A healthy society

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I have been Cursing society all this time

But society means you and I ,

and I think we can try ,

to make a place where no woman is objectified,

And men Aren't unnecessarily criticized ;

where no women is slut shamed for laughing with men ,

and men too can cry;

Where no girl gets treated like a burden,

And men are allowed to share their emotions;

Where colours aren't associated with gender,

And cooking doesn't means feminine;

I maybe a feminist,

Because I don't support chauvinism And misogynists;

Not all feminists are hypocrite,

I don't favour women over men, I support basic

equal rights.

When no men gets falsely accused,

And no woman is victimized.

Let's build a society,

Where it isn't a competition;

Of who is stronger or wiser,

Cause both have equal shares of being a fighter!

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