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The path of souls looked different this time. The trees were fuller, the leaves greener, and the scents sweeter. Even Hades's favorite birdsong filled the air, which he hummed under his breath. He knew why the forest decided to show off for him today. He was holding a beautiful goddess in his arms, a goddess who accepted him despite his ominous reputation and grim title.

Hades's thoughts buoyed his spirits, putting a skip in his step, and Lexi smiled up at him as if she'd noticed this too. "While I do love being in your arms, you can put me down now. I need to get my bearings."

"As you wish." Hades set Lexi on the path, and she immediately craned her neck to peer up into the tree branches.

"I've never heard that birdsong before," she said. "What kind of birds are those? I can't see them."

It took a moment for Lexi's words to register. Was she hearing his birds, or a birdcall she had heard and locked away in her subconscious? "What does the song sound like?"

Lexi whistled the tune, mimicking his birds perfectly, and Hades stared at her, his mouth drying as it hung open. How had she tapped into his joy so quickly when it took Persephone many seasons to do it? Was it Lexi's unspoiled youth that opened her to the unseen? Or, perhaps, a gift he and she possessed in kind?

"Is it a pair? They sound happy," Lexi went on, still straining for a glimpse of the mysterious songbirds.

"You will not see them, Lexi. You will only hear them. They are a manifestation of my own making. Birds I enjoyed as a youth in Olympus, although they no longer visit there. You will learn that earthbound animals do not exist in the underworld, but that does not mean you won't find life here. It just won't come in the forms you're expecting."

Hades took her hand and squeezed it, braving a tidal wave of emotion that crashed through him like the Waikiki surf. Lexi brought out feelings in him that were razor sharp and exquisite, and he envisioned her courageous, feminine side complimenting his demanding, masculine one. Life would not be mundane with such a goddess beside him.

As they neared the end of the path, the river came into view, and Hades could hardly contain his excitement, so eager was he to introduce Lexi to her new home. And, with Misty to fly them there, they might avoid a sermon from Charon, who could talk a buzzard off a fresh kill. But Charon was not the one who arrived to delay their departure.

Hecate had spied Hades, and she bustled up the path toward them, her fiery orange cloak billowing and her blue eyes blazing. Hades knew she would not be pleased with his extended absence, and he took in a cleansing breath as he prepared for her verbal assault.

"Here you are, Hades. Your presence was sorely missed. What is this I hear about you bringing a goddess to the underworld?" Hecate barely made eye contact with Hades as she voiced her complaints. It was Lexi she had locked in her scrutinizing gaze.

"How did you find out so quickly?" Hades asked, already knowing Zeus was behind it.

"Don't play naïve. It does not suit the ruler of the underworld."

Hades surrendered to the accusatory quirk of Hecate's pale brows and argued no further. "Hecate, I would like to introduce Alexandra Maxwell, daughter of Zeus and Lilith Maxwell. Her family calls her Lexi. Lexi, this is Hecate, goddess of many wondrous things, but her specialties are herbalism and sorcery."

Hecate waved off Hades's flowery introduction and continued her analysis of Lexi, who stood like a marble pillar next to him, staring at Hecate like a stunned animal. "And what skills does Lexi bring with her? How will her presence benefit our efforts here?"

Hades should have predicted Hecate's reaction and warned Lexi in advance. While he had long counted on Hecate's counsel and friendship, her stormy moods could rival any god in Olympus.

"I've actually just come into my powers," Lexi said, startling Hades with her ready answer. He hadn't expected her to recover so quickly, although maybe he should have. "It seems I've inherited my father's command of the elements. At least, water and air. I haven't experimented with lightning yet. I'm not sure how useful those skills will be here, but I'm good at helping people find their strengths. That's what I'm told, anyway. I've co-captained the Lacrosse team two years in a row, and I'm captain of the senior debate team. That is...I was captain."

Hecate regarded Lexi keenly. The intuitive sorceress could read others with swift ferocity, often seeing things they themselves could not. "You speak confidently and without reservation, a worthy trait for both god and mortal. And your posture is sure and straight, allowing energy to flow through you unhindered. I have no doubt you are competent in many activities. Tell me, Lexi, why have you come to the underworld rather than follow your father to Olympus? Is there some special interest that attracted you here?"

