand to grab both arms so she can't shield herself from him. And there's no use in curled up, he'll still slip his hands in to tickle her. After about fifteen minutes of nonstop tickling, tears from her laughter were flowing down her face and she was getting tired from trying to escape. Tito stopped to give Liv a break and she immediately took the chance to catch her breath.

While she was doing that, Tito picked her up in a bridal style and carried her back to the couch, and gave her a pillow. She soon caught her breath and took the pillow."...Thanks." She said. Tito smiled and stood up."De nada. Buenas noches, Señorita." (Your welcome. Goodnight, Miss.) Tito said as he walked away. Liv pulled the blanket over her and set the pillow down where she was going to rest her head. She looked up one more time and Tito was gone. She put her head on the pillow and had the blanket over her shoulders, but not her head.

'That was really unexpected.... Who knew that Tito would be a little playful? And the fact that he only wanted to see if I was soft and squishy makes it a bit weirder....... He looked kind of cute, though... WAIT, NO!!! Don't think that! He's a murderer!' She thought in her head. She then thought about how calm and... happy Tito was with Lalo. He didn't have to become a Mother Duck, but he did. He could've just left him to die, but instead he let him follow him and even carried him. Liv doesn't see a lot of people kind to animals like that in the town.

'A playful, slightly caring murderer.' She thought. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. Maybe he actually wasn't so bad after all.

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