Chapter 4

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Rapunzel's POV

It was all peaceful in the room for once, we were all sitting doing our own things. No arguing for once so it was nice. The only people who weren't here was Hiccup and Anna. I guessed Hiccup was still in his room not leaving, but had no idea where Anna was not even the slightest.

I started brushing my golden long hair when I heard shouting, and running. I looked up to see Anna running into the room. It looked as she had something but her expression got me worried. We all ran over to her "What's wrong Anna?" Elsa asked her. She was out of breath I could tell, how far and she ran just to get here. "Urgh just spit it out Anna," Jack asked with a tone. I gave him a look and he relaxed a little.

Anna got her breath back eventually then said "Okay so I went back to the battlefield where we last fought Pitch-" but she got interrupted by Jack, "Why would you go back there?" Anna looked at him and replied "Because I needed to clear my head, now if I were allowed to finish without interruptions that would be great," I made a gesture for her to carry on.

"So I went back there to think and then out the corner of my eye I saw something on the ground. I went over to see what it was. And I found this," she showed us an arrow, it was burnt at the top and I could feel heat coming from it. "Wait a minute, that looks like-" I started but got cut off "One of my arrows," Merida carried on.

"Exactly, but you never shot one arrow in that fight so why was it there," Anna finally finished. "My question is why is heat coming off it?" Elsa asked looking at Merida. That's when we all turned out heads at her. She was speechless, but then by the looks of it a thought came into her mind "I don't know why heat is coming off it, but I think I know who will."

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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