Chapter 5 - A Lady in the Hall

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On the other side of the door that Eleonora walked through was a hallway. The corridor was engulfed in a cascade of light from every direction. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the difference in lighting. Each of her pupils became pinpoint. For a split second of time, she was blinded. She took a step of faith forward into the fullness of light. Her squinted eyes searched for the noblewoman but became distracted by her surroundings.

There were rows of large glass windows on both sides of the hall. The curtains of each window were drawn. Light illuminated the corridor without restraint. The pale white of the walls allowed light to flow in such a way that the hall glowed. There were candles in the chandeliers throughout the hall for when it was dark. They made the floor of sapphire diamond-shaped tiles. Within the same space, the palace had a vaulted ceiling painted with the stories of Triena. Above Eleonora's head, they covered the ceiling with elaborate painted scenes of important pieces of history. Some she recognized, but many she did not. The first painting depicted the story of the first Royal Ruler of Triena; a queen who was dragon blessed.

To her right was a corridor to the throne room, and she considered making a run for it. It would mean going back through the passageways, the guards had guided her. At present, she was more intrigued by the palace and the prospects which came with the noblewoman's deception. Eleonora was becoming more inclined to be the Duchess than she was to a return to the marketplace, her stall, and her likely stolen lacework.

She stared into the vastness before her, admiring the intricate detail. Eleonora moved herself further from freedom and deeper into the ruse the noblewoman had pulled her into. By now, her eyes had grown accustomed to the light, and she caught sight of the fleeing figure of the noblewoman gliding down the hall with regal authority. The distance between Eleonora and the noblewoman required applied haste to catch up.

The laceworker turned Duchess did not have the time to spare to give as much care to her progression through the hall as the noblewoman had. Eleonora walked as fast as she could in the gown, which restricted her from sprinting. If she did not want to catch up, she would have taken the time to admire the sun-filled hall even more. She hoped to be in it again, with time to study all it had to offer.

Eleonora for the time being was far less than graceful as she worked her way to the noblewoman's side. There was a clear contrast between the two: the noblewoman was dignified whereas Eleonora was rash. The figure she followed was picturesque, like one of the paintings on the ceiling. Every servant they passed greeted the noblewoman. If they were male, they bowed to her. If they were female, they curtsied. Throughout, there were few who did not react in some way to the noblewoman.

Agreeing to be part of a lie and deception was already turning her stomach, and she had not even truly started her impersonation of the person she did not know. She tried her best to simply exist, but she was a flight risk at the first sign of something beyond her comfort level. Eleonora kept pace once she caught up. She held her head high, mimicking the posture and authority of the noblewoman before her.

Her head bobbed around as she tried to take in everything that existed around her. To her left was a nobleman with sapphire eyes and hair the color of the sun. It was something she had only heard of but never seen before, at least not in Triena. From what she knew, usually if someone was born in Triena with hair that was naturally golden, it was dyed by adulthood. Only in Triena, golden hair was always dyed gray, a shimmery silver, or a wig of pearl white. Which lead her to believe the nobleman was visiting from another kingdom. However, the blue-eyed nobleman wore the Triena silver and sapphire. He might be half Trienian.

The first time she saw golden hair, she was a young, impressionable child. She was also a runner then, often taken to flight from the situations and circumstances of her life thrusted upon her. During those formative years as a runaway child, she had a dear friend who she always came back to. A friend who dyed their hair silver. The gentleman was not her friend, but he reminded her of Nell. Eleonora smiled at him as she passed by. He caught her eyes, just as the offered smile was fading. He smiled back at her and bowed his head.

Eleonora continued to follow the noblewoman through the castle, up several flights of stairs, and down a few winding corridors. The experience was far more pleasant in appearance and smell compared to the corridor she entered the palace through. Eventually, they ended up in a rooftop garden.

The garden was vibrant and lush. It had an abundant range of different kinds of plants with silver foliage and blue blooms. Each hedge was perfectly trimmed and shaped. The grass was silver and glistening, as if dew set upon each and every blade.

In a clearing which was in the middle of the garden there were many large round tables with crisp white tablecloths. Also in the distance, somewhat out of sight, were musicians playing ambient music with string instruments. Throughout the garden were noblewomen and young ladies from all the noble houses of Triena. She knew each emblem and the families of note that were attached to them. Something she came to know through her work as a lace-worker. Every table had a centerpiece with the colors of each noble house, the one the noblewoman who enlisted her as Eleonora came into view.

Eleonora channeled what she believed to be the mannerism of nobility. She felt the pressure to perform well, to not get caught in the other woman's lie. The truth of the situation, though, she was not the duchess and was more well versed in the life and etiquette of a commoner from Triena or Blighton than that of a noble. She continued taking cues from the noblewoman she followed. The next prompting she received was when and where to sit.

The seat on the noblewoman's right was vacant; all other seats at the table were taken. Eleonora cleared her throat to whisper, "Milady, what do I call you?"

She turned towards Eleonora. "I am Countess Abigail of Florian. You may address me as Lady Florian, My Lady, or Countess Florian. I will allow you to call me Countess Abigail, if you so desire."

Eleonora nodded and sat back in her chair.