Lexi glanced sidelong at Hades, offering him a small smile. "Yes. I'm attracted to its ruler. He's witty, intelligent, compassionate... And he plays a mean game of croquet. To be honest, I didn't expect to find those qualities in the god of the underworld. It's hard enough to find those qualities in mortals."

The corners of Hecate's lips lifted as she eyed Hades carefully. She was the only goddess who could make him feel both strong and weak at the same time. "When you said you were taking a reprieve to seek the solace of a female, I never anticipated you would find yourself a goddess, and certainly not one who was willing to follow you home. I expect you have spoken to Lexi about Persephone."

Hades felt Lexi stiffen again, and he didn't blame her. Hecate tended to leave subtlety out of her conversations. "We have not spoken in detail, but Lexi is aware of Persephone's influence in my life."

"It would be wise for you to discuss the details before the winter months are upon us...to avoid any awkward situations or damaged feelings." Hecate turned a critical eye on Lexi as she continued her discourse. "I cannot bear the thought of two jealous goddesses trying to poison each other or drowning their offspring."

Lexi's face paled, prompting Hades to interject. "That is unlikely, Hecate. Persephone is secure in her feelings for me, and she has not shown a hint of jealousy despite my history of consorts."

"True, but you have yet to find a consort who can accept your love for Persephone." Hecate inclined her head to Lexi, offering her signature smile, the one that gave nothing away. "I hope you find peace here, Lexi. Please, come see me as soon as you have a free moment. I expect Hades has a lot of work to catch up on."

Hecate gathered a handful of cloak and swept between them, her dauntless bearing carrying her toward the gates. Hades took the opportunity to make a hasty retreat before Melinoe found them and had her say.

"Misty will fly us to your new home, Lexi." He took her hand and tugged on it gently.

Speaking not a word, Lexi allowed herself to be guided to the stream where Misty stood drinking. She stroked the horse's mane, staring thoughtfully at the water tumbling over the rocks. As the silence grew, Hades's pulse sped up. What worries clouded her mind?

"It's so pretty here," she said finally. "Mortals paint such a sinister picture of the underworld. And of you." Her voice came across soft and tentative, which did not bode well, and shefinally looked at him, releasing the lip she had been biting. "I didn't realize how much my decision would impact you and Persephone. What if she doesn't like me? What if I don't like her? I feel terribly guilty for coming. It was selfish and reckless. I guess these are the consequences my mom warned me about."

Hades heaved a sigh, which he hoped she would not misinterpret. "Do not torture yourself with regrets. You were attempting to escape a situation you didn't want to be in, and you listened to your heart. That is your true compass."

Hades watched as Lexi continued to stare at the water. If only he knew her better. Knew the worries and doubts that plagued her, he could soothe her like a friend might. But that was not the case. They were at the genesis of their relationship, like a pair of untried lovers eloping on a whim. He would have to wing it.

"And, you are forgetting," he went on. "I asked you to join me. That is something I would never do if my feelings were not genuine. Despite what you may think, I have not asked many goddesses to spend eternity with me. Two to be exact. Neither stood the test of time, as they say. But I believe your confidence and passion will help you succeed in your new position."

Lexi sucked her lip back into her mouth as uncertainty played with her expressions. "But I've never even had a boyfriend. Jealousy is a foreign emotion for me. And I've already felt the pain of it, although we barely know each other."

"You are still thinking like a mortal. Gods always find ways around their differences, with a few exceptions. When you are immortal, you tend to drop the petty horseshit. It makes eternity much more pleasant." He cupped her chin in his hand, loving the way it felt solid yet fragile. "I am looking forward to a long, delicious getting-to-know-you period. Shall we head to the palace, my enchanting one?"

Lexi relaxed into a smile, giving Hades a much-needed boost, like that first buzz of alcohol, and he placed a soft kiss on her lips. He intended to give Lexi everything she asked for, and his godly compass told him she would do the same in return. Theirs was a match born of fire and rebellion, a fitting combination for two gods fulfilling destinies that were written for them. And, with the grace of Gaia, they would find their happily ever after in spite of it.

PLAYLIST SONG: Walking On The Moon by The Police


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