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It's really helpful if you have an overview of your main (and secondary) Characters. Austin and the other six all have an entire sheet of paper dedicated to their basic information, as well as some in-depth features. It's helped me out before, especially if you know when one character met another, what your character likes and dislikes, and when their birthday is.

Character template

Date of Birth-



Hair Color-
Eye Color-

Personal Timeline/Backstory-

You see, these are all basic things you'd need to know about your character. Perhaps you don't have something like this. You write that your character HATES snakes, but later on in the story, you show that they loved snakes since they were babies. It's not something you'd want to mess up and forget, so try to take some time to figure out your character.

Another tip, if you're writing in a character's point of view, try to get into the mood that he or she is in. Are they happy? Sad? Angry? Try to imagine yourself in their situation, and figure out how he or she will react. It'll definitely have your readers on an emotional roller coaster.

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