A couple of noblewomen came over and greeted Countess Abigail. Even though Eleonora was sitting on the Countess' right, there was no introduction to that group of noblewomen. The promise made was kept, to only introduce Eleonora to the people that mattered. Apparently, of the eight noble women and eager young ladies that had greeted the Countess, none of them mattered enough for an introduction to be made.

Everyone attending the brunch wore the colors of their house. The House of Lee wore the same shade of blues and grays that Eleonora had been dressed in.

The Countess wore a ruby red dress with gold trimming. Her hair was pulled up in an elaborate braided bun with rubies and pearls throughout. She wore no makeup, but she was a natural beauty, chiseled noble features, thick brows, long lashes, and thin curvy lips. She carried herself like everyone was beneath her.

Eleonora looked around, marveling at the serenity of the garden clashing with the bustle of the women. The air was refreshing at this altitude. From her vantage point she saw the palace tiers of floors below, much of the city of Ailon, and on the horizon the unwelcoming borderlands. The mountain terrain on the outskirts of Triena was breathtaking, despite its name.

Even though it would soon be midday, it was still cool outside. There was a lovely breeze sweeping through the garden. Eleonora closed her eyes to enjoy it all; the feeling of the sun on her skin and the cool and refreshing nature of the wind. Her peaceful basking in silence was broken by the sudden commanding tone of the Countess's voice. So far, there was not a word uttered by the woman that had not called everyone within range to take notice and to heed the ask.

"Stand up, shoulders back, and head held high." The Countess spoke her direction at the same time she aligned shoulders and adjusted Eleonora's chin.

The Countess stood in front of her chair in a similar manner as all the other ladies in the garden. Eleonora joined them. As she did, she tried to be quiet getting out of her chair, but the chair squeaked every inch she pushed it back. The demanding noblewoman glared and the rest of her table looked reflecting the same expression in their gaze, all but one. To the one who differed, Eleonora softly smiled.

The rest of the ladies in the garden paid Eleonora little attention. Their eyes watched the archway, waiting on something or someone. She was delayed in following the status quo, but eventually, Eleonora stood behind her chair like the rest of the room. The sapphire fabric was straightened and then fluffed. The dress was of a well-made and excellent quality, as a worker of lace, her compliment of gowns did not come forth easily. She stood tall in it, proud to be dressed so exquisitely.

As Eleonora had already done in the recent past, she looked to the Countess and took her cues from her. The room of ladies hushed, and the silence echoed. Every breath taken, flinch made, was heard in full. They all curtsied except for the Countess, so Eleonora did not curtsey like the rest had. From the garden door, the Duchess of Illen the Queen Consort, entered. Upon seeing her, Eleonora wanted to bow, courtesy, and fall prostrate. Her instinct was not of the court she found herself in, therefore what the Countess did, Eleonora did. Together, while all others in the sea of noblewomen curtsied, she and the Countess stood regal and elegant.

As the queen passed into the room, table by table set in the wake of her passing by. She was on a mission, but not heading towards the one obvious open table set for her. The Queen Consort greeted those in attendance with a nod of her head. However, when she saw the Countess something in her expression changed. So did her pace. The Queen Consort of Triena moved towards the Countess. All the other tables were seated, but the Countess' table remained standing.

The Queen took the Countess' hands into her own. "Abby, you came." Her voice was filled with a raw sense of emotion.

She kissed the Countess on each cheek, and from Eleonora's view, the kisses to cheeks were accompanied by a tight squeeze of the Countess' hands. The other ladies at the Countess' table bowed their heads with smiles on their faces.

"Dear Tilly, it is always a pleasure to see you." The Countess's alluring voice rang out.

The two grown women of nobility, lost all edge of haughtiness, they were warm and friendly towards one another. Within that tone of voice, the Countess made the introduction. "This is Duchess Eleonora Lee of Ailon, a prospective suitor for your son, the soon to be dragon blessed crowned prince."

"We do hope he will be dragon blessed, but it is not set in stone yet." The Queen Consort chirped out as she turned towards Eleonora. Her highness also extended her hand. "I'm pleased to meet you, Duchess Ailon." The Queen smiled upon Eleonora, the queen consort's hand still extended into the air.

Eleonora froze, but was soon released from her frozen state by the Countess heated glare. The very same glare pointed towards what to do. Eleonora smiled back at the Queen and gracefully took her hand. A tap of her forehead upon the ring with the royal crest, and then a kiss bestowed to the Queen's knuckles. She looked to the Countess whose gaze held less heat behind it.

Then the Queen Consort continued, and her hands returned to her torso, one overlapping another. "My son will be delighted to meet you."

The Queen turned to the rest of the ladies and raised her voice. "My son will be delighted to meet all of you, as am I. He sends his deepest regrets for missing this occasion. The Crown Prince was called away to investigate a disruption in the south. When He returns, each of you will have a chance to meet him. Until then, we will extend your stay in the palace."

Her voice failed her for a moment, but her majesty regrouped. "You have been assigned rooms and additional handmaidens." She smiled at each noble family, "When my son returns, he will choose five of you to get to know, and of the five, one of you will become his betrothed and maybe the next queen, if the dragon allows." 

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