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Ok. I . Am. Tired. And. Angry. Sad.


Ok so. While chaining for a shiny Eevee over a billion years with my around level 20+ Pokémon, I just bumped into an Espeon. THATS SMOLL CHANCE. AND ITS NIGHT. WHY DOES IT HAZ TO BE ESPEON ( no offense to MysteriousCrow  ) AINT IT SUPPOSE TO BE UNBREON IF ITS NIGHT. THATS WAT THE WIKI SAYS IF I REMEMBER. ( I'm just aggravated by the smallest thing because Eevee chaining is hard with level 20 Pokémon ( highest at 28 ) Especially with Eevee's who use so much sand attack and stuff that's it's not funny when a simple move seems as if it's critical and I miss almost all the time. ) Now I'm in a bind whether I should continue chaining or catch that Espeon. It may have a high IV because I've been chaining but I really want a shiny Eevee for an Umbreon.

Alright, I decided. I'll faint the Eevee and continue chaining with the Espeon. If a shiny Eevee appears I'll go after that but if not, the Espeon it is.

...I really wanted to at least chain with an Umbreon. Hah.

B-but does this mean I can't take pictures of Umbreon at the Taurus farm?! I tried to do that yesterday but till no end.

//cries. Halp.

Edit : It seems it doesn't call for help anymore. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Kms.

Hah... time to catch it since it broke the chain... Walp, I won't get a shiny Eevee to name Glowy soon and evolve into Umbreon.

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