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I was at war.

It was the war between the Nagas the Orthodox controlled and our faction, the Resistance.

They were the final species that we just have to free from the Orthodox's control before we would have enough manpower to take on their leader, Elder David Jehoahaz Abraham. I thought everything was going well because all we had to do was restrain the Nagas from the north side of the Gunud and extract the Divine Staff wielder. We would've won.

I was the assigned Resistance Leader to take on the Nagas and it was my first time leading a battle. I was so excited about it. I had only been coming along as support for every battle either Sheba had been leading or Arba's.

Arba was so dear to me and she was happy that I finally got to do what I wanted to do. But with what was happening, it seems I wouldn't be able to see her anymore. I wouldn't be able to play with her anymore. Nor would I be able to laugh with her or even smile with her.

My consciousness was fading now and all I could do was watch as more and more of the people I brought with me went down one by one as the Nagas struck them all with their spears. It was almost a joke how I was defeated atop the Gunud with a clear view of the carnage below me.

I wanted to close my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch how I messed up badly for the faction but I was afraid that if I did so, I wouldn't open them anymore. And with the amount of blood I was losing, I'm not wrong with being nervous. Even so, I don't know if I could face anyone after all this.

Everyone's dying.

And I couldn't do anything.

It getting harder and harder to breathe now. Every breath I take hurts and I was doing it in quick gulps, as if I was getting a shorter and shorter time needed for every one. My wound was slowly getting hotter the more time passes until it felt like as if it was scorching me now.

I fought off the sleep that was starting to gnaw on my consciousness but I couldn't do it for long.

My eyes slowly closed but before they did, I saw the familiar face of Arba as she flew towards me wearing a worried, panicked expression on her usually smiling face.

I gave her one final smile, happy that I get to see her before I became one with our Father.


My eyes closed, for the final time.


"Nooo, no, no, no, no, no! No, Esher! Don't!" Arba held back the oncoming tears she could feel at the edges of her vision as the black-haired girl she held in her arms refused to move. The fighters she and Ugo had brought were just in time to save the remaining half of the girl's forces from the Nagas but they didn't expect to see her in such a critical condition.

The brown-haired woman lightly slapped the girl's cheeks, hoping that if she did, she would miraculously open her eyes again and start breathing. "Open your eyes. Come on, open your eyes! This isn't funny! Stop joking! Open your eyes!" When she didn't, Arba's hand fell away from Esher's cheek as she felt her rapidly cooling body in her arms.

Shock was evident in her face as the tears she was keeping at bay, broke free and deftly fell down her cheeks.




The hair in the back of her neck rose and she knew she was about to be attacked but she couldn't bring herself to activate her Borg to block it. All she could do was stare at the peaceful face of Esher, the girl she treated like her own daughter, as she lay lifeless in her arms.

Arba was quite the healer herself but there was just somethings even she can't do. And that was to bring back someone who had died.

"ARBA!" Ugo parried the attack from the ravage Naga that tried to hurt the woman and he used all his strength to push the creature away before dealing a fatal blow of boiling water at it. He left it writhing as it fell off the Gunud to defend against another Naga that appeared. He gritted his teeth and shouted at the unmoving woman, "Snap out of it! You and Esher need to get away here fast! I'll tell Solomon to try tackling this camp for next time so we need to leave!"

The brown-haired woman's shoulders started shaking and Ugo couldn't understand why she wasn't listening to him. And why was the girl not moving-

That was when he saw the blood that was pooling underneath both girls. Seeing the younger girl not moving, he could only conclude that she was...

"Arba! Take her and leave!" He shouted again, this time more intent to have Arba move. Even so, she continued to stay where she was.

But Arba didn't want to move at all. She has no intent on doing so. The first person she had started caring about just died. It was better that she followed her daughter to meet their Father.

She lost her daughter.

Her one and only daughter.

"Arba! Snap out of it!" Ugo yelled, strucking down the endless Naga that was pelting down on the defenseless Arba.

How could she have even urged her on to go on this suicide mission. She knew right from the start that she wouldn't be able to handle taking on a camp all by herself even though she was a tad bit older than Sheba. Esher was a soft-hearted girl unlike the woman herself. She wouldn't be able to take a person's life, even if they were a different species. She was so sickeningly like Solomon but she held an innocence the young man didn't have.

That was the main reason why Arba liked her in the first place and even went on her way to shield the girl from the battles as if she was something fragile. And the woman realize that she was right with doing just that. Because now that she had let her out into the world, she lost her life.

If she could just turn back time. Back to that time when she gleefully volunteered to take on these monsters and Solomon let her. If only she had been more intent on not letting her go. If only she hadn't even encouraged her. If only...

"ARBA!" Ugo hollered as a Naga went past him and went to swing to the woman with its trident.


Suddenly, as if something just snapped in her, Arba's tears halted and she stared at the Naga as it went towards her, slowly as if time itself slowed down. Her eyes were wide as she did so and her pupils dilated. She moved her hand and instantly, her Divine Stave materialized in her clutches. With speed far surpassing the creature, she stabbed it straight through the head. Green blood splashed her in the face but she paid it no mind as she wrenched her staff out of its head and watched as the force severed it from the body.

Ugo shivered when he caught a glimpse of the cold and blank hatred he saw in the woman's face before finishing off the Nagas that had pinned him in place. He wasn't much of a fighter but he could at least fight even though he wouldn't last long. He was sent with Arba because the woman would be the one taking on the enemy as he just stayed at the sidelines and commanded everyone.

