Day 1 ✒

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Hey guys I am here with the first post of this book.

Topic ~   Describe your personality

Well when we talk about personality , I believe its something that defines a person , in and out.

We can fake behaviours , thoughts , actions but not the overall personality .

Writing about my personality would be so difficult I had never thought but yaa it is .

Finally starting with the traits I have ,

1● I am a person with a strong will .

When I feel that something is right and it should be done in this way only then I only listen to my mind and heart. But if I am not sure about something then I will prefer leaving it that way.
Sometimes people connect this trait with me being stubborn and misunderstand my intentions but they fail to understand that its nothing but my strong intutions . I have a very strong gut feeling and it helps me in taking right decisions in the unfavorable situations.

2● I cant stand fake people.

I dont know if this would be aptly considered as a part of my personality but still its a very important aspect of my life. I like to keep things as real as I can . Portraying a fake image of myself in front of  known and unknown people is something I never prefer.

I believe, being real and genuine in this hypocrite world will make you see people in a more correct manner . A fake person is too conscious about his or her image but a real one doesnt care much and lives freely.

3● I am very emotional , but  doesnt like to show it openly.

Feelings of pain, heartbreak , failures and other traumas are difficult to deal with in public , atleast for me.
If ever I face criticism in life , I tend to keep myself normal and unaffected in that moment so that people dont sympathise with me but the moment I am alone , I just feel the need of venting out my emotions through tears , through monologues but just in front of myself.

Well the above mentioned things are some negative cases of one's life but I am really bad in showing my tears of happiness also. We all have a few moments when we are really overwhelmed with happiness and people expect us to cry and smile in that very same moment but its difficult for me.

4● Having a big heart and an overthinking brain.

The best combo isnt it? No trust me its the worst one , I am really very affectionate and a person who loves to give as much as I can. Giving wont just include money or materialistic things but giving for me is a piece of my soul , my thoughts , my opinions , my love and my concern.

I am  not only concerned about my family,  my friends but also for every big , small creature living on this planet😶

Sometimes I feel bad for an ant , I always cry thinking about the beggars I came across while travelling back home after my college and it pains my  heart  to see every dead plant or tree , I dont know why but seeing someone in pain feels so personnal everytime.

Sharing one incident with you guys , there are many though but lets take this one.

It was april , last year , my city was getting hotter with every passing day and my college practical exams were going on . Having sugarcane juice to relax myself in the scorching heat had become an everyday routine for me but one day I had some shortage of cash so I decided to skip my juice and straightaway took an auto to another spot as I had to change three autos everyday.

I was waiting for an auto when suddenly I saw a barber shop owner  pushing an old lady who was asking for some money. She was a beggar I suppose but the way that man pushed her made me so angry . I glared at that man and then followed the lady till the zebra crossing where she sat dejected.

I saw how sad and pale she looked , it was really hot and she was too old , she was hungry too I guess. I immediately went back to a restaurant and ordered for two samosas and one cup of vanilla  icecream and gave it to her with a big smile.

She immediately grabbed the food and started eating after joining her hands and I just said " Sir par kapda rakh lo aunty dhoop tez hai "

That day I  had shortage of cash , but seeing the lady filling her stomach made me forget about my own thirst for the sugarcane juice.

So this was just one incident , many such moments took place in my life till now will share in later chapters.

So If ever you feel that you are capable to feed someone then please do , the satisfaction is something else which cannot be depicted through words.

So this is how deeply I connect with someone and years later I think about them actually overthink about them and get worried .

Overthinking about everyone ,  my past ,  present , future and then getting anxious is really a negative aspect of my personality but still I am trying hard to be in my happy zone without thinking too deeply about my life.

Although, it sometimes is really helpful  in thinking about myself more deeply and it really helps me in changing for something better ahead in life.

5● Too matured but kid at heart .

Well I think I should not elaborate this one as you all know me as a writer , how seriously I write about life and relations but at the same time I like to add some funny moments trying to keep the situations as light as possible . So yaa this is how I deal with my life , matured when needed , but kiddish by heart .

I can fight for the right thing in one moment and then sit and cry for smallest things like a balloon or after getting a scolding from my parents.

So this is quite a confusing trait I know but this is what I am🙄

6● A blend of emotional or practical characteristics .

As I said earlier , I am very emotional  by nature but that doesnt make me  an emotional fool because , talking about taking decisions like very important one, I usually use my brain to avoid mistakes but that doesnt mean that I forget my poor heart because its always involved.

I am very emotional and always ready to help the one who needs me . Even if the person is not at all in my good books , I will still try to solve their issues and give a peace of mind to that particular humanbeing by giving them opinions and solutions to their problems .

Though I am scared of animals and usually hesitate in touching them but still I do have a big soft corner no no a whole soft room for them . I cant see them in pain , although I wont touch them directly but still try to help them in my own way.

7● Soft hearted and forgives easily , but I never forget .

Its an old saying , deep wounds take time to heal but one day it vanishes so does your pain .

So whenever I get hurt , I tend to forgive the person but all thanx to the almonds I had since childhood , its really hard to forget.

8●Anxiety and Anger issues

How to deal with the over anxious nature? Anyone with some good suggestions then please do let me know😶

Anxiety a term we all are facing these days , anxiety due to the sudden pandemic , anxiety regarding career and future , anxiety of keeping our loved ones happy and safe , this anxiety has no end. Sometimes it makes me so hyperactive and reactive that I turn into a completely different person.

The sane , matured,  kind being suddenly becomes impulsive , angry , irritated and moody . Over these years , I am facing a different kind of anger issue that involves throwing stuffs in anger , be it a water bottle or anything.

This behaviour is really bad I know but it happens in my worst moods when the situation is totally against me. I am definately trying to control my anger issues  everyday but still suggestions are welcomed.

9●Creative and thoughtful

This is the most favourite part of my personality. I am a creative bird who loves exploring the sky of good positive ,  thoughts . My thoughts are always related to the beauty around. I really admire nature and loves capturing it through my camera. I am  a passionate photographer , a creative writer , a deep thinker and a happy gardener who finds peace and seek new ideas amidst my dear plants.

10● Introvert and Extrovert

This is the last aspect of my personality , well I believe I am reserved by nature , I usually cannot talk with unknown people very easily but still if I start bonding well with the person then its a forever one. I am slowly turning into an extrovert these days but still sandwiched somewhere between being reserved and being outspoken.

When it comes to keeping my opinions I am an outspoken debator but when it comes to being too casual and overfriendly I am still reserved and private by nature. I always need some me time everyday where I could just sit and relax , write stuffs , watch yeh un dinon ki baat hai  and cartoons like oswald or doraemon or read a book or just do some editing for my fanpage. This is how I love to spend time with myself.

~3rd June 2020

So guys these were some glimpses of my personality ( and have surely missed many I know ) . Though its not that amazing but still I expect your responses on this first part of
' Glimpse of my world '

Thank you labhya08 . I really  got to know about myself even more properly with this one.

See you all tomorrow with the next glimpse of my life.

Keep loving
keep supporting
lots of love

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