Falling apart

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~Last Chapter Drama~
"ƦṨĬṨŦŊČ ĬṨ FỰŦĬĹ ƳƟỰ'ĹĹ ℌℨĹƤ ϖĬŊ ŦĬṨ ᗷᗛŦŦĹ" he did that ever so popular evil laugh except it was glitched so it sounded like a constipated human mimicking the windows start up sound before Heat could poke fun at him Glitch back handed him knocking him out and waking him up in the real world~

Heat sighed as he looked at the clock it was 1:20 pm and that irritated the crud out of Heat 'Why can't it just be Night? Then I could sleep all my sorrows away' he groaned as he crawled onto the couch and laid down not wanting to do anything, he closed his eyes and was slowly falling asleep just before he was completely out cold he got a call from his phone the ringtone being obnoxiously loud, the sound was somebody screaming CRAWLING IN MY CRAWL MY SINS THEY WILL NOT CRAWL over and over again until he answered the phone or they hung up he groaned again and tiredly moved his hand to his phone and he picked it up answering the call and putting it to his ear immediately "Yup?" He asked as there was a soft giggle heard from the other end of the phone he widened his eyes as a blush dusted the side of his cheeks his childhood crush and best friend Frisk Dreemur was on the other end of the line. They  were raised together as siblings but never acted like them Toriel still treated him as her own though  and he respected her for that, that's why when he turned 14 he took the last name 'Dreemur' never less he yawned as Frisk stopped giggling "Hey Tyl-" Heat cut her off immediately "Dont call me that I go by Heat now" he said seriously as Frisk giggled again "Fine Fine, Hey HEAT it's been awhile how's it going?" She asked as Heat chuckled "Eh pretty terrible since I have to wake up everyday in the morning like why can't I just sleep forever?" He jokingly asked as Frisk went silent "Im kidding everything's good how's mom?" Heat asked as there was a loud sigh heard "That's the issue here Luk-Heat the thing is.... Moms extremely sick..." Heats eyes widened as he dropped the phone making a loud thud "Heat?" Frisk asked from the phone it felt like Heats world has froze over time seemed to stop as he let it seep in. His adoptive goat mother Toriel Dreemur was extremely sick whatever she has it could be lethal and Heat can't afford to lose his family not again it would break him Toriel was the one person who helped him in his most dire Time of need and she could be dead Frisk was still yelling from the phone "LUKA ARE YOU OKAY?" She screamed as Heat just replied by picking up the phone and telling Frisk one thing before ending the call "I'll be there shortly". Heat was devastated for three things 1: his mother is dangerously sick 2: He actually has a good reason to stand up and do something productive 3: he has to pay for the damn hole in the wall and that really annoys the crap out of him 'who put the damn hole there anyways? Oh wait I did' Heat facepalmed as he saw Aqua wall into the living room "Aqua I'll be out for today and possibly tomorrow if I don't make it back tonight tell Spice to read you a bedtime story that isn't gory if he disobeys me tell him I said you can start breaking Kitchen plates until he agrees to do it" he told her as she giggled and nodded "Okay bro see you!" She hugged him and ran off Heat chuckled and momentarily forgot about all the sadness as he put his shoes on and began making his way to his old home.

Heat sighed as he looked around he was in the ruins of a castle it brought him good cheerful memories as a kid this place was what he considered 'home'. Heat looked around until he found the entrance just before he opened the door it swung open smacking him in the face which was followed up by a 16 year old girl tackling him to the ground he blushed lightly as he realized it was Frisk her skin had a tan to it (Image at the top) she never opened her eyes but she still looked rather cute she wore a long sleeve shirt that was too big for her and short shorts (If I'm wrong sue me) She had a short figure her being no taller than Aqua if not a little taller Heats face continued to grow in a dark shade of red as he realized that she was on top of him their faces pretty close together Heat momentarily forgot that his mother was deathly sick as the only thing that was on his mind was 'should I kiss her? I want to kiss her but would that be wrong? She's my adoptive sister that's so wrong But is it? I mean we aren't related at all in blood so it can't be that bad right?" Questions like that raised through his mind as he looked at her she looked at him he leaned in slightly to kiss her and she leaned back they shared a soft tender kiss both Heat and Frisks face have exploded in the red blush colour just as Heat closed his eyes Frisk quickly got off him "L-Luka M-Moms this way!" She stated quickly before running inside Heat laid there in shock as he touched his lips "That was... in expecting...." he sighs as he got up and walked inside.

The place hasn't changed at all the living room was still in the same place walls in tact it was a soft subtle home but it was rather dusty and uncleaned because nobody has cleaned in awhile due to the fact that Toriels deathly sick Heat looked around and after awhile he walked into her bedroom and saw Frisk holding onto Toriels hand Heat ran in as The goat coughed out some dust "L-Luka my child.... i-it's so good t-to see you....." she coughed again as Frisk teared up Heat instantly grabbed her hand "It's okay Mom I'm here now" he told her reassuringly "Th-That's good my child.... b-but I'm afraid my time is up...." Heat felt a tear slide down his face as he quickly shook his head "Th-Thats not possible! Y-Your going to be okay you have to be"! Frisk began to bawl as Heat felt tears began to rush down his face Tears fell down Toriels aswell "D-Don't cry Luka.... I might be okay.." She tried to tell him but he shook his head the tears began to flow at an uncontrollable pace his heart was racing "N-NO YOUR NOT YOUR LYING TO ME!" Heat yelled out She cupped his cheek "I-I'm sorry my two most wonderful children are here to see th-this happen.... b-but at last I-it can't be helped....." she told them as their crying didn't stop "Frisk my dear.... you've been with me for as long as I remember.... I am proud to call you my daughter....." she told Frisk ask Frisk coughed "Y-Your the best mom I could ever ask f-for!" Frisk replied back "Th-That's Good to Hear..... F-Frisk lead the monsters and humans to peace one day for m-me...." she told Frisk again as Frisk nodded She then looked at Heat and she cupped his cheek again he held her hand against his face "L-Luka my child.... y-your the best son I could ask for.... I-I don't regret taking you in at all.... n-now Remember to stay true..." she coughed and weakly put her hand where his heart would be "to your heart and to always be kind..... Y-Your going to do great things and killing isn't one of them...." Her voice began to get weaker and weaker as she started to turn to dust "I-I-I L-Love y-you my Ch...i...l..dren....."

She turned to dust

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