But with the passing of Esher, Arba seemed like she would wipe out the species of the Naga rather than save them from the clutches of the Orthodox Church. Retreating would be their only choice now, and he knew Solomon would agree with him.

The light blue-haired man took careful steps towards Arba who was now standing with the cold body of the girl in her arms. "Arba. Let's go, yeah? Esher is-"

"I know." The brown-haired woman cut him off and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her and himself. Losing Esher was something they hadn't seen coming. She was capable on her own, even more so alongside even just one of the main Resistance Leaders.

For the decade he had known her, she came to be like a sister to everyone... and a daughter to Arba. She was held dear by all of them. Losing her is just.. too much of a shock for him. He could only wonder what the effects it was causing to the woman who treated her as if she was the most important thing to her.

Without a word, Arba flew off with her tightly holding unto the body of Esher. Ugo felt sadness overcome him then, and with no hesitation, he followed after her.


Esher was laid to rest at her favorite place in the world; the cliff where she and Arba first bonded together.

It was the place with the best view of the various tribes the Red Lions had built, where their three sun was always at their biggest whenever you gaze upon them on the horizon, where the trees are big, and animals were everywhere, running freely.

Arba hated the place but she would constantly go over there whenever the black-haired girl would go there. And together, they would watch the beautiful scenery together. And again, she was back at the same place she hated. This time, so that she could lay to rest her beloved person, Esher.

The funeral was brief as per her wishes but even then, everyone had shed their own fair share of tears.

"Esher was strong young woman. Even so, she had the purest heart out of everyone I had met. It was unfortunate that she had met her untimely death." Solomon said to everyone, as his fellow Resistance Leaders looked at Arba's back from afar as she stood over the girl's grave. "If David hadn't created those Gunuds that controlled all the other species, this wouldn't have happen. And until we defeat him, death like this would happen more. I... I don't want to have to experience this anymore."

Everyone took solace in his words but the brown-haired woman.

After all, in that funeral, the only person who didn't shed tears was Arba.

Instead, she was starting to harbor ill-feelings at the words Solomon had just spoken.


After the world had been united years later, it started being on the edge of being destroyed as Arba, led by her hatred of Solomon for Esher's death, started a war against the united species of the utopia, Alma Torran. She led a group that had successfully reversed the flow of the Ruhk and turned it's pristine white colour into a sickening black.

She called her organization 'Al Tharmen'. Standing beside her helping her lead it were Ithnan, Falan, and Wahid; former Resistance Leaders like herself.

And their main goal is have their father ill Ilah descend into the world to destroy the heretics who went against him.

Arba had successfully killed one of her fellow Magi Sheba and her death brought upon the rage of Solomon as he took his Divine Staff to fight one last time for the world. For if he hadn't, everyone would die at the hands of his previous comrades now enemies.

"Solomon! I have been waiting for you! Let us play now, shall we?" Arba grinned gleefully. "A game of death!"

Solomon wore a look of contempt as he gazed at the woman he formerly respected as his mentor. All he could feel was just pity for her now. "I'm sorry to have let things become like this. But you have been swallowed by your anger over Esher's death. I will end you, for everyone and Esher's sake."

The woman felt her anger rose in levels at what he said. The playful facade she had put up to greet the King was replaced by one of pure anger. "You have no right to say that when you know were the one who killed her!"

She and Solomon met as they both went for the offense.


The battle had lasted long but now, Solomon had Arba trapped in his magic.

She knew that the end was about to come for her and she couldn't help but feel happy for the first time in years ever since her beloved Esher died. She would be able to see her now. See her smile and laugh as if she never died, at all. But this time, they would be beside their Father.

"Ahh... Esher. My dear, Esher. We would be meeting soon, my daughter!" She didn't hold back the tears that was now pouring from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Arba." Solomon's tone was grave as he continued to hold her still with his gravity as the seventy-two holders of the Divine Stave prepared to expel her human body and banish her wretched soul. "But you won't be meeting Esher. Ever."

Arba had been listening to him in the corner of her mind but the moment she heard him tell her that, she found herself being the angriest she had been her entire life. It was just like him to wrench away her happiness. She broke free of his gravity magic and took the chance to attack Solomon when he collapsed from his magic breaking.

But the Staff holders were faster and each leader of the various species that had gathered to banish her and Ill-Ilah, fired one Ultimate Magic. Arba was engulfed in a blinding light and her body started dispersing before she could even touch Solomon.

"She died because of you! I will never forgive you as long as eternity remains! I will continue to spiral each world you made into darkness!" The final bits of her face started to fall away but even so, the angered voice of her spirit let out one final holler that sent a shiver up everyone's spine.



And the final war of the utopia, Alma Torran, came to an end. Ill-Ilah retreated back to his own world and every single one of Al Tharmen were banished into a different dimension where they would never bother anyone.

But the world was starting to fall apart. There would be no way to continue living on the world now that every single fauna had been destroyed when God had descended.

There was no choice but live in a different world.

Fast forward a thousand years into the New World, the world once again faces another oncoming disaster that would decide the fate of the whole world. And just like where everything started, this story starts at another battle.


A/N: Welcome to my new story! This is something that came to me long ago but had just found the right moment to get to writing it.

I wrote this prologue to gauge everyone's reaction to it before I upload again. But it would take awhile before I do so since I have another story that takes much more priority than this one. This is just a minor story so it would probably take about twenty chapters before it is over. I would try to update once a month but expect chapters to come quick once I have free time to continue it.

And the first chapter of this wouldn't take a month to come out so you'll be able to see it soon.

Well, that's all I wanted to say. Hope you enjoyed this and let me know what you think about it~

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