Chapter 11 - A Faithful Friend

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Belur took a break after the morning unwound into an uncomfortable situation. It was never a deep-seated enjoyment to be the go between from Prince Ryha to The Queen Mother. Even though the morning had only required one message correspondence back and forth, it was more than enough to exhaust him fully. It was not the sending of the receiving of messages that was the troublesome issue. It was the delivering of what he sent or what he received that truly was the object of his pain and dread.

Once more, Belur arrived outside of Prince Ryha's chambers. From the middle of the corridor, before the door was in sight. He could hear raised voices. It was the twisted reverb of The Queen Mother and Prince Ryha shouting at each other. It would have been wise based on his experiences to tarry in the halls until the voices he heard calmed. But in Belur dwelled a misguided sense of a need to help, to be the mediator between the two royals. After all, they were his relations, even though in their household he held a low social status.

Instead of what wisdom beckoned him to do, he got closer to the door. As he did, Belur could understand what was being said. It was a heated discussion. Perhaps it was more of a one sided reprimand than a discussion because the Queen was doing most of the shouting. Belur slipped into the room, standing in the shadows, not to disrupt the reprimand. There were multiple occasions he wished he could scold the Prince like the Queen was doing right now. Although Belur had the means to firmly compel the Prince to different actions, Belur was not unbridled in his corrections. He was also walking the fine line of respectful behavior, blended with honesty.

"Don't think I'm unaware of your schemes." Queen Mother Tilly shouted. She was standing toe to toe with her son, gazing up into his face with one hand raised. Her pointer finger was making sharp direct motions with each word that flowed from her lips. "I know. Duchess Eleonora and Prince Sedrick have a history. If you think you can pick her and then choose Shui or Hanna, you better think again."

Overly relaxed in his demeanor, Ryha let her words fall past his ears. His tone of voice was ripe with frustration. "Mother, when have I ever been that clever?"

The Queen glared at him. "Don't play innocent, son. I know. You always get what you want in the end." She paused, clasping her hands behind her back. "Not this time. You cannot seek what is best for yourself. You have a kingdom to keep in mind. You will seek the best for Triena. It is time you respect and honor your father's and my wishes."

"What's wrong with me having what I want? I'll marry whoever I want. The kingdom will be better for it." Prince Ryha's chest inflated and his head canted to the side. He studied his mother. Meanwhile, Belur listened and studied them both. In the young prince's voice, Belur heard more authority and an ounce of aggravation. "I am the one who must lead alongside whomever I choose. Why can't it be my choice?"

"If you were already dragon blessed, you could have your pick." The explanation flowed from the Queen Mother with a spark of concern flashed in her gaze. A dragon blessing went a long way in adding creditably to a Royal's decisions. The Queen Mother grabbed hold of her son's shoulders. She shook him. "Listen. it would be ideal for you to marry for more than the security of Triena's future. But Shui and Hanna are NOT suitable matches."

The conversation they were having was one Belur heard both sides of multiple times. It seemed no matter how many times they each talked on the subject, neither was seeing eye to eye on the situation. Prince Ryha raised his voice even more. "You keep saying they're not suitable! What makes either of them such an ill match? Mother."

The Queen sighed but did not budge from her stance or frosty gaze. For a moment, the woman who seemed without age wore the time on her features. "When it is time, you will understand." She turned her back to her son, but Belur could see her fully. He and the queen exchanged a look. In it, he could decipher the role he was meant to play. The Queen Mother continued to speak. "You, my son, cannot marry Shui. Nor Hanna. The reason why not is complicated. It is not in your best interest or the best interest of Triena."

"Complicated? Why don't you explain such matters now?" Little by little, Prince Ryha' composure, calm demeanor was shifting and aligning with his aggravated tone of voice. "What danger or doom does Shui or Hanna Warlight prose to Triena and myself?"

