7 Year Jump

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Okay guys, things have been pretty light lately, and getting into events seems to have gotten harder. I think it's time we do a time leap to get things back on track. Hopefully skipping over some boring stuff and aging a bunch of the kids will lead us somewhere new.
I'm going to open up a new book for this leap and I have several reasons why;
1. I hope that a new book will draw in more people. I've gotten a few messages that people have been intimidated by the mass amount of comments.
2. To give you as much time as you need to RP here. I'm going to put (CLOSED) in the title, but you're welcome to RP here for as long as you need. You could stay here indefinitely if you please. I just ask that once you RP a character in the next book, you don't go back and RP them here. Once you move, you move. I don't want anyone getting confused on time line or anything.
3. Just general clean up. There are just so many pages on this book, it's hard to scroll through when I'm making something new. The main forms will be in the new book, but if you want to make townsfolk or take a lord or lady, you're welcome to go to the Forms and Character book and do that, but for our new people that can be a lot to take in. (This is also why I created the history book: The Continent Of Uzall, because I feel more comfortable sending people there for backstory and such since it's less crowded)

The whole business with the stone... My plan was to have that one TAPE group find the Lucifer Book and destroy the stones. It's just been taking a long time. So, just gonna skip over that junk and say that's what happened. That puts two books in the hands of Kitro and will definitely be a plot device later. 

So, I really hope this helps shake things up, smooths things over and all the works.

Now, how are we going to do this?
As I said, you're welcome to RP here as long as you need. You may RP in both books as long as you're not using any character in both. Once a character moves on, it stays on please. Otherwise, we'll get through the 7 years will simple discussion.
(You're also welcome just to slid your character over as if everything happened after the seven years anyway. I'll be doing that with characters that haven't really been used)

Please take this opportunity to get rid of characters you never use or don't care about.

The first major change is I'm disbanding the PFCS. Over the years they decided not to renew their guild status. Now they are a simple Lounge Diner and Garden. Members are welcome to stay and work there, or move on to better things. There will be a page for the lounge and garden in the new book, but it won't be up right away.
I'm keeping Dwyn and Arch and moving them to the UCDH and TAPE.
And of course I'm keeping my little angel Ayumu, Xx_FireBird_xX , I was wondering if they should stay and work as gardeners or move to a different guild though, thoughts?
And lastly, the angels will be moving guilds. I'll leave it up to Michael Xx_FireBird_xX to decide which. The rest of my PFCS characters will simply be gone. I had a lot of ones I never really got around to, or hardly touched.

Going up I'll discuss where my TECH members are ending up.
Porter is now 51. May I assume he's married Citlali by now? Xx_FireBird_xX
Vitus is 30. Wow, he's old now. They probably waited a year or two to have kids. Your girl would be the older one Xx_FireBird_xX , I'm going to say 5 years old. I believe we agreed the first born is named after Oriona and she'll take her middle name Estelle. So, you have Estelle and I have 4 year old Cadenza.

Oriona and Zach just had their first boy, Kalum, so he'd be 7 by now. Then she'll get pregnant with Jammacus (named after Porter, your first boy Xx_FireBird_xX ) when Daniella does. So, he's also 5. And then our little insecure baby will be 3 and he will be named Benedict. And we can make our final boy (your little dude that will need a name Xx_FireBird_xX ) 1 and have Oriona finally pregnant with their girl. (Oh, and Oriona is 29)

I'd like to RP Klement & Aimi's vows somewhere, but after the seven years their child will probably be... let's go with 4? And Klem is 27. I don't remember if you made a boy or girl Xx_FireBird_xX  and if they don't have a name we should go with Horace (Verusha's middle name)

Verusha is now 25 And has calmed down a lot. She still likes to be in charge, but she's not quite as bossy. She still shows off, but she doesn't call people off so much.

Leif is 15 and still crushing on Sayen Xx_FireBird_xX . (I was wondering if Porter and Citali could have officially adopted him too)

I'm going to age Zetta to 28 (only three years) since she's somewhat used, but not really
Getting rid of Vex
Angel will also go up three years to 23
And Ren as well to 28
Getting rid of Gallium
Getting rid of Paige

I'd like to jump around a do a few key points between Chrom and Warren before decided anything. Once we do the jump she'll be 29, but that's all I can say for sure at this point. I probably want her to get promoted as well. TheBlur274

Don't want to say anything about Hypatia either. Probably gonna need to RP some more.

Xx_FireBird_xX  I was thinking we just toss Altria and Antheia since we never use them

And that should be everyone from TECH.
I'm doing a major clean up for my SSSB folks.

I'll be keeping Rasmus of course. He'll be 29 and have done lots of epic things for the guild. He's still going strong.

