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Despite her lack of sleep and her family's confession weighing on her shoulders, Lexi woke up smiling. It was her eighteenth birthday, and she was going to enjoy it like the world was on fire.

After reading the happy birthday texts from the only two girls she considered true friends, Lexi jumped in the shower and stood beneath the hot water for a while, performing a thorough inspection of her elbow and hip where bruises had formed from her fall. They were minor compared to previous battle wounds, and they brought to mind a particularly brutal lacrosse game after a storm.

With soapy loofa in hand, Lexi massaged the tender spots, letting her mind drift to Luke. How would he react if he saw her like this, wet and naked? Would a nude woman even affect a god who had his pick of goddesses? A shudder swept through her at the thought of sharing his bed. Had he thought about sharing it with her? Was it different with a god than with a human? Would the pleasure be enhanced? At least she knew his man parts responded like a human.

Showered and dried, Lexi smoothed her favorite lemon verbena-scented lotion across her skin, which Luke seemed to respond to. Then she spent extra time styling her hair and coating her eyelashes with mascara, which she only did on important occasions. She might as well flaunt what the gods gave her, as her mom would say. Ugh. Now her mother's obsession with Greek gods made perfect sense.

Lexi chose her birthday ensemble weeks ago; a pale pink scoop neck sweater and black pleated mini skirt, paired with thigh-high stockings with rosebud embroidery and three-inch, peep toe heels. She saw a stylist wear it on Instagram and immediately claimed it as her own. After donning a diamond-studded necklace and matching earrings, the bling she'd received from her parents last weekend, she sashayed into the dining room, owning every inch of those heels.

"C'est magnifique, Signorina Lexi," Lady Twila gushed as she swished over in a form-fitting gown made of black and white damask. The fabric reminded Lexi of the curtains hanging in her dad's study, but royalty could pull off anything.

"I'll never be able to match your grace and beauty." Lexi offered her usual curtsy just as the memory of last night's big reveal played in her head. She was exchanging pleasantries with Aphrodite. Not just royalty, but the goddess of love and beauty. Heat flooded Lexi's face like a storm surge, and she grabbed the back of a nearby chair in case she needed it.

"Are you having a spell, Lexi?" Her friend's concern attracted the attention of another, who slipped up behind Lexi and placed a gentle hand on her back. She knew immediately who it was.

"Maybe you should sit down." Luke pulled out a chair as his velvet voice spread over her like warm sheets from the dryer.

Lexi nodded gratefully, waving everyone to the table. "Don't worry about me. I'm just hungry. Luke, will you do me the honor of sitting here?" She patted the seat next to her, and he swiftly obliged.

The chair across from Lexi was quickly snatched by James, who slid a white shirt box across the table towards her. "This is for you, Lexi. I know your parents said not to bring gifts, but after we talked yesterday, I thought you might like it."

His gaze flicked to Luke, and Lexi felt a touch of guilt for showing Luke preferential treatment. James had plenty to offer, and she enjoyed his company, too. Boy, would his mind be blown if he knew who Luke really was.

"That's so thoughtful of you, James. Should I open it now?"

"Yes. I'll need to explain something when you see it."

Properly intrigued, Lexi pulled the lid off the box and lifted the ends of the tissue paper, uncovering a University of Oxford sweatshirt. "Oh. This is amazing."

"I bought it at school to wear over the weekend, but when you told me you were thinking of attending Oxford, I decided it would serve you better...for inspiration."

"James, this is a wonderful gift. Thank you." Lexi was glad the wait staff had started setting out breakfast trays, because she knew her cheeks were lighting up. James's incredibly thoughtful gift proved he was not a butthead.

Lexi slid the box under her chair, and the meal commenced amid polite conversation. Of course, there was no mention of the incident in the study, apart from someone commenting on the lightning strike right outside their window, and James never asked about the surprise. Thank the gods. Lexi spent the entire meal vacillating between glaring at her parents and her godfather, and then ignoring them.

