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This isn't a continuation of the story but a new version of the same. Do read as this version has 2 parts which means it is double the length of the previous version. Hope to see you'll vote and comment once again for this story. Constructive criticism are welcomed and encouraged as it will be useful for a project I'm about to start. This story will be used as an experiment for my project. Thank you in advance. 

A calm atmosphere was filled in the backstage, in one of the rooms to be précised. The room of the led singer of the Wings Band, Manohar. His sudden change of plan had caused a commotion around the production unit as well as among his band member, Manoj and Shika.

It was the night of the most awaited concert of the Wings Band and it was their fiftieth concert.

Though it had been a usual affair for the singer to perform a unique entry for his concerts. This time Manohar had shocked his team by doing a last-minute announcement. Manohar got himself ready and waited for the security to give him the green signal for him to execute his plan.

As he checked himself in the mirror, his gaze fell on the reflection of a chair behind him. On the back of the chair had the Wings Band's signature black jacket laid over it. Manohar ran his hand over the embroidered alphabet M that also had tiny gold stones embellished on it. The handwork was done by one of his fans which he had received two weeks ago.

Manohar was given the signal by one of the bodyguards arranged by the organizers. He peeked at the ocean of people gathered for his concert from the backstage. It was his most favourite view, the view of his fans waiting to shower love on him and his band.

Being an established singer from the famous Wings Band, he is known to be the soul of the band and one who loves to be let free. He is one who is always up for mischief. Manohar loves to have fun interaction with his fans which also happens to be a big reason for his high number of female fans. It is somewhat a ritual that Manohar does a special entry in all their concerts thus this time being their fiftieth concert, he wanted to make his entrance from the crowd.


Anuradha tapped her feet impatiently and feeling excited at the same time as she stood in a long queue for ticket checking with her two friends, Cameron and Christopher. It was her one and only favourite band's concert and she never misses whenever they do a concert in her town. She used to be the first among the first to get her tickets.

She looked over the queue stretching a long way, 'will I ever get in on time' she thought. Soon their turn came and the three of them rushed in to get the nearest spot to the stage with Cameron and Christopher guarding her like a baby.

The show was about to start and the fans were already screaming and hooting the names of their favourite artist and whistling in craze waiting for the band to rock the night.

All preparation was set right, after two songs each from Manoj the guitarist and Shika the lady singer from the band, Manohar would join them from where ever he is. He will be singing from the crowd up to the stage.

In the crowd Manohar sneaked in with a hoody and a huge black shade to disguise himself. Surrounding him was his friends who had turned into his bodyguards for the day.

The first song by Manoj and Shika excited the crowd as they kept moving, dancing and jumping to the song. They were even sung along with them over powering the huge amplifiers.

Manohar was quite happy to see the happiness their fans had and it enthralled him to do more and better for them. As they finished the first song, he slowly started moving forward towards the stage.


"I can't see a thing from here, Cam!" Anuradha cried. She then grabbed one of her friends' hand and pulled them to the front stage squeezing through the crazy fans. By the time she reached the front, she was sweating excessively.

"Isn't this better?" she sighed loudly.

"Indeed. Thank you!" a husky voice, boomed in her ears. A voice that doesn't belong to any of two friends she had brought along. Anuradha almost jumped out of her skin when she realised, she had pulled a random stranger leaving her two friends behind.

"I—I'm—I'm sorry. I thought you were... I'm sorry" her cheeks flushed in red, she covered them with her palms in embarrassment.

"I have a suggestion," the strangers whispered loud enough only for her to hear. "Instead of feeling embarrassed, why don't you enjoy the concert? You had taken so much trouble to get to the front. Shouldn't waste it." The smile on the stranger's lips stretched wider as she tried to read the face that was half covered with the huge shades.


"What just happen?" Manohar thought in amusement. He was suddenly pulled by a girl out of nowhere pushing and squeezing through the crowd. She brought him exactly where he should be by the third song. The random girl had sped up his journey.

Manohar scanned around, none of his friends dressed in lime green shirt were anywhere visible. 'They must have got panicked for missing me in the crowd,' he chuckled at the thought.