Peigi and Alpin are now 34 Xx_FireBird_xX  and their triplets are 8. I assume not much has really happened?

Gull is 34 as well. Should RP some key points with a love interest TheBlur274

Leta is 31. They already had Davy, Fergus, Kegan, and Tyree, whose ages are now 13, 13, 20, 16.
Leta's first pregnancy was your older boy TheBlur274 , he'll be 6.
The second boy, my nameless split personality boy, will be 5.
And your other boy is 3.
Apparently they adopt two girls. Not sure if you made them TheBlur274  or if we haven't gotten around to that? But we'll need to figure them out.
And Leta will be currently pregnant with the girl.
And the two they adopt with her sisters will probably be here already? But let's just keep them their listed ages.

And 27 year old Lovise is in the same position as Gull TheBlur274

No more Puddles, Earl, Amit, Vanadium, Cosima, Gregorios, Xenia, or Layna

Zirconium, I'm shifting over so he'll remain a fabulous 25 year old starfish.

Paula continued her obsession with Panos Xx_FireBird_xX  and she's 28. I'm not sure if you want to do something with him and Valencia.

I don't know what to do about the 7 Seas UnwantedDagger33  Xx_FireBird_xX  TheBlur274 we wanna toss them? Shift them? Give them a bonding story?

Next is TAPE!

Soros x Thekla! Xx_FireBird_xX
This is one where a lot could have happened.
So, their twins are now 7.
We'll need to figure out the names and ages of the other two. (Your girl and my boy)
I was also thinking they would have had to have another run-in with some of his family. (This would include Kitro and Mindy this time) and I think it would be something that really pulled Soros and Kitro together as brothers.
Speaking of, Kitro and Mindy would have had a few kids by now too. I made two, don't remember if you made any... I'd like my girl to be oldest so she can pick on her siblings lol. I was thinking she'd be as old as one of her younger two cousins. We'll need to sort all this stuff out.
Soros didn't have an age- so we're good there, but apparently Kitro was 18 so he's 25 now (and so is Mindy Xx_FireBird_xX )

Capi x Ash!
I literally I have no idea our plan for these babies. He's 26 now though. Babies? TheBlur274

Kit x Narcisco! Xx_FireBird_xX
No age. I know they talked about kids. Should they adopt like one or two?

Inkeri x Florence Xx_FireBird_xX
Let's see, Inkeri is 30 now. I think we should wait a few more years and then they'll adopt a teenager.

Florian x Oasis Xx_FireBird_xX
OMG THEY HAVE TO ADOPT. I think I have an idea for one. I'm thinking just one or two kids though. A nice quiet little family. Florian is also 30 by the way, but he's undead so he doesn't really age. We should RP their vows somewhere too because it'd be totally cute.

I'm keeping Lia cause I need someone annoying. She's 28 and still thinks she's better than everyone.

Lydia. Xx_FireBird_xX  Was there something you wanted to do with her? I know we were trying to start something.

Caroline is just in charge of the daycare and that's pretty much all I'm keeping her for. She's 32 now.

Getting rid of Wyatt.
I was thinking Buttercup just went away with your rich dude Xx_FireBird_xX . We don't have to RP or anything, just wanna make sure that's okay to say.

Agatha and Kai totally get married. We should RP major points before deciding anything more Xx_FireBird_xX . But she'll be 32 after the 7 years.

So... Ylfa was mostly created for your vampire prince Xx_FireBird_xX . We can either do something with that or I'll just shift her over to be used for something else.

Getting rid of Alice.

TheBlur274  Xx_FireBird_xX  Should we just shift the Arkaitz brothers? Since we haven't really used them.

UnwantedDagger33 should we keep Mathias and Mordrid? If we do we're just going to shift them over.

No one took Rebel's girlfriend so I'm just gonna toss them. UnwantedDagger33  are you keeping Slash?

Guru is 28. I don't know what else to say.
Kitro and Hinata need to be better friends TheBlur274 . He was supposed to have like a bromance thing for Kitro, but we never really did that.

Shaukat and Mona should be together. We can RP a few major things if you'd like. They'll probably have their daughter by now. She'd still be young though. Like 2 or 3. TheBlur274

Vienna is 24. She had a crush on Archane if that means anything Xx_FireBird_xX

I'm thinking we just toss the Redcap brothers? TheBlur274  Xx_FireBird_xX

And while I'm here, I assume things are going to go well for Sonya and Yoshiro? Xx_FireBird_xX  we could RP key moments. I was thinking if they ever get married that they both assign an assistant guild master and move back and forth so neither of them have to give up their position.

Okay, on to UCDH!

