Chapter 2

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Merida POV

"FINE RUN JUST LIKE A COWARD WOULD!" Jack shouted out at Hiccup as he left the room. We all stared glaring at him. "What?" he asked I walked over at him and said "You don't know, well let's start by what you just said shall we," I said with a harsh tone to my voice. "Oh that well that is what cowards do isn't it," he replied but with a gentle tone. Why gentle?

"That wasn't very nice Jack, he isn't a coward, he's your best friend," Anna came up and said to him then walked out the room without looking back. I glared at him, then Rapunzel came over and said "Jack he's part of our team and no one is a coward for running away when you get shouted at by your BEST FRIEND," then she walked out the room too.

Me and Elsa didn't have anything else to say to him we both just sighed and shook our heads and also walked out the room, leaving Jack in the middle of the room thinking about what just happened.

Me and Elsa were walking down the hallway in silence until it was broken "Hiccup had a point you know, we never do listen to him, sometimes we act as if he isn't there. But he is still one of us that doesn't change," it was Elsa who broke the silence, I sighed and nodded as my reply. "Maybe we should go check on him and see if he's okay don't you think," I said, she shook her head and replied "No we'd better leave him for a bit."

<Hours later>

It was dinner time and Hiccup didn't come down for anything to eat. We were all sat in silence so I broke it because it was stressful "Do you know what I can't get out of my head?" I said. "No what's that Merida and if it has anything to do with today we don't wanna hear it?" Jack replied irritated. "For your information it doesn't, Hiccup borrowed an arrow of mine a few days okay, you know those days we never saw him and he never told me what he was using it for," everyone looked at me until Rapunzel said "Why would that be strange?"

I sighed, then replied "Because I think that he is hiding something from us and I don't know what it is, we all have a talent that's why were picked for this group, but what is his talent none of knows what it is?" they all looked at me confused but after I finished we all shared the same expression. The expression of worry.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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