Battle Mania (Rules)

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1. Give characters time to react.
'Bob ran at Kim, knocking the air out of her and knocking her on to her back. He then jumped on her and began pounding on her face until she went unconscious'
NO. That is stepping on other people's toes, playing their characters and being overall unfair.
If I see this you will get a warning, re-do that comment and if you do it again you forfeit the match.
2. Someone is either knocked to their feet or time runs out. Both parties must agree when time runs out (this just means don't knock someone over and be 'times up!' Just so you can win. If you're knocked down you can be 'times up!' Just so you can lose, that's fine.)
3. No killing. If someone is injured enough a ref will stop the game and announce a winner.
4. Don't battle when you haven't been summoned.
5. No battling outside the arena or your character will be disqualified.

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