Chapter 22: The Boy

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October 6th Post-power outage

{Generator on}

(Via personal security camera)

{Peter comes into view and motions for Louise to follow Him. When he heads for the kill room, Michael sighs}

{Door closes, and Young boy and Michael reveal two bundles of writing utensils bound together by rubber bands}

{Crouched down, the boy turns to window and listens}

Michael: What?

{Boy waits, then relaxes}

Young boy: Thought I heard something.

(Pinpoint Room 1 camera)

{Louise is spread out on the bed, naked from the waist up. Peter hovers above her, pinching, smacking}

Peter: Time to {SMACK} get on your knees. {Approximately thirty seconds of hard blows to the face}

{Louise gets down}

Peter: No teeth, or we'll end this session with the hanger.


{Peter seizes up, rips Louise's mouth from his body}

Peter: What the hell!

{Louise backs away on the side of the bed, a bright stain ringing her mouth}

Peter: {moving towards the door} Stupid! Bleeding. {words slur} Show her. Make Michael watch. {Opens the door and shuffles out}

{Louise reaches for something off screen}

(Pinpoint security camera in main room)

{Room 1 door opens, and Michael and the boy move closer to it. Weapons are positioned above their heads}

Marc: No. What are you doing? {he blocks their way to the door}

Michael: Move outta the way, damn fool.

{Bleeding profusely, Peter shuffles from Room 1 muttering threats. Marc scrambles to get out of his way}

{Peter falls to the floor. Standing behind him is Louise, breathing heavily, bat in hand. Her shirt is back on}

{Peter doesn't move. Louise swings the bat round, and thrashes it on his body. Once, twice, then repeatedly}

Michael: Jesus, stop now. He's dead.

Louise {catching her breath} I know. {Tosses the bat back into Room 1. As she walks over Peter's body, she stops. Louise kicks his head, then walks away}

Michael: {tosses make-shift weapon aside} Guess we didn't need these.

Young boy: {comes back from top of the stairs} Door's locked.

Michael: Well, hot damn.

Marc: This part of your plan? Get us locked down here 'til we starve to death?

Louise: We couldn't stay here forever. It was either try to escape or be killed by Him. {nods at Peter's body}

Marc: Escape to what? Everything Out there's fucked! I'd rather be down here!

Michael: You mean you'd rather die down here.

Marc: {looks uncomfortable} I'd rather not die at all.

Michael: Then help us get out.

Gabriella: Marc, we can't stay. They're right.

Marc: {crosses his arms over his chest, shakes his head} There's no fuckin' way I'm goin' Outside.

Gabriella: {to Michael} How can I help?

Marc: There's no helping. Don't you get it!

Michael: {speaking above Marc} We need to look for a key.

{Gabriella nods}

Marc: Once you get Outside, you're all dead, stupid fucks.

Louise: {stares Marc down} If you're not going to contribute, then shut your mouth.

{Marc smacks Louise}

Gabriella: Marc, why do that?

Marc: She's a bitch, that's why.

Michael: {while shredding strips of an old t-shirt} You asked for this, man.

Marc: Asked for what?

Michael: {punches Marc in the face. After Marc collapses, Michael ties up his hands and feet} Now, let's find that key.


Still October 6th

{The captives take turns trying to open the basement door. They search Peter for keys. Marc complains from a spot in the corner. The young boy ties a rag around his mouth}

Michael: This won't work. Most of Peter's tools are upstairs. Unless one of you know how to open a deadbolt using a hanger?

Young boy: {finishing the knot on Marc's gag} Anyone?

Louise: {loudly} Michael is right. There's no way we're getting this door open. Not tonight anyway. Gabriella, gimme a hand?

{They drag Peter into Room 1}

Michael: We've all had quite a day. Before we try a million more ways to open that door, we should get some sleep.

{Everyone agrees except for Marc, who screams half-understood threats into his gag}


October 7th (in the am)

(Via personal security camera)

{Everyone is sleeping. A persistent scratching originates from the window. The noise quits. Michael wakes up when he hears the plastic barrier pop off of the window ledge. It crashes to the ground and wakes up the group. A large shape hovers at the window, green eyes shining in the dark}

{The bars hold momentarily, then bend outward. A creature with four arms and red skin slithers through the opening. It moves near Louise, but Michael interposes himself between them, getting slashed on the arm by a talon}

{Gabriella screams. The creature looks to her instead of Michael. It leaps on Gabriella. It digs two taloned-fingers into her eye sockets. Her screams end abruptly when the monster's long fingers break through to the back of her skull. Everyone watches}

Marc: {wiggles in his bonds} Mmmm hmm hnmmm!

{The creature diverts attention from Gabriella to Marc}

{Young boy stacks chairs, boxes and other things against the wall to reach the window. Louise moves to help him}

Louise: We're almost done. Why are you stopping?

{Young boy points to the open door of Room 1. A trail of blood leads from the room to the basement stairs]

Michael: {bat in hand} Damn it. We can't wait to see where He went. We have to go.

{Creature is still feasting on Marc's face, picking at the protruding nose, ears, and mouth.}

Louise: You go first. See if there's anything else out there like that.

Michael: Oh, there will be, but I'll go first anyway.

{He climbs the makeshift ladder, checking the view once out of the window. Off-screen, the creature squeals in surprise, then in agony. Louise and young boy cry out as Peter comes into view. He is covered in blood and an unknown green substance, possibly a secretion from the creature}

{Michael looks behind him from the window ledge. Peter has climbed up the stack of chairs. He slides a knife into Michael's side. Michael yells and kicks Peter in the face, knocking him backward. The knife skitters along the floor and out of sight. Louise and young boy hold one another in a corner. The boy tries to break free of Louise, but she holds him tight. They look on as Peter and Michael fight to get to the knife. Both men kick, punch, and wrestle around on the floor. Michael maneuvers behind Peter, wrapping arms around him in a chokehold}

Michael: {to Louise and young boy} Go! { Peter struggles in his arms. Young boy and woman do not move} Go!

(Gas supply in generator: Low. POWERING OFF)

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