He never believed in first impression always tells out about a person. In other words, The First Sight kinda thing but there was something in her that was quite attractive.

She did not wear any fancy or eye-catching dress, no branded stuffs except of her Nike shoes that too looked quite worn out and her messy hair tied in a bun. Despite nothing much of attraction, the random lady had the charismatic which held him interested in her in a matter of minutes.

He found it silly himself but he can't help it but to stare at the lady who was awkwardly trying to enjoy the concert.

The fire ball that was sinking into the horizon spread shades of red and orange glowed the sky depicting the same glow she had on her. The tint of red hue on her cheeks deepened, she turned around with her head down, she stammered for an apology.

Something about her was giving a breeze of new profound feeling in him. He wanted to see more of that enthusiastic girl and he wanted to know about her for no particular reason. However, she did not seem to be entertained with the show compared to earlier.

"Are you still feeling guilty for dragging a random man?" he asked after observing her a minute.

"Honestly, yes and I'm really very sorry about it. This whole thing... I have messed up. I don't know why; I have lost the excitement of it. I need to go and find my friends" she said ready to walk back to where she came from.

"What?! Lost excitement? Now was that because you grabbed my hand rather your friends'?"

"It's my fault, I should have checked before dragging you with me," Anuradha couldn't find the proper words to tell him that it wasn't because she took the wrong hand. It was because the man had been giving her a weird feeling.

Though she could hardly see his features, his close proximity, his voice and the gaze that she could hardly catch behind the shades was giving her a whole new sensation, something she never felt before.

Her turning quiet wasn't what he wanted to see. He liked her carefree enthusiastic behaviour she had been showing off before realising she had taken someone else's hand. His mobile had been ringing and vibrating continuously since his take off with the random lady however, he cared less for it. Manohar's concentration was only on the glow, the random lady.

"You know what? Why don't you follow me?" he grabbed her hand and walked out of the crowd to the backstage which for some reason she did not protest. Had it been somewhere else by someone else, Anuradha might have pulled a scene there and then but to her own surprise she was following a random man somewhere where there were no much crowd.

"Where are you taking me" she finally asked, gathering herself for defence.

"To help you feel a little better because you pulled me thinking I was your friend made all your enthusiasm drain out," he said as he gently led her to his backstage room.

"Never mind mister. Don't bother. Once I'm with my friends I'll be back to normal, you don't need to trouble yourself. Thank you," His mouth twitched on hearing that.

"You won't be able to get the same spot now. You would probably end up at by the entry gate," he reminded her and offered her a chair to seat. He then walked to the other side of the room. "I can sing for you if you want," Anuradha was able to notice, his eyebrows dancing that peeked from his huge shades.

"No thank you. It's for Manohar and his band that I came to the concert. Not to hear some random guy sing," She huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. She was annoyed with herself for following him blindly. What if something unexpected happens?

Manohar however, ignored her for a moment as he dialled the first number that appeared on the call registry.

"Give me twenty minutes, I will be up on time as planned," he said to whoever it was on the other side of the call.

The call got Anuradha curious to know who this random guy was but she let the doubt slip as she averted her gaze quickly when he glanced at her for a second before turning away.

"So, you are a big fan of Manohar?" he asked, with his back facing her.

"Yes," she proudly announced.

"You want to hear Manohar? You will hear him soon" he said and took off his hoody with his back still facing her. Anuradha almost fell off from the chair she sat.

"Th_that ja-jacket" she stammered pointing to the black jacket he wore under his hoody.

Wing's signature jacket, every Wings member wear one as such in every concert of theirs. Anuradha couldn't go wrong in differentiating the difference this one had on its back.

"The jacket?" he prompt turning around exposing his face without the huge black shades and the hoody that covered half of his face earlier.

It took her a few minutes to gather herself about the new revelation. She felt light headed for a moment, her heart beat so fast she could as if attempting escape and jump of the man whom she had only seen in pictures and television. A gush of heat rushed all over her body as his deep brown eyes stared into hers.

Gulping the lump in her throat, "Manohar?" she finally uttered his name almost breathless.

Read further, part 2 is also up for read!!!

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