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▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █🄱🄰🅂🄸🄲 🄸🄽🄵🄾█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

Name: Y/N

Alias: The God of Space and Time, Space-Time King

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Deity

Status: Alive

Tier: Low 1-C, potentially High 1-C

▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █🄰🄿🄿🄴🄰🅁🄰🄽🄲🄴█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

Height: Y/H

Weight: Y/W

Skin Color: Y/S/C

Eye Color: Y/E/C

Hair Color: Y/H/C

Accessories: Y/A

▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █🄿🄴🅁🅂🄾🄽🄰🄻🄸🅃🅈█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

Y/N is a calm person, it takes a lot to piss him off, and he won't fight someone unless he feels like it. Due to being the God of Space and Time, he likes traveling and with his powers it is easy to do so.

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Space-Time Manipulation: Y/N is able to manipulate, bend, distort and control the space-time continuum, the fabrics of reality in which all exist in. Space-time serves as the boundary of existence, separating different realities and timelines and keeping them flowing properly; distorting this boundary can cause devastating effects, causing timelines to become fluid, even destroying all the world. Based on the general relativity, "manipulation of space" is synonymous with "manipulation of time", due to space and time existing as a single continuum.

Boundary Manipulation: Space-time serves as the boundary that separates all of realities and timelines.

Personal Space-Time: Y/N can manipulate their own space-time curvature.

Portal Manipulation

Portal Creation

Space-Time Attacks: Control space-time to unleash the most powerful attacks that cannot be blocked by any means.

Space-Time Constructs: Control space-time to create various types of constructs.

Space-Time Destruction: Destroy the space-time continuum for various effects

Space-Time Distortion: Distort the space-time continuum for various effects.

Distortion Manipulation: Any matter and energy that resides in the section of the targeted space will be distorted accordingly.

Space-Time Rift: Rip through the space-time continuum for deadly rifts.

Wormhole Creation: Create wormholes by creating tunnels that connect two separate locations across space-time.

Black Hole Creation: Compressing space-time into a singularity, sucking in everything to completely annihilate matter and energy.

White Hole Creation: Reversing the space-time continuum direction to release a powerful shock wave.

Space-Time Fabric Manipulation: Control the fabric of space and time.

Space-Time Generation

Space-Time Interaction

Space-Time Skipping

Space-Time Solidification

Space Boundary

Spatial Manipulation: Control/manipulate the third dimensional space

Momentum Manipulation: Due to the deep connection between space and momentum.

Space Generation: Produce space to increase distance, crush targets, enhance punches and kicks, and create constructs.

Space Depletion: Erase space to reduce distance, delete matter, and slice through targets.

Spatial Tuning: Control the various aspects within an area of space, such as matter placement, time flow, and many others.

Spatial-Temporal Lock: Place oneself at the “outside” of the regular space-time to escape the effects of time flow & become intangible.

Event Negation: Negate any event that has happened and revert it back to the state that it was previously in.

Force-Field Generation: generate and manipulate spatial and or temporal energy to create a force field or warp the Space-Time fabric to create a barrier.

Force-Field Manipulation: Manipulate the Space-Time force field for many effects or make make adjustments to it.

Omnipresence: Exist in all of space and time.

Subspace Travel: Warp through the subspace of space-time continuum into a dimensional void.

Dimensional Travel: Create or travel to a pocket dimension within space-time that is separated from the third-dimensional space.

Spatial Displacement: Shift an entire area of space-time from one location to another.

Spatial Mimicry: Transform one’s body completely into space to achieve intangibility and imperceptibility.

Temporal Teleportation: Teleport through space and time.

Time Boundary

Time Manipulation: Manipulate/Control the dimension of time (the fourth dimension) and control its flow.

Age Manipulation

Event Manipulation


Temporal Looping

Temporal Redoing

Temporal Rewind

Temporal Reload

Time Stopping/Reduction/Acceleration

Warp Manipulation: Y/N can manipulate the space-time warps.

Wormhole Manipulation: Wormholes connect two points of space-time.

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