When the dishes were cleared, Lexi's dad stood and toasted her with the dregs of his orange juice. "This is your day, Lexi. What would you have us do to accommodate you?"

Lexi had worked this part out last minute, switching her original idea of badminton to something that fit her current mood. She wanted to dance to loud music and beat everyone at billiards, and she glanced around at each expectant face, making them wait just like they made her wait. "I thought we could hang-out upstairs in the billiard room. It has the best sound system."

Uncle Z swiftly took the floor, pushing away from the table and raising his water goblet above his head. "To the billiard room!"

Lexi let the dining room empty without her until only the wait staff remained. She needed a few minutes of reprieve before engaging with her family again and pretending everything was rainbows and unicorns. James hung back, and so did Luke. Lexi knew James had to leave, and she wanted to thank him again for his thoughtfulness, but she didn't want to upset Luke.

"I will see you upstairs after you say goodbye to James," Luke said, making his move first and saving her from an awkward encounter. He leaned into her face conspiratorially, and their sudden closeness made her breath hitch. "He deserves a proper thank you for not acting like a preppy clod, don't you think?"

Luke then turned to James, shaking his hand and saying something to him in Greek before making his exit. James looked taken aback, but he recovered quickly, and with a winning smile and determined strides, he took the steps needed to bridge the distance between them. 

"I hate that my visit is being cut short."

"And I apologize for being distracted during your visit, James. I was a little annoyed with my parents for inviting strangers to my birthday party. They like to think they know what's best for me. But I'm glad you and I got to know each other."

"Me too." He glanced around the room. They were nearly alone, apart from a pair of women hustling back and forth, and Lexi felt their closeness like a wool blanket. "I'm no stranger to overprotective parenting," he said. "I attended an all-boys school until I graduated. It made for a rude awakening when I started college."

"How so?" Lexi tried to find something else to stare at instead of James's mouth. This was her usual point of focus during debates, but the tactic didn't work with James. She kept thinking about his lips on her cheek. Was that bad?

"In college, everyone expects you to know the ropes when it comes to dating. So, it was a rough first year for me." James shoved his hands into his pockets, avoiding Lexi's inquisitive gaze. Why was he bringing up the topic of dating?

"I can't imagine you having trouble finding a date." She offered her opinion and immediately shrugged her innocence. This was Lexi's modus operandi for any guy who showed an interest in her, which, now that she thought about it, happened more often than she admitted.

"Believe me, it's harder for guys than girls. Our fragile egos are on the line every time we ask for a phone number."

Lexi suppressed her shock at James's bold admission. It seemed he was both humble and not a butthead. "If a girl can't see when a guy is the genuine article, she isn't worth talking to."

James glanced at his watch to hide what seemed to be an embarrassed blush. "I really need to go. I hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday. Feel free to call or text whenever the mood strikes you."

"Thanks for the amazing birthday gift. I'll send you a picture of me wearing it."

"I'd love a picture of you."

They stared at each other for a second before Lexi inserted one more thing. "Can I ask you a quick question? What did Luke say to you before he left? I'm just curious."

A flash of uncertainty swept across James's face, but he never lost eye contact with her. "He said, A treasure worth keeping is the hardest to find. I have to agree with him on that."

The wait staff vanished, leaving Lexi and James alone with his innuendo, and she couldn't help reminiscing about the kiss Luke gave her in that very room, on that very spot. He made her insides melt, but she wasn't so love struck not to see the logical side of the equation. Luke was the one-night-stand, while James was the boy-next-door. Both had potential in their own ways, and it was up to Lexi to decide what she wanted from each of them.

Giving James the opportunity to leave with his fragile ego intact, Lexi leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it wasn't a sterile peck either, and she kept at it long enough to let him know he had gotten her attention. She was officially a woman now, and it was time she started testing the waters.

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