Chapter 31

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Merida's POV

"Rapunzel," was what she Astrid said. Wait of course, Rapunzel why didn't we think of that before. "Of course my hair can heal any injury possible as far as I've known why we didn't think so to begin with, must have slipped our minds," Rapunzel squealed with joy. With that Astrid jumped back onto Toothless while others jumped on theirs while Jack flew and the rest of us jumped on behind one of the others.

We raced as fast as we could back to Hiccup's house just to see his face getting paler by the minute. Rapunzel quickly ran to his side "I hope this works Hiccup," she whispered and kissed his cheek. She carefully wrapped her golden locks along his body so he looked like he was covered with another blanket. She took a few deep breaths and sang:

Flower Gleam and Glow, Let your Power Shine, Make the Clock Reverse, Bring back what once was mine, Heal what has been Hurt, Change the Fates Design, Save what has been Lost, Bring back what Once was Mine, What once was Mine......

The glow gave way from her and went back to its normal blonde self. We waited for something to happen. Nothing did, he just lay there motionless like always. Until I heard a slight moan emit the room. "Did you hear that?" I asked everyone they all shook their heads so I said "Listen again," so we kept our ears up and it happened again. It came from "Hiccup."

Jack stepped forward and Astrid behind him until we all were by the edge of the bed. Anna knelt down and held his hand "Hiccup is that you?" she asked with uncertainty. He began moving a little by tossing and turning but then went back to his usual state, to being motionless and lifeless. No, Rapunzel's healing magic did nothing.

"I'm sorry it didn't work guys," Rapunzel cried. I cradled her into a hug and said "It wasn't your fault Punz don't worry about it," we left the room in peace leaving just Astrid and Jack behind. "Urgh what are we gonna do guys he's getting paler be the minute and were gonna lose him, if we left that happen that means Pitch wins for once and we've lost," I say defeated.

I fell to the floor with tears forming in my eyes. But I got an idea suddenly.

Jack's POV

I sat on the stool next to Hiccup and held his cold hand. "I thought it was gonna work, why didn't it work?" My voice starts cracking. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I figure knelt beside me I knew who it was. "Jack we won't stop looking don't worry and maybe the magic was just too strong for Rapunzel," maybe she was right, and yes we won't stop looking no matter what.

I placed my head down on the edge of the bed until I heard slamming footsteps come back up the stairs. "Merida's got an idea, but I don't think your gonna like it," It was Anna. I groaned and said "Come on then let's hear it," me and Astrid and Anna headed downstairs embracing the expressions of we are not doing that. Usually that does mean bad news. "Okay let's hear it Merida."

She sighed and goes "Your probably gonna say no and everything but it's worth a shot........okay I was thinking that we could go talk to the witch which turned my mom into bear," Jack and Astrid's mouths dropped straight to the floor in astonishment. "Are you kidding me, what's the consequence gonna be if we do that, your mom turned into a bear, what the hell do you think will happen to Hiccup," I shouted at her.

"Oh come on Jack we can ask what would happen and for all we know she might not even have a spell," I grunted at her. "Well I think it's worth a shot, but one problem is, we don't know where she lives or even if she lives anywhere she could be moving spot to spot all across the world," Astrid stepped up. Merida smiled and shook her head "Nah she has history around Dunbroch so she likes to stay put there in case a special occasion pops up," Astrid and Merida both smiled. "I'm in," Punz stood up and in the end everyone else joined. "Once again no one listens to Jack," I muttered.

"Come on Jack it's another that we should take please," Astrid pleaded. I took a deep sigh in thought and then looked up and replied "Fine but if she says the consequences are bad were out," they all nod in agreement, while all get ready to head to Dunbroch.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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