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Oh boy, here we go. Okay so Dep is probably the most depressing on this list, I'm letting you know now there are very harsh and triggering subjects mentioned here, since it is part of the character. This is probably the chapter Riah is going to hate the most, cause they play two characters that are both hella protective over this one character. xD



Important Info;
Dep is a demon, but a specific type. She was introduced to Lis in childhood to help her through it, and the two became close friends. Though every action comes a consequence, which you'll find later in this chapter.

Attack Information;
HP: 80/80
AT: 40
DF: 14

Dep's a pale, average sized girl. She's sometimes teased by Cindy that she looks like a ghost with how pale she is. She has very long, deep dark brown hair (which looks black from far away) that goes down to her legs. The tips in her hair can change based on emotion, which Lis and Eli will happily give you some pointers so you can tell if you fucked up or did something fine. Her eyes are a few shades lighter than her hair in brown, but still a deep dark color. Her eyes have a white dot for her pupils, instead of the regular black. If she gets too mad, you'll see her sclera turn black, and her pupil grow to cover almost the entire iris. She's usually always seen wearing a black hoodie that's zipped up with a yellow hood, grey ripped jeans and yellow-black shoes


Eli - Dep is protective of Eli, constantly making sure she's doing well and being there for emotional support like Lis.

Lis - Dep's very close to Lis, the secret they keep hidden adding to that. If Lis is upset, Dep will not hesitate to murder whoever made her feel that way.

Sasha - Dep sees Sasha as a nuisance, but since Sasha is Cindy's girlfriend, she learns to tolerate her.

Cindy - Dep has this friend enemy relationship with Cindy, they're very close friends, but then there's the occasional teasing and spitting names at each other, which they both see as fun and games.

Pre - Dep is probably the most protective of Pre, since Dep has a child of her own, it's probably her motherly instincts.

Lizzie - Dep doesn't get along too well with the animatronic. They despise each other, and don't talk much to avoid conflict.

Jackie - Dep loves her daughter, constantly by her side whenever possible, and making sure the smol child isn't in danger.

RiDie - If you know my egos, how the hell do you not know this guy- You've probably seen him with Dep a lot, and for a good reason. RiDie is Dep's boyfriend, and the father of Jackie, for all of you guys who are reading this book for fun and have never heard of me. The two are very much in love, and if you want to know how much just go to Lis and/or Eli, but be prepared for the ride of your life.

Other Information;
Dep is shy and depressed, even though she hides it very well, both her and Lis have a connection that constantly reminds them. Other than that, Dep lives a pretty normal life with a lot of friends, and her boyfriend, RiDie and their child, Jackie. She's very lucky to be where she is now, basically a living being that reminds you it'll all be alright in the end and it'll get better.

⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
Personal Backstory;
Dep started out with a normal life when she was introduced to Lis. The two would play around in the park basically everyday, and ever since Dep was an addition to Lis' life, no one ever messed with her, yet she got the playful nickname of "Girl with a Psycho Demon". Once the pair hit high-school is when Dep started to slip. Dep met a boy, who would compliment her everyday with random things. Dep was happy about this and eventually asked the boy out to go play a game in the park with her and Lis. Dep and this boy became close friends, learning each other's name the first time they played, the boy being named Austin. Eventually the relationship grew, and Austin asked Dep to be his girlfriend. Dep, being the idiot teenager she was, agreed, and the two started dating. Dep kept that she was a demon away from Austin, as he was a human, and where she came from, demons dating humans wasn't accepted. Eventually though, the secret slipped, when Austin watched her teleport away from some bullies and smack the shit out of them when she snapped. After Dep found out he knew, she quickly tried to explain, and he said he was fine with it, and the two lived peacefully. That lasted for a bit, before Austin started getting overprotective of Dep, constantly needing to know where she was going, like a father. A few weeks after that, Dep wanted to break it off, since she felt he was invading her privacy. When she confronted him about this, he went into a rage, ranting about all the problems they had, along with now saying he was upset she didn't tell him she was different. Dep just watched before trying to calm him down, where he slapped her in response, knocking her down. She started to cry right there, which he spat out that she was weak, and quickly went to the kitchen, where he returned with scissors and a knife. That night was the day the abuse started, and where Dep earned her first scar. There's a symbol in the back of her head now, that's hidden by her hair. After this night, Dep was locked in Austin's basement, where she suffered abuse, rape and torture for a year. During this year, she had also started cutting heavily because of his actions. One night, Dep was released from the lock she had around her ankles because Austin thought she couldn't escape, which later, at one in the morning, Dep found a secret exit, that led up to the second floor, the highest floor. Dep found a spare room that looked like it was made for her, since it was all girly. Dep looked around that room and saw a window, which she quickly unlatched, but soon she heard a ringing come from the other room, which she recognized as Austin's alarm. She panicked, quickly throwing her body out the window, hitting the ground with a thud. The shock collar she had on started up on the highest setting, which gave her a lot of pain; she realized after she struggled to get up that she had done something to her left ankle, soon noting she most likely sprained it. When she stood up she noticed Austin running out from the porch, where she ran out towards where she remembered Lis's house being, knowing she needed to get away. Dep was crying harshly as she ran from the house, through other yards, across pavements, black starting to form in her peripheral vision due to the pain she was experiencing from the shock collar and her ankle. After a few minutes of running, she found the street Lis lived on, quickly running down to find their house. Lis had been sitting on the porch, unable to sleep since she hasn't seen Dep in a year, worried. Dep appeared on the street soon after she ran down, Lis spotting her and shooting up from her spot, running over. The two met in the middle, Lis trying to ask her questions on what happened before the girl passed out in her arms, the pain getting to her. Lis took Dep inside, caring for her wounds before getting her some new clothes and setting her in bed, waiting by her side until she woke in the morning. Lis met Riah a few years after that, when they created all the egos, and then Dep met RiDie, and the two skyrocketed the moment they met. Dep has now healed from Austin's abuse, her hair has grown back and she's slightly happier, although her cuts still remain, and pursue.

(okay this picture was from my phone but I downloaded it to my computer cause I sent it to a friend on Discord, so ye-)

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