The Queen walked towards a seat at the dining table. Belur walked beside her and kindly pulled out the chair for her to sit. Once seated, she spoke. "Trust me and my love for you that knows no bounds. Shui is not a good match, nor is Hanna. The sooner you drop this notion of marrying either, the sooner you will find more suitable options among the women available to you."

"Let's say I don't find any of the noblewomen you pick suitable. What happens then?" Prince Ryha inquired. He strolled over, resting his slender frame against the nearest column.

"If you do not find any of the noble women suitable. I will choose for you. You will be betrothed." Belur had helped the queen choose the selection of noblewomen. He knew many details about all of them. From what Belur knew, even if Ryha did not love any of them, there were quite a few who would make a great Queen of Triena.

The Queen Mother continued. "I hope you will make the choice for yourself. It will be the first of many tough choices you will have to make. A prince who can't choose is less likely to become crowned and dragon blessed. The dragon chooses the one best to rule the kingdom. The ruler is the one who is willing to make sacrifices for the good of all the people, not his own selfish ambitions. Son, it will not be as horrible as you think to be betrothed to a friend over a woman you love. A friendship is a valuable asset for any ruler. Your father and I are friends, and it suits us well."

To be dragon blessed was a longstanding tradition. It was essential for rulers of the Northern lands: Florian and Triena. Both honored the practice of rulers being chosen by dragon blessing. Belur knew, along with everyone else, that without the dragon blessing Ryha was in danger of not ruling. According to their majesties, a betrothal to a noblewoman of Tierna could make a dragon blessing more likely.

Prince Ryha moved to stand behind his mother's chair, placing his hands on her shoulders. He spoke with a tenderness that was unlike him. "King Zaos of Florian and his Queen Folre were friends. The King of Florian took a mistress whom he had children with and later married. His heirs, through Countess Abigail, his mistress and your dear friend, Mother. Those children are the heirs to Florian. A friendship marriage did not serve him well, but his love match did. I want to skip the unnecessary hassle."

"If it was love and not obsession about having your way, we could agree. I do not believe you love Shuri or Hanna." The Queen Mother said plainly. "The King of Florian and his heir are dragon blessed. Florian's King because of his sacrifice and betrothal for the good of his people."

Her hand reached for the young prince, but her gaze with warning laid on Belur. The Queen Mother wordlessly pleaded with Belur to protect her son from his own folly. Belur mustered bravery to speak. "Queen Folre served her people well every day of her life. In the end, the king chose the woman he loved, but not until after his wife, the Queen Consort Folre's death, in childbirth. If she and the child had lived, Prince Sedrick and Hugo's story would be very different. When the child did not survive, he had no other choice but to marry Countess Abigail for the good of the people and to secure an heir for Florian."

The queen mouthed a thank you, then turned her gaze upward to her son. "I do not wish that plight on you, my son. I hope what your father and I have at the least, but I dream of more for you. I want you to have love and rule the kingdom with the dragon's blessing. When you talk to the ladies this evening, have an open mind."

Prince Ryha jerked his hands back from his mother's shoulders. "When I speak with them?"

Belur rushed forward. This time he bowed deeply, then spoke. "Your highness, I have arranged meetings with all your prospects this evening. You will call on each. Some you will have tea with, others you will dine with, and one you will have dessert with. The meetings will be brief but efficient enough for you to narrow down your options."

Prince Ryha was visibly unwilling. So Belur asked further questions on the young prince's behalf. "Do you have any commentary on your favorites, your majesty?"

The Queen's somber expression lit up. "I was impressed by Duchess Eleonora of Ailon and Lady Winwo of Enyel."

Prince Ryha nodded, then smiled wickedly at Belur. "Mother, if you'll excuse me, I'm pressed for time and must get ready for this evening."

The Queen rose, she placed a kiss on her son's cheek. "Don't be foolish." She leveled him with a warning gaze. "I think you'll be delightfully surprised by your options. If you have an open mind and give them a chance."

Prince Ryha kissed his mother's forehead. "I make no promises regarding my heart."

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