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The inane chatter that Luke, if he was going to label himself as such, suffered through while making his rounds at the party, convinced him that choosing to avoid these social gatherings was a wise one. His friends rambled on about the same things that had intrigued them the last time they spoke. The consequence of frivolous living, he supposed. But he had not traveled such a distance to recount memories with old companions. He had come to make memories with a new one.

"So, what brings you out after such a long absence, Luke?" Burt asked, downing his glass of champagne like a shot. Luke consented to play the game, and referred to his friend by his pseudonym as well. The whole bloody event was a farce anyway.

"As you well know, Burt, there are only so many guilty pleasures a man can indulge in before he must seek out something that will offer a challenge."

Burt bobbed his head like a loose coil, but Luke suspected it was the drink that had him moving so liberally. "I completely agree. I have been visiting this locale for... longer than I can recall at the moment, and apart from a few satisfying romps in the sack with my usual consorts, all I find is a champagne chiller and a bottle of wine with a date stamp that's meant to impress me. Bah." 

He turned to refill his glass, and Luke took a moment to glance casually in Lexi's direction. After an urgent discussion involving her Uncle Z and Mr. Maxwell, she had been guided toward a youthful boy with stiff blond hair and an even stiffer smirk. Lexi appeared less than thrilled with the conversation, allowing herself to become distracted by the view through a glass-paned door.

Luke indulged in the same view, only his included an auburn-haired beauty standing in front of an endless blue sea. He loved the sea, and he missed it more than anything else when he spent too much time at home. Of course, his home was far from mundane. Why else would he have chosen to take refuge there for the past... well, he hadn't kept track. But it was time for a change of scenery, and crashing the Maxwells' meticulously orchestrated party offered the perfect excuse.

Having done his research, Luke learned that Lexi was a young woman with intelligence and a competitive spirit, following the scriptures of a conscientious life. Her parents had taken her across the world, exposing her senses to the wonders of seven continents, but he could not help feeling empathy for the girl. He knew she had been sheltered from the distraction of the male gender, thus depriving her of the needs of a blossoming female.

Of course, he wasn't foolish enough to think, at eighteen years, she was naïve to the pleasure she could give herself, and he sensed her need simmering beneath that practiced posture and innocent smile. She wanted what every young woman did. To reach climax at the hands of someone other than herself. He didn't often have the opportunity to usher a maiden into womanhood. 

He looked forward the quest.

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