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Lexi's family didn't say a word about her disappearance into the woods, which made life easier as the next round of weekend events got underway. Croquet was one of Lexi's favorite games, and she was eager to see how many opponents she could take out. But her mind was elsewhere as she helped Dion set up the wickets on the lawn.

Luke Carrington had to be the most amazing man on the planet. He was chivalrous, poetic, handsome...and that kiss. It was better than any description she'd read of a kiss. And she could tell Luke had enjoyed it too in the way he shared more than his lips with her.

"What did Dad say to get you so pissed off?" Dion asked as he tapped a wicket into place with his mallet. "He wouldn't tell me."

Lexi put her scandalous thoughts on hold to respond to her brother. "Of course, he wouldn't tell you. It was his fault. He wants me to stop hanging out with Luke. He says I'm ignoring everyone and chasing off the boys he invited. Well, I say good riddance to bad rubbish."

Dion snorted. "You really showed up that tight-assed Pennsylvania boy. How're you feeling, by the way? Can you swing a mallet?"

Lexi rubbed her elbow and grimaced when pins and needles radiated down her arm. "I'll be reminded of his stupidity for a few days, but it was worth it. Maybe he'll have a clue now." She counted her steps to the location of the next wicket and pointed it out for Dion. He followed her direction and started the tapping process again.

"So, you like Luke, huh?" Dion kept his head lowered as he pounded the wicket. Was he hiding a scowl? Surely, he wouldn't judge Luke harshly after their lively conversation on the beach. Luke had done everything right.

"Yes, I like Luke. And I think he likes me."

"What makes you think he likes you?" Dion continued to talk to the wicket.

"Well, he came to my rescue when Jackie O threw me. And he stayed with me on the couch when he could have gone riding with the other guests."

"Any other reason you think he likes you?" Dion finally lifted his head, making sure she saw his raised eyebrows. "Did anything happen on the beach last night before I got there?"

Lexi popped her hands onto her hips. "That's none of your business. I don't ask you about your personal life."

"I have nothing to hide. Ask me anything. I'll tell you what I did and who I did it with."

"No, thanks. I don't need those images haunting me. Let's put a wicket over here." Lexi walked several paces toward the rose garden, pointing out the spot with her shoe as Dion joined her. "Why is it so important for you to know who I like? I don't need your permission to kiss people."

Lexi's mouth unhinged when she realized her memorable kiss had mingled with her speech, and Dion's head snapped up. The mallet he was holding came to a halt just above the wicket, narrowly missing his fingers.

"So, he did kiss you. That sly devil."

"I didn't say he kissed me, and how do you know it wasn't me kissing him?"

Dion let the wicket wobble loosely in the grass as he stood and brushed dirt off his pants. "Lexi, I'm not about to tell you who you should and shouldn't kiss, but I know something about Luke. He's not a guy you want to pin your hopes on."

Lexi relieved Dion of his mallet and spoke through a clenched jaw as she bent down and hammered at the wicket. "If you know something," – Slam! – "feel free to share it." – Slam! – "Otherwise, shut the hell up about Luke." – Slam!

Lexi stood and handed back his mallet. Dion eyed her cautiously as he knelt to adjust the wicket  she had hammered all the way into the ground.

"I can't tell you what I know," he said. "But you'll find out soon. Let's just drop it and play croquet."

"Fine by me." Lexi shrugged off Dion's weak accusations as she walked to the mallet stand. "Who's playing with us? Will it be singles or teams?"

"Buon pomeriggio, Signorina Lexi." Lady Twila's strict, lofty tone carried across the lawn as she strolled forward in a flowing chartreuse gown. Luke and Nora walked beside her, engaged in a private conversation. While a safe distance behind them, Uncle Z and Lexi's parents led the rest of the party guests outside.

"Buon pomeriggio, Signora Twila." Lexi offered her royal friend a wave, although her eyes were on Nora, who stowed a covert grin as she and Luke approached. "Who's interested in playing croquet?"

"I think your Uncle Z is going to try his luck," Nora said.

"Uncle Z hates croquet. He calls it a sissy game."

Nora chuckled as she elbowed Luke in the ribs. "Luke issued Z a challenge, and we all know how much your godfather loves to prove he's better than everyone else."

Lexi turned to Luke, focusing on her words and not on his lips. "You're either a brave soul, or you don't know my Uncle Z very well. He's a poor sport and a terrible loser."

A wicked smile spread across Luke's face. "I know. That's why I did it."

Lexi shook her head. What made her think Luke had control of his ego? Regardless of chivalry and poetry, he was still a guy. "We'll play singles, then. I have no interest in teaming up with a couple of delinquents. It'll be me, Dion, Uncle Z, and Luke. C'mon, Luke. Let's get you a mallet."

The crowd gathered at the fringes of the lawn while the players took their positions at the northern baulk line. Lexi won the coin toss, which was not an advantage in the game of croquet. Still, she had confidence in her skills, as long as her elbow held up.

