Chapter 11.2: The Boy

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July 29th

Might be calling it too soon, but I'd say Louise is my friend. We talk about most anything, and she doesn't treat me like a kid. No, I'm not crushing on her, calm down. Maybe a little. From what I've seen of Erin and Michael, they're friends too.

Both Michael and Louise asked me why He ignores me. I keep telling them, I don't know why He doesn't hurt me.

Instead of hurting me, he lures others.

He brought a new person down the stairs today, a trembling stick of man. His hair was matted and he was missing most of his teeth. The guy was confused, but he knew enough of his situation to be afraid. Heck, I began to be afraid for him as soon as The Man strapped him to a chair. Rarely has He tortured someone center stage, except for

(saw, thumb tacks, blow torch)

(Couldn't save you)

Dad. He takes his victims to the privacy of the kill room. Not today. Today was the last day of Stick Man's life.

Certain parts of his life I'm glad I didn't witness. Erin told me to go to sleep, and pull my covers up all the way. It wasn't time for sleep, but I knew what she meant. I tried to sleep, really I did, but I couldn't do much sleeping with the new guy dying in the background. Gabriella and Louise cried, begged Him to stop, to let the man live.

"You want this over?" The Man's voice wobbled, like my dad's used to during New Years Eve parties.

"Yes, please." Louise said.

When He cranked up the sandblaster, I knew Louise had her answer, just not the right one.

The screams stopped first, and then the sandblaster. I got up, one hand in front of me to shield the mangled dead from my view. It nearly worked, but I did see splatters of blood on the floor, along with chunks, and I didn't wanna think too hard about where they came from. The Man had blood thrown on half of his body, like a painting.

He spoke, promising to be a tamer monster than the ones running loose outside. As if we could believe anything a man covered in another man's blood told us.

We were safer with Him, He said.

His eyes shone crazier than usual.

* * * *

August 1st

While I helped a Waster to the bathroom, Louise decided to help me. She asked me why I bother when no one else does. I didn't know what to say, so I shrugged. It would have been too much too soon to explain to her why I feel the need to help the Wasters (even as I feel disgust for 'em). Best to let her go on thinking I'm a good person, and that's all there is to it.

After our talk, Louise went into the kill room with Him. They stayed busy for about an hour before she stumbled out, sobbing in big gasps. Michael rushed over, trying to console her. It was like trying to console a toddler throwin' a tantrum; wudn't gonna happen, as my dad used to say.

Erin tapped Michael on the shoulder, saying she would talk to Louise. The two women didn't do much talking. Erin looked at her, and Louise looked back, and they hugged. No, not hugged. They held one another, crying quietly. It was weird.

* * * *

August 2nd

I knew it was coming, and I wondered what took Michael so long to ask. He wanted to know why no one ever tried to escape through the window on the far wall. People sure have tried to escape, and one person almost succeeded.

A young girl with purple hair used to live in the corner when my family first got down here. She was defiant to The Man (something I haven't seen since), always spitting in His face, calling Him names. He kept saying Oh, I'm gonna break you. Not sure what he meant, but I'd say He broke her alright.

Two weeks into our capture, she stacked chairs and furniture up to reach the window. Using her hands, she broke the pane of glass and scrambled out. I was asleep for a good portion of it, but Erin told me later she heard the girl laughing all crazy-like, thinking she was free. Then a thump, which was probably The Man hitting her over the head with His baton.

He forced her back down into the basement.

On the floor, he placed two metal-slats. I think they were cheese graters.

"Kneel." He said.

"Hell no."

He pointed a gun at her and she knelt on the graters, whimpering as her tender knees came into contact with the harsh metal. He called her a baby, bragging about how His father had given him the same punishment as a child, and He had taken it like a champ. The statement seemed real, an insight into the deranged Man's past.

After her knees were ready to give way, He handed her a knife. She asked Him what it was for.

"It's for you, dummy. Now, cut off your ear."

Something about his request struck her as funny, and she laughed, a nervous guffaw cut short by the bullet He fired into her thigh. Purple Hair slipped on the graters, cutting deeper into her knees. She fell over.

"Let's see you try to run away now, stupid cow. I think you're done for the day."

She didn't seem to be listening; she was in too much pain to hear Him.

Before she could beg for the end, The Man stomped up the stairs.

Purple Hair tried joining the Wasters, but didn't last long. Her wounds crusted over in a horrible way, and she died a week later. 


A/N: Not an easy chapter to write.

The dedication goes to a new follower, XxWeAreAllMessedUpxX. Read her work, Run, Run As Fast As You Can, but it's not about the gingerbread man :D   Ah, I couldn't resist. Forgive me, L.G.!

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