Archibald is still alive and mega old and junk.
Dawn is 24 and I really want her to find love or do something major now.
Ayzark is still running everything and junk, but I'd really like an assistant teacher or librarian or both.
So... I didn't realize Nkechi was supposed to be 10 and not like 5 like I thought. So, I'll say she was 7 and is now 14. Meeting in the middle. She's a very sweet girl and I'm sure remained friends with her roommate sister, Jana Xx_FireBird_xX 

Zola is now 30. Dang. Don't think much major should have happened. They took jobs and such.
Tzila, however is 12. I think I'll give her a few years before she recovers her sight, but for now she's very happy. She's really learning her power and has a cute little crush on Toni Xx_FireBird_xX , that only Zola knows about. She's still too young to even understand she has a crush, but mama's always know. Of course they'll have had their powerless son and discovered his lack of abilities by now. He'd be 6.

Lios is 28. Still mega friendly and popular.
Xo is 15. She's a teenager prone to teenage mood swings. Sometimes she's the sweetest little angel and other times she's a stuck up brat. She doesn't get along well with Azalea, her 7 year-old-sister. Because news got out of Azalea's blossoming she's essentially being passed all of Lios' popularity. It already makes her pretty self-conscious, but Xo is pretty jealous that the whole world seems to love her.

I won't even go into Luke. That'll have to be a discussion. TheOneSoul

Same with Kahoni Xx_FireBird_xX  could require some more RP.

Keitha... shoot... I don't know where she's at with Eric TheBlur274  if they're even a thing.

Slaine on the other hand! Okay, this is a major one Xx_FireBird_xX . So, Slaine has basically always had a crush on Tobias, but correct me if I'm wrong, even when he feels old enough to date he probably doesn't feel good enough? It's kind of like his thing- I apologize for assuming if I'm wrong.
So! I was thinking, she's 19 now and Tobias is 20, so- maybe when she was 17 Atticus asked her out. And because she didn't think Tobias was interested she said yes. They've been dating two years, and we will start our RP right after their break up, so that she has to tell Tobias.
Now, I want to be clear. Slaine would still hang out with Tobias all the time, just half the time she would bring Atticus along. He's not a bad dude, he just has a way of seeming stuck-up.
Slaine also began a Next Generation Initiative, which is just a way of getting exposure and trust for the younger group. That way they have an easier time getting their beginning jobs and build trust in the community. She's one of the most popular names in her generation. 

And Tove is still mega happy with the love of her life hehe Xx_FireBird_xX . She's 27 now.
And Penny is 13 and the baby is 7. (We can either finish roleplaying all the demon family stuff here, or we can it happened later and it can be one of our starting events in the new book)

Aiyana is 33 TheBlur274 . What else?

Chance is 29, but we should probably RP more before moving on AWorldOfColor

Luka is 33 and still hotter than ever. Xx_FireBird_xX  They totally need a kid, right?

Taking out Xabrina.

Nenet is 26 TheBlur274 . They were doing well? We could RP vows and give them a kid or 2

Isakios is 30, we should RP more _Nightwalker_7

Taking out Helia and Keaton and Lizbeth

Oh, what about Eyglan? Xx_FireBird_xX  I wouldn't mind just shifting them, or marrying them and giving them babies or something. I don't have any plans for them.

I'm shifting Anakin.

Brax is 20- still a hipster. He dated a few chicks outside of the guild, but nothing much.
Atticus is also 20. I'd love if someone could create a few people for their generation.
Levi is 19, he's too precious and adorable to do much.
Neva is 35.
Adley is 19. She's started to do missions and has been really successful. She's creating a powerful name for herself. She's become good friends with Slaine and did a lot in the initiative.
Coby however is 20, and tries to use her popularity for more selfish reasons. She's the kind of girl who will let guys buy her drinks and nice things and then leave.
Their father Oraon is 42 and I would love for him to have some romantic encounter.

Lacy is 25 and was really only made because of Sonya... so I got nothing.

Ashton! He's a fabulous 14 year old.
And Sadie, his mother is 34.

Oh, what about Will and Soren? TheBlur274

And I'm getting rid of all of my Pokémon people in this guild except Eve, who I'm shifting over. And possibly the eevee evolutions? Depends on what you guys think Xx_FireBird_xX  TheBlur274  UnwantedDagger33

We have two more couples. Acantha x Wesley and Gabe x Lexi. We have to figure out. I'm thinking we can just shift Acantha x Wesley since we never got very far.

And lastly, the zodiacs.
I was thinking we should just shift them since we had to restart them anyway. We'll pull out of that program training kids and just continue on as they are. Sound good?
TheBlur274  UnwantedDagger33 Xx_FireBird_xX AWorldOfColor

I don't care enough about most the knights and royals and junk to do anything, so there's only a handful I won't just shift.

This will hopefully be a fresh start for the guilds. I'd love to bring in more roleplayers and clean things up.

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