Given her multiple handicaps, Lexi progressed as far as she could go, with her ball stopping just short of the middle wicket. This set her up for an easy shot next time if no one hit her out of play, but she didn't hold out much hope since she was playing against her cocky godfather.

Uncle Z powered through his first two shots, landing his ball beyond the third wicket, which meant he had to backtrack. His growl silenced the voices on the sidelines, and he pinched the bridge of his nose as he concentrated on his next move. It would require a light touch, which Uncle Z did not have, but he managed to tap his ball through the wicket and get it heading in the right direction, the direction that led straight to Lexi's ball.

Lexi bit her lip as she watched him take aim. Her godfather might love her like a daughter, but he never gave her an inch when it came to competition. Delivering a power-packed swing, he sent his ball into Lexi's, forcing her further into the field. Then he caught her eye so she could see him grin like a toddler.

It was Dion's turn to go, and it took him an extra-long amount of time to play through. Croquet was not a game Dion excelled at, but he did well on his first go, coming within striking distance of Lexi. This gave Luke the chance to use either of their balls to his advantage, and he wore a determined expression as he navigated through the first three wickets in three clean shots.

Lexi couldn't help being impressed. Obviously, Luke had played the game before, and she worried her lip as Luke took aim at the two balls sitting helplessly in the center of the field, one of which belonged to her. He performed his next shot effortlessly, which had his ball rolling up to hers and kissing it gently. Was he trying to piss her off, or was he reminding her of that amazing kiss?

"Pardon me, Signorina Lexi," he said with an innocent shrug. "All is fair in love and war."

"Just remember that when I'm taking you down," Lexi retorted.

Luke looked directly into her eyes and flashed a brilliant smile. "I look forward to that."

"Enough talk! Get on with it, already." Uncle Z's grizzly bear voice stopped their banter, and Luke waved him off as he finished his turn, guiding his ball easily through the middle wicket. Then, without a hint of remorse, Luke sent his ball into Uncle Z's and forced it out of bounds, putting himself in the lead.

With all the balls in play, Lexi was determined to use each one to her advantage. Her first shot easily made contact with Dion's ball, leaving the poor guy alone. But he was just fodder anyway. She was chasing after someone else, and she used her next two shots to zip across the course, tapping Uncle Z's ball as he stood protectively over it.

"Don't worry, Uncle Z," she said, eyeing the angle she needed for her next shot. "I'm not after you."

He harrumphed. "I know who you're after, Lexi, and I wish you would reconsider."

Lexi glared at him as she pointed in the direction they had started. "Would you like me to use my first shot to send you back to the northern baulk?"

He crossed his arms over his barrel chest and grunted. "Just play."

Lexi managed a risky move through the next wicket. Now, all she had to do was hit Luke's ball to give her two more shots. She took careful aim, ignoring him standing there trying to derail her with his golden-eyed gaze. To help her concentration, she recited one of her favorite mantras 'Competition is not for weaklings' as she sent her ball sailing into Luke's, knocking it away from the southern baulk.

"Mon point, mon ami," Lexi said with a crooked smile. Luke's eyebrows rose, and she watched him fight a smirk as he performed a gracious bow.

Using her perfect location, Lexi proceeded through the next few wickets, returning to smack Dion's ball again, which stood alone and sad in the center of the playing field. After that, it was just aim and shoot until her ball stood poised outside the last pair of wickets. In less than two minutes, Lexi had set herself up for the win, spurring cheers from the crowd.

Of course, Uncle Z wouldn't let a girl beat him, and he finally toned down his game, using precision rather than brute force to get his ball through the next four wickets. Luke's ball fell prey once again, with Uncle Z using it to give him access to the winner's circle and a round of applause. However, the move set Luke up sweetly for his next turn. Too bad for him, he needed Dion to step up to the plate. An iffy prospect.

Dion concentrated on his task of not looking totally incompetent as he flung his ball through the middle wicket, then the next, but when he reached the southern baulk, he just didn't have the angle, and he was forced to admit defeat even before he had made it halfway through the course.

Luke, on the other hand, was ecstatic about the location of Dion's ball, and Lexi caught him performing a subtle fist pump as he walked casually up to his ball. With stealth and speed, Luke delivered his ball back across the playing field, slipping through the middle wicket by the skin of his teeth to bring him within striking distance of the finish line. With each shot, Uncle Z's face grew stormier, right up until Luke zeroed-in the two balls standing in his way.

There was no doubt in Lexi's mind that Luke wanted to beat Uncle Z. He had issued the challenge, which meant he had to win to save face. Even Lexi wanted Luke to beat Uncle Z, but did she want Luke to beat her? He had given her a kiss she would never forget. Would he consider it chivalrous to leave her ball alone and aim for her godfather? Of course, there was nothing Lexi could do but watch Luke play through and see where her heart landed.

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