Chapter 2 - The Dragon Blessed

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The castle itself was five-stories tall stretching into the clouds. The tower was its highest point and the most captivating part. For upon the peak of the tower surrounded by clouds most often hidden from view. The dragon of Triena often perched, wrapped around the crenel and merlon of the tower. A silver beast with sapphire eyes and shimmering scales. It blended into the cold gray stone from which the palace was built. The dragon came and went as it pleased.

It was said that when anyone saw the dragon up close. When their eyes locked with the dragon's eyes, and its breath washed over the person, they would be blessed for life.

As a Dragon Blessed individual...Their names endured as long as the sun.- Prosperity abounded until the moon was no more.- They ruled from sea to sea.- Their enemies became dust by their swords.- All rulers bowed to the dragon blessed.-All nations served those the dragon blessed.

As long as they lived, the Dragon Blessed must...- Share their prosperity with the people.- Defend the afflicted and crush their oppressors.- Minister to the needs of those who cried out for aid.-Take pity on the weak, and uplift them to a better station.

Brackish water rushed to the shoreline and crashed into the rocks. It sent a spray of mist over the woman who stood on the rocks face. A rush of wind smashed into her as a large shadow with spread wings blocked out the light of the sun. Sapphire eyes met sapphire orbs hinted to a blaze within. The woman reached a hand up brushing her fingers over scales and heated skin. Another gush of wind washed over her. This time she closed her eyes, letting herself sync with the inhale and exhale of the creature. Her eyes were open once more, sapphire matching sapphire locked in a stare. The beast of silver dipped its head, and she rubbed her palm against the side of its face. Stepping back she released the beast from their connection, and it ascended into the sky once more.

The shadow above moved into the east, and the sun filled the space the shadow had vacated. She felt an echo of a heartbeat in her chest. Though the silver beast was not seen with her naked eyes, she felt its presence and heard its mind from wherever it was it roamed. She laid down on the slick rock looking up at a blue cloudless sky.

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