-Chapter 4-

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The roon was quiet, mouths agape in shock and utter disbelief. No one could believe the Frenchman's words. 'England.  .  . Killed himself?' was a question running through many different minds. The once-great empire surely couldn't of been depressed, could he? But then it clicked for Portugal, England's first and most likely only friend.

England would fall into depressive states every now and again before his Imperical days, and it heightened somewhat after America left. Through the Portuguese man's grief, he couldn't think straight.

Through a sob, Portugal cried: "It's all your fault, América!" Though to everyone else, it sounded as if it was directed for America, it was actually directed at himself for not being able to help his closest friend.

The accused spluttered in anger, grief and shock: "Why the hell would it be me? Iggy said himself that he had gotten over it!"

And with that small confrontation, the room erupted into noise. No single voice stood put from the rest. To put it simply, it was complete and utter chaos. Nations would pass the blame onto friends and family to avoid the thought of the death, the suicide, to be all their fault.

One nation, however, was in deep thought. Her eyebrows were furrowed and it looked like she was solving a life-threatening problem. Once it all came together, she tried to get everyone's attention by slamming her hand on the table like Mr Germany does. That, not suprisingly, didn't work.

Huffing in slight annoyance, she repeats her last action. Each time, it doesn't work and she get's more uncharacteristically angry. After the tenth-ish time, she sighs in defeat and reaches for her big bruder's bag.

After rummaging around for 30-ish seconds, she pulls out a handgun. Checking to see if it's loaded, she raised her right hand hesitantly as she clutched the weapon. Her leaf green eyes shut tightly and she pulls the trigger.

The gunshot echoes across the room and efficiently shuts everyone up.

"Liechtenstein! What's the meaning of this?" Switzerland asked, his anger slowly dissapearing as if it was never there.

"Can't you all see? We all had a part in Mr England's death. There were those of us who actively hurt him, and others of us who did nothing to help!" Her voice was level throughout the speech, but her eyes wavered with unknown thoughts and emotions.

The world was lost for words. Some spluttered, and others used there right to remain silent. There was no doubt that Liechtenstein wasn't right. It really was all their fault. They stayed like that for a while until light footsteps could be heard from the hallway

-with the power of angst I give a POV change-

A bright rage burned inside the micronation. The questions and demands the others asked were quiet and sounded as if Sealand was underwater. The note was clutched as if it was a lifeline, which it was in a way.

He was well aware that the Nations  could hear him, but he decided against yelling from outside the meeting room. He wanted the confrontation to be up close and personal.

Reaching the meeting room door, he waited a moment to gather his thoughts and emotions. Breaking down in front of all the Nation would make them all patronise him. Being patronised is annoying and made him feel even worse.

Upon slamming the door open, Sealand is stunned. Hundreds of eyes turn to face him, all showing some degree of guilt and sadness. Some of them even had tears streak their face.

Sealand's anger suddenly dissolved, leaving a numb embarrassment in its wake. He shuffled over to Norway and the rest of the living Nordics, the note held close to his chest. It had torn slightly on the journey. Without  uttering a word, he handed the dreaded peice of paper to Norway.

The usually monotone Nation's eyes had already been glazed over with tears, but as he read the note they spilled. He was horrified, he couldn't believe what he had read. But somehow, Norway still knew it was the truth.

The note was passed around the nordics, all having similar reactions to the butter king. Sweden's reaction was heartbreaking to say the least. It reminded many of a kicked puppy/kitten (if you are Greece, Japan or Italy)

"What's wrong, Sweden?" Germany asked, already knowing what the answer would be.

Before Sweden could respond, Sealand piped up and said with a scowl reminiscent of the late island nation: "It's Denmark's suicide note, he's dead" His voice was bitter.

It frightened France how much he sounded like 'Jerk' England.




So yeah, hope you enjoyed! Sorry I couldn't write an angry Sealand, but you did have an angry Liechtenstein so that's good, right?

This chapter is dedicated to HawkieSky , who is now my writing buddy! We critique each others work and we help each other write! Thanks a bunch :33

I also have an update schedule now, it's every other sunday which starts today!


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