Chapter 28

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Jack's POV

We landed on Outcast Island which was just covered in fog. We began walking as the fog began to clear. We then saw a big amount of people all across a row I could see who I wanted straight away. Hiccup was in the grasp of the guy I assumed would be Alvin.

He rose up his hand indicating for us to stop, so we did. "HAND HIM OVER ALVIN OR FACE IT!" Astrid yelled towards him. He laughed a little and then said "Well since you said it so nicely, here you go!" he shoved Hiccup forward so he was walking back to us. Well that was easy.

"Something's wrong?" Astrid said to me. I looked down at her and replied "What?" she looked deep into my eyes and carried on "Think about, that message was a threat of war, a warning and now we're here their just sending him over its way to easy, there's more to this," she was right this just way to easy.

I scanned the battlefield and Pitch was nowhere to be seen at all. "Pitch isn't here either," I stumbled over the words. Astrid looked back up towards me and whispered "We've just walked into trap!" Oh no!

"HICCUP GET HERE NOW!" Astrid yelled towards him, "LIKE RIGHT NOW!" I carried on after her. He looked confused until I saw Pitch from upper ground with his dark arrow aiming straight towards Hiccup. I couldn't do anything because before we knew it, it struck Hiccup in the back as he crashed to the floor.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I lunged straight into the air towards him. I heard Astrid say something from behind but I didn't stop I just kept going until I landed right next Hiccup on the ground. I cupped him up in my arms so he was facing me.

He was fading I could tell because he was closing his eyes. "NO NO stay with me Hiccup stay with me," he started coughing and blood spilled all over my clothes. "You came *coughs* back *coughs*" Tears started to fall from my eyes and fall onto his hands "Of course I did-" but before I could say anything else he closed his eyes and his head tilted into my chest.


I pulled him close into my chest and held him tightly I couldn't let go, I won't let go. Astrid came and landed next to me on Toothless. Toothless looked down at his rider, with sadness. He started nudging Hiccup to wake up but he wouldn't. "Jack we gotta go now," Astrid started saying but not very well. She was on the verge of tears I could tell.

I looked up to see a huge war going on around us. I figured out what Astrid said earlier on now. I lifted Hiccup in my arms and flew away while everyone stopped and followed us. Before I left I heard Alvin say "They took him what now?" Pitch then laughed and said "They won't be able to help him; he's dead